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If Sri Lankan Air Force officers are expelled, we will train them: Pakistan


BS. PAF bought 100 F-86's. IAF said they shot down 6. PAF LINED up those 100 F-86's after that Indian claim.

This is not a child's game where you spend millions of dollars for no reason.

@sexy gun

I never said a UAV was shot down in 2002. Don't lie.

READ the title. It says PAF will OFFER if IAF DOESN'T train the Sri Lankan pilots. We are helping a friendly nation out, what is it to you, exactly?

Indian foreign policy is its own worst enemy.

Secondly, Pakistan must be thanked and appreciated for all its help that resulted in the defeat of the LTTE. From the point of smaller countries in South Asia, Pakistan must also be thanked and appreciated for taking on India and making themselves heard in the region.

Thirdly, it is very important that Sri Lanka not depend on India for training of its personnel, or for military support despite all the ethnic/cultural/linguistic similarities. India is very susceptible to its own domestic compulsions (Tamil Nadu).

Countries like China and Pakistan do not have the same domestic compulsions when it comes to Sri Lanka and so would be a much safer 'bet' when it comes to military supplies/training/etc.
Hope SL & Pakistan can increase their friendship built on the blood of Tamils to new levels and trains all SL's military personnel in Pakistan and spare India.


Indian foreign policy is its own worst enemy.

Secondly, Pakistan must be thanked and appreciated for all its help that resulted in the defeat of the LTTE.

Then from now on pressure your Govt to stop sending your military personnel here.

Indian foreign policy is its own worst enemy.

Secondly, Pakistan must be thanked and appreciated for all its help that resulted in the defeat of the LTTE.

Thirdly, it is very important that Sri Lanka not depend on India for training of its personnel, or for military support. India is very susceptible to its own domestic compulsions.
I'm afraid you dont like your little island as much as i expected .
You'll be taught a lesson :devil:
true that

Hampton Stephens

Col. Greg Neubeck

“The greatest compliment we heard from an IAF pilot – You American pilots are just like us, simply down to earth people.”
The Boresight: Swirl of Controversy: Cope India and Red Flag 2008 Exercises

The outcome of the exercise boils down to [the fact that] they ran tactics that were more advanced than we expected, Snowden says. India had developed its own air tactics somewhat in a vacuum. They had done some training with the French that we knew about, but we did not expect them to be a very well-trained air force.

"The Indian Air Force is a world-class air force with great aircraft, great pilots, and great leadership," said Capt. Marcus Wilson, an Aggressor pilot at Nellis and the team chief for the exercise.
404: Code One Magazine

Indian pilots have created their own combat techniques and proved to be very smart, flexible and adaptive. This was also not an expected fact because Western tactical experts used to stay on their vision of dealing with Russian style pilots with rigid tactics and no independent moves what so ever. All this matters combined points out the Indian fighters to a real considerable threat leaving the Western analysts and USAF Command thinking it over how credible their own weapons are.
http://www.dutchaviationsupport.com/Articles/IL-78 MIDAS&Crousaders.pdf

Indian AF Su-30K during the Cope India exercise. The Flanker's soundly defeated US Air Force F-15Cs during this exercise, exploiting not only superior BVR radar/missile capabilities, but also the TKS-2 datalink, used to network flights of Flankers
Sukhoi T-50/I-21/Article 701 PAK-FA and Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker

"We came rolling in, like, 'Beep-beep, superpower coming through,'" Colonel Fornof told me. "And we had our eyes opened. We learned a lot. By the third week, we were facing a threat that we weren't prepared to face, because we had underestimated them. They had figured out how to take Russian-built equipment and improve upon it."
Black Hawk Down author Mark Bowden
Infamous YouTube star Fornof re-appears in pro-F-22 article - The DEW Line

Indian planners combined the use of top-line fighters like this Su-30 with older types and impressive, innovative tactics.

Stop barging about your best pilots . watch it bro ....

American pilot making fun of Indian pilots - YouTube
I'm afraid you dont like your little island as much as i expected .
You'll be taught a lesson :devil:

I don't think you have the balls to do anything. U can't even handle country one 10th of your size . As they say the barking dogs seldom bite .
All you people are good at is run to mommy daddy and do drama . You should stop applying things you learn from StarPlus into your foreign policy .

Indian foreign policy is its own worst enemy.

Secondly, Pakistan must be thanked and appreciated for all its help that resulted in the defeat of the LTTE.

Thirdly, it is very important that Sri Lanka not depend on India for training of its personnel, or for military support. India is very susceptible to its own domestic compulsions.

Countries like China and Pakistan do not have the same domestic compulsions when it comes to Sri Lanka.
You are doubting India's Foreign Policy. It has good relations with US and Iran. China and Japan, Vietnam , South Korea other SCS nations, have popular support for permanent seat in Security Council.

Its tactics has always been Indian interest first. Even many elite member of this forum thinks that. In their own words, won't name the member, India only has two adversaries, China and Pakistan, if Srilanka adds to it, still WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH for us. :triniti:

P.S.- Last line doesn't mean connection with outside world, aliens.
Hope SL & Pakistan can increase their friendship built on the blood of Tamils to new levels and trains all SL's military personnel in Pakistan and spare India.

Wouldn't be a bad idea to be honest.

Then from now on pressure your Govt to stop sending your military personnel here.

Unfortunately successive Sri Lankan governments continue to be beholden to India and continue to try and build a better defence relationship with India, despite it being pretty obvious that India does not want to do so. I just don't see why Sri Lankan security personnel have to be embarrassed again and again by seeking training in India when there are other places available. Like I said earlier, maybe it's the cost factor? If so, from Sri Lanka's point of view, it would probably be worthwhile spending a bit more and semnding any trainees elsewhere.
I don't think you have the balls to do anything. U can't even handle country one 10th of your size . As they say the barking dogs seldom bite .
All you people are good at is run to mommy daddy and do drama . You should stop applying things you learn from StarPlus into your foreign policy .

Omg it is hilarious you should start lecturing us on Foreign Policy.....your policy does hold squat in world politics.
You are doubting India's Foreign Policy. It has good relations with US and Iran. China and Japan, Vietnam , South Korea other SCS nations, have popular support for permanent seat in Security Council.

Its tactics has always been Indian interest first. Even many elite member of this forum thinks that. In their own words, won't name the member, India only has two adversaries, China and Pakistan, if Srilanka adds to it, still WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH for us. :triniti:

P.S.- Last line doesn't mean connection with outside world, aliens.

It's India that has (unfortunately) been an adversary to almost all its neighbours.
Indian foreign policy is its own worst enemy.

Secondly, Pakistan must be thanked and appreciated for all its help that resulted in the defeat of the LTTE.

Its nice to see the kind of confidence the Pakistani Defence Forces have inculcated in common Pakistanis despite not been able to win a single war so far in its history except staging routine coups. And that's what required from a military of any nation. You may fail all the time but the moral and motivation of your people should never be lowered.

Provide your bases to the Americans to operate against your own people and then criticise their actions publicly. Make them apologize and when they do, again let them operate from your soil against your people and the cycle goes on and on.

Raise an armed mercenaries and then use the force to fight against them. In other words, keep your forces busy till an external aggression is there.

The world has surely a lot to learn from the PA. Sri Lankans would be greatly benefited from what they learn from your forces. Kindly train them. All the best to Lankans,

Salutations to the unique defence forces of Pakistan.
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