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If Skiing is Your Passion; You'd Love Pakistan

For someone who makes your claims you seem to have very little knowledge.

Well I don't see any response to anything that I have called you out on. Or stated what little knowledge I have presented or refuted any of my claims. Obviously you're not worth a response. Obviously this is my last response to you.

I climbed the Licancabur and El Tatio in 2016 and the La Raya in November 2017. On top of the Licancabur i was at 5920m altitude. And i´m quite sure thats higher than anything you ever reached.

You 'hiked' not 'climbed', if you did at all. Might be worth learning the difference. So what route did you take? Which spot did you set up base camp at? Where and how many high camps did you set up? How high? How and how long did you acclimatise? What was the climbing strategy? Climbing style?

PS: If I told you the highest that I have climbed will you apologise to everyone here and stop ruining this thread with your ludicrously uninformed posts?

While your puny mountains are at altitudes of 5000 meters

His mountains, per say, don't even reach the 5k mark. He doesn't really know what he's talking about.

@WAJsal @Horus could you guys please clean this thread out?
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And this retard Italian pizza delivery boy thinks this shit mountain eiger is bigger and more dangerous then K2!!

Some chutiyas in their bravado lose their marbles.
Well i woukdnt call a mountain or country shit due to action of one long lost Pinnoy :D
Mate I dont know where you get the info from, but there is no civil war or extreme terrorism, yes terrorism was at its peak few years ago, but that has been largely controlled and has been reduced by more than 90% due to Army operations and have neutralised terrorists. Like I said previously Northern areas is the most peace ful place.

No hard feelings but you know there are not even big tourism companies in Italy or EU in general that promote Pakistan tours because safety warnings. I have no doubt you have beautiful nature there but at the moment its not very safe.

Well I don't see any response to anything that I have called you out on. Or stated what little knowledge I have presented or refuted any of my claims. Obviously you're not worth a response. Obviously this is my last response to you.

You 'hiked' not 'climbed', if you did at all. Might be worth learning the difference. So what route did you take? Which spot did you set up base camp at? Where and how many high camps did you set up? How high? How and how long did you acclimatise? What was the climbing strategy? Climbing style?

PS: If I told you the highest that I have climbed will you apologise to everyone here and stop ruining this thread with your ludicrously uninformed posts?

His mountains, per say, don't even reach the 5k mark. He doesn't really know what he's talking about.

@WAJsal @Horus could you guys please clean this thread out?

We started at St. Pedro de Atacama and then climbed up El Tatio to the Geysirs at 4700 meters and went back down to sleep at Toconao and next day went up on Licancabur to its top and visited the lake in its crater at 5920m altitude. We did not acclimatise very well which turned out to be a problem since it started really to feel crap because the lack of oxygen and i passed out one time on El Tatio.
I had ignored that childish post. Only replying because you asked.

@ValerioAurelius please note that had @Ocean not asked me to respond to you I would have ignored your post and never thought about it twice. It is a childishly absurd post which has no connection to reality. It is born out of ignorance and a tendency to speak when one should stay quiet. Hence, my response will be primarily for the benefit of others who might want to learn a thing or two about some already well established facts. Also, I will not be commenting on the scale of the Karakoram, the Himalayas and the Hindukush but instead only your claims, since otherwise this post would never end. Anyway,

No one who has even the most rudimentary knowledge of mountains, mountaineering or its history would ever claim that. No mountaineer has ever claimed that.

While the Eiger's north face (Nordwand) is a respectably challenging face on an average mountain, there are multiple alternative routes to the summit which offer little of note towards climbing difficulty and/or technicality. Whenever there is talk about the challenging climb on the Eiger it is always about its north face i.e. Eiger is not difficult to climb, Eiger's nort face is.

How difficult is Eiger's north face? Most of its infamy spawns from the beginning of the age of mountaineering in Europe. Having only begun exploring what mountaineering was and being only exposed to a handful of technical climbs, of which the Eiger's north face was one of the most difficult, Europe soon grew infatuated with Eiger's north face and remained so until they were introduced to the monsters that lay in the east. While the mountaineering circles have long since moved on from the Eiger, the above stated infatuation has persisted, to some extent, in European pop-culture. Yet you wouldn't find anyone sensible claiming what you have.

People are now speed climbing the Eiger.....solo......freestyle. Ueli Steck holds the record.

The death numbers on European mountains is skewed due to 1) staggeringly more number of attempts on it 2) the lesser skill levels of the climbers attempting them and 3) the bulk of the deaths having occurred during the early years of climbing; a time when the pioneers of this sport had little equipment apart from everyday winter clothes, home-made ice axes, anchors which were little more than metal spikes and industrial rope (The movie "North Face" gives you a good idea. Most of the climbing pioneers of that time also had to pioneer the equipment for themselves). Driving on intra-city roads claims many many times more lives every year than motor-sports ever have. Is the route to your house more dangerous than the Nürburgring? The best (still not the most accurate) measure of danger on a climb is the death rate. And I for one could not find the Eiger, or any European mountain, on any list of highest death rates. The ones from the Karakoram and the Himalayas obviously constituted all of every list.

I am calling you out on this claim. Please provide any proof.

Also, if that is an all-encompassing measure of a mountain's difficulty (which it is not) then Baintha Brakk proves to be the most difficult since it's been successfully summitted only 3 times. The first in 1977, the second in 2001 and then the last in 2012. And this was only summitted 3 times due to the difficulty of its climb. Or the Nangaparbat's Rupal face which has only been summitted twice. I could also name quite a few which still remain un-climbed.

Every man's grasp is limited either by his experience or his intellect. Some aren't very fortunate with either.

The tours were booked on Everest only. Even then the tour-booked-climbers were not ignoramuses from defence.pk. These weren't anything like the couple of hikes you might have made on the nearby hill. The climbers had trained intensively for the attempts, unlike what is required to climb in the Alps. Yet again you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. In the Alps you don't need any expeditionary help.

Mt. Everest is the highest, K2 is the second highest, the Karakoram, the Himalayas and the Hindukush are the highest mountain ranges in the world, the rest don't even come close. The highest mountain outside of the Karakoram, the Himalayas and the Hindukush is Mt. Aconcagua, which isn't even anywhere nearing making the highest 125 mountains list.

The word you wanted to use was "tall". The tallest mountain from base to summit is Mauna Kea (10,210 meters) however its height (ASL) is only 4,205 meters. Even a person such as yourself can climb it in a pair of sandals. The tallest from base to summit in AGL terms was long considered to be Mt. McKinley at 5,486 meters from base to summit (another unremarkable mountain when compared to the Asian behemoths) however, recently it's been discovered that that mantle actually belongs to Rakaposhi's North Face at 5,800 meters from base to summit. Any guess where that is? Mt. Aconcagua in the Andes is only 2,762 meters from base to summit (a giant by Alpine measure though).

All that said, being tall for a mountain means nothing in mountaineering circles. That is the reason why the term "highest" is used and not "tallest". It does however afford childish posts such as yours.

So as it stands, the Karakoram, the Himalayas and the Hindukush are not only the highest but also the tallest in the world.

Could you quote any mountaineer who would agree with you on the difficulty part? I have already given facts as to which are the highest.

Scientifically speaking, the Karakoram has the highest average height, the steepest average gradient and the tallest mountain from base to summit AGL. The Himalayas have the highest summit and the tallest vertical face in the world (Nangaparbat's Rupal face @ 4,600 meters base to summit compared the Eiger's north face @ 1,800 meters base to summit and its actual height of only 3,967 meters). And then I could give you quote upon quote of the worlds most famous mountaineers stating the ferocity of the Karakoram in general and K2 in particular, e.g. Reinhold Messner (same guy you quoted) calls K2 the Mountain of Mountains. Want more quotes from him?

ps: Did you know that we have a paved highway running almost a 1,000 meters higher than the Eiger? Limitations of grasp.

Talk to me then. I have been climbing since I was 14.

The picture isn't visible, could you re-upload it? Regardless, the river is actually Indus. The Gilgit river falls into the Indus a little north from the junction point.

Except for,


- The world's tallest vertical face; the Rupal Face of Nangaparbat at 4,600 m
- Ultar Sar southwest face 3,000 m
- K2 west face 2900m
- Baintha Brakk 2,000 m
- The Latok Group 1,800 m
- Spantik northwest face 2,000 m
- Shispare Sar southwest face 3,200 m


- Lhotse south face (Nepal) 3200 m
- Lhotse northeast face 2900m

Also, of the 1,800 m of the Eiger's North Face all is not vertical and is not "inverted".

Or were you talking about an inverted section of the wall at above 1,800 m (6,000 feet)? In that case, how about Muztagh Tower @ 7,276 m for one?

5 ;) K2, Nangaparbat, Gasherbrum I, Broad Peak and Gasherbrum II.

Are you purposefully acting stupid? The "shit", as you put it, actually is that you want to count K2's height from its base to its summit and then compare it to Eiger's height from sea level to its summit? Eiger's height from base to summit is 1,800 m compared to K2's 4020 m, so that's two Eigers stacked and still no dice. The case looks worse when comparing ASL heights.

This has turned into a joke.

Funny you should ask. Alpine climbers club is named after the Alpine style of climbing which is climbing with all the equipment on yourself, without any porters or expeditionary support. It is called the Alpine style because for a very long time this style of climbing was only possible in the Alps since they were much easier to climb. For the giants in the East massive expeditions had to be arranged for any meaningful attempt while climbing Alpine style was never considered possible. Only recently, after years of modern gear improvement, the pros have begun climbing Alpine style in our part of the world.

Out of how many that have tried? And out of how many that have successfully summitted?

You have to trek for 7-9 days over the worlds largest non-polar glacier to get to its base camp. Its not the Alps.

So how do you build infrastructure on a glacier? Which "tourist" would want to lodge at 5,000 m? This is not the Alps or the Andes.

These guys died that day.

Yes i know his trolling isnt worth of reply but my aim was for you to share with pakistanis so they will learn. Thanks a lot for such a descriptive and great response.

Honestly ,mujhay apki post parh kay yeh soch kay afsos kay pakistanis honay kay bawajood hamain apnay mulk kay mountains kay baray may kuch bhi nahi pata we dont even know we have world most sought after climbing peaks nestled in our northern region and not just due to their sheer beauty but also due to geography they are the crown of our country .
These are such facts jo aik am pakistani bachay ki finger tips pay honay chaheeian the heights , altitudes and much of stuff u shared. Its terrible how we are so ignorant of our own country.

Your post deserved tonnes of positive ratings but in this forum a female poster will get multiple positive ratings from some ttas or a mod on posts as silly as random stupid oneliners or even plain images of mountains in pakistam taken from google and shared here just cause of those guys tharak or cause they want to promote her to tta position, but a genuine post will always get overlooked.
I dont say the Eiger is more dangerous than K2, after all in Switzerland they dont cut off your head and bomb busses,cars and so on. I have no doubt that K2 is really more dangerous in that regard, after all the entire region has a travel warning for EU citizens.

Retard, go and check your earlier posts. You are a bloody embarrassment. Your are full of sh|t, comparing eiger with K2 and alps with Karakorm and Hamaliyas.

Even Everest is not considered the same sport as K2! Go and educate yourself, and stop wasting everyone time with your useless rants.
Pakistan is paradise for ski-ing and touring, Pakistan needs to develop more ski resorts to benefit locals.
We started at St. Pedro de Atacama and then climbed up El Tatio to the Geysirs at 4700 meters and went back down to sleep at Toconao and next day went up on Licancabur to its top and visited the lake in its crater at 5920m altitude. We did not acclimatise very well which turned out to be a problem since it started really to feel crap because the lack of oxygen and i passed out one time on El Tatio.

So you hiked, on foot, from 2,485 m (Toconao) to 5,920 m (Licancabur) in a day? I bet you came down the same day as well. And to add to that, you passed out at 4700m but were still able to make it to 5920m in a single hike the very next day? Buddy, who are you trying to pull a fast one over?

ps: I ask again. If I share the highest that I have climbed will you apologise to everyone here for lying and wasting our time?

Yes i know his trolling isnt worth of reply but my aim was for you to share with pakistanis so they will learn. Thanks a lot for such a descriptive and great response.

Anytime brodah.

Honestly ,mujhay apki post parh kay yeh soch kay afsos kay pakistanis honay kay bawajood hamain apnay mulk kay mountains kay baray may kuch bhi nahi pata we dont even know we have world most sought after climbing peaks nestled in our northern region and not just due to their sheer beauty but also due to geography they are the crown of our country .
These are such facts jo aik am pakistani bachay ki finger tips pay honay chaheeian the heights , altitudes and much of stuff u shared. Its terrible how we are so ignorant of our own country.

We are an ignorant lot, aren't we? It hurts even more when along with the lack of knowledge of these places the respect is also nowhere to be found. Recently, due to better roads, you see these hordes of people from the south up north destroying everything; from traffic decorum to the environment itself. Trash, dangerous driving due not having any idea about the traffic rules up there and bandanna wearing imbeciles on bikes who are ready to quarrel with everyone because they couldn't leave their puny little fake ego back in Lahore, Peshawar, Islamabad. All for a couple of pictures on their facebook pages pretending to be adventurers. I don't mind them visiting but these places are sacred. I know it does wonders for the local economies but some of us who have grown up getting lost in those towns and on those slopes, who used to travel 50+ hrs nonstop just to get to Skardu would rather have no one visit, even if it means that these places remain a secret for another 100 years.

Sadly, from what I saw this September (from Mansehra to Khunjerab), the damage is only going to worsen. Kiyunke Khuda Shahid hai, hum Pakistani apni harkatain seedhi nahi karnay walay.

Your post deserved tonnes of positive ratings but in this forum a female poster will get multiple positive ratings from some ttas or a mod on posts as silly as random stupid oneliners or even plain images of mountains in pakistam taken from google and shared here just cause of those guys tharak or cause they want to promote her to tta position, but a genuine post will always get overlooked.

Haha, that's ok. I'll keep posting as long as you guys are still reading.

I never post my own pictures here exactly because it's too much effort just to have them lost in the mix. I had plans about making threads for specific treks and trips with instructions and my own pictures to sort of have guides for anyone who wanted to take them on. Alas, time is an illusive mistress.

The chances of you getting attacked are slim, you're just afraid.

But it's okay, I'm sure mummy can protect you.

You actually have more chances of being attacked in Italy. You are definitely going to get pick-pocketed at least once.
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So you hiked, on foot, from 2,485 m (Toconao) to 5,920 m (Licancabur) in a day? I bet you came down the same day as well. And to add to that, you passed out at 4700m but were still able to make it to 5920m in a single hike the very next day? Buddy, who are you trying to pull a fast one over?

ps: I ask again. If I share the highest that I have climbed will you apologise to everyone here for lying and wasting our time?

Anytime brodah.

We are an ignorant lot, aren't we? It hurts even more when along with the lack of knowledge of these places the respect is also nowhere to be found. Recently, due to better roads, you see these hordes of people from the south up north destroying everything; from traffic decorum to the environment itself. Trash, dangerous driving due not having any idea about the traffic rules up there and bandanna wearing imbeciles on bikes who are ready to quarrel with everyone because they couldn't leave their puny little fake ego back in Lahore, Peshawar, Islamabad. All for a couple of pictures on their facebook pages pretending to be adventurers. I don't mind them visiting but these places are sacred. I know it does wonders for the local economies but some of us who have grown up getting lost in those towns and on those slopes, who used to travel 50+ hrs nonstop just to get to Skardu would rather have no one visit, even if it means that these places remain a secret for another 100 years.

Sadly, from what I saw this September (from Mansehra to Khunjerab), the damage is only going to worsen. Kiyunke Khuda Shahid hai, hum Pakistani apni harkatain seedhi nahi karnay walay.

Haha, that's ok. I'll keep posting as long as you guys are still reading.

I never post my own pictures here exactly because it's too much effort just to have them lost in the mix. I had plans about making threads for specific treks and trips with instructions and my own pictures to sort of have guides for anyone who wanted to take them on. Alas, time is an illusive mistress.

You actually have more chances of being attacked in Italy. You are definitely going to get pick-pocketed at least once.

You were never there right? You do realize that on El Tatio even a highway reaches up to 4700 m and you can even go on top by bus? Its a day trip you do. That was exactly the reason why i passed out, because i had zero acclimatisation. You can book a tour to walk up Licancabur at morning, drive back by bus and at evening visit valley of the moon. I expect you to apology. With that rubbish you showed that you have no clue what you are talking about.

Want that i upload my videos from El Tatio and Licancabur?
The chances of you getting attacked are slim, you're just afraid.

But it's okay, I'm sure mummy can protect you.

You actually have more chances of being attacked in Italy. You are definitely going to get pick-pocketed.
You were never there right? You do realize that on El Tatio even a highway reaches up to 4700 m and you can even go on top by bus? Its a day trip you do. That was exactly the reason why i passed out, because i had zero acclimatisation. You can book a tour to walk up Licancabur at morning, drive back by bus and at evening visit valley of the moon. I expect you to apology. With that rubbish you showed that you have no clue what you are talking about.

Want that i upload my videos from El Tatio and Licancabur?

There you go. That was exactly the point, you rode a bus. So much for "I climbed the Licancabur and El Tatio in 2016 and the La Raya in November 2017. On top of the Licancabur i was at 5920m altitude. And i´m quite sure thats higher than anything you ever reached."

People here can drive upto +4,900m, that shines a pretty clear light on everyone one who ever climbed the Eiger, right?

So again. If I tell you the highest I have climbed, not rode a bus, will you apologise?
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You actually have more chances of being attacked in Italy. You are definitely going to get pick-pocketed.

There you go. That was exactly the point, you rode a bus. So much for "I climbed the Licancabur and El Tatio in 2016 and the La Raya in November 2017. On top of the Licancabur i was at 5920m altitude. And i´m quite sure thats higher than anything you ever reached."

People here can drive upto +4,900m, that shines a pretty clear light on everyone one who ever climbed the Eiger, right?

So again. If I tell you the highest I have climbed, will you apologise?

I did not ride a bus. We did ride a bus until the base of the mountain. You do know i´m a fitness freak right? Both, El Tatio and Licancabur are high mountains but not dangerous.

You know? Now coems the next bomb, i did run up the stairs to Maccu Piccu this year and also back down to Agua Calientes. And because the tropic climate and much harder way it was way harder than Licancabur.
Mukshpuri peak in Dunga Gali 28 Jan a great hike.
I did not ride a bus. We did ride a bus until the base of the mountain. You do know i´m a fitness freak right? Both, El Tatio and Licancabur are high mountains but not dangerous.

So from touting Licancabur as some great climbing achievement you went to "I rode a bus half way" to its a "high mountain" but not dangerous and easier than the trail to Machi Picchu (to which I'll come back to below). Buddy, we don't name our peaks that are less than 6k. You did nothing. You went up a trail that is done by holiday tourists where the guides will take anyone and everyone who's willing to pay. Fitness freak......our 80 year old women climb higher everyday......with loads on their backs......in slippers.

And let's not forget that this all started when you claimed that the Eiger was the most dangerous/difficult mountain to climb while the Karakoram, the Himalayas and the Hindukush were nothing. Not once did you back up your moronic claims or answer the questions I raised about them.

ps: El Tatio is not a mountain but a geyser field situated at the feet of some volcanoes. You should have known that, having "climbed it".

You know? Now coems the next bomb, i did run up the stairs to Maccu Piccu this year and also back down to Agua Calientes. And because the tropic climate and much harder way it was way harder than Licancabur.

This keeps getting better. So now you are touting as touristy a trail as they come as an even bigger 'climbing' achievement. Machu Picchu? You walked up a holiday trail? Reaching 2,430 m? Lower than our holiday towns? Lower than our winter towns? A place where an ancient society was able to build a city with rocks? A place where as many as 5,000 people visit in a day and around 1 million in a year? https://www.frommers.com/destinations/machu-picchu/attractions/overview

A place where she took her infant?


The place of choice for these "fitness freaks"?



I must apologise. I get it that you are either 10 or not very bright and as such felt no inhibitions speaking on matters you had no idea about, claiming facts that were ludicrous for cartoons and then resultant-ly presenting everyday achievements as proof of your credibility in the matter but it's just so hilarious reading your posts.

Have you contacted Simone Moro? Last I heard he was trying to assemble a team for a winter attempt on K2. With your climbing credentials and the "fitness freak" that you are I'm certain he would save you a spot.
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So from touting Licancabur as some great climbing achievement you went to "I rode a bus half way" to its a "high mountain" but not dangerous and easier than the trail to Machi Picchu (to which I'll come back to below). Buddy, we don't name our peaks that are less than 6k. You did nothing. You went up a trail that is done by holiday tourists where the guides will take anyone and everyone who's willing to pay. Fitness freak......our 80 year old women climb higher everyday......with loads on their backs......in slippers.

And let's not forget that this all started when you claimed that the Eiger was the most dangerous/difficult mountain to climb while the Karakoram, the Himalayas and the Hindukush were nothing. Not once did you back up your moronic claims or answer the questions I raised about them.

ps: El Tatio is not a mountain but a geyser field situated at the feet of some volcanoes. You should have known that, having "climbed it".

This keeps getting better. So now you are touting as touristy a trail as they come as an even bigger 'climbing' achievement. Machu Picchu? You walked up a holiday trail? Reaching 2,430 m? Lower than our holiday towns? Lower than our winter towns? A place where an ancient society was able to build a city with rocks? A place where as many as 5,000 people visit in a day and around 1 million in a year? https://www.frommers.com/destinations/machu-picchu/attractions/overview

A place where she took her infant?


The place of choice for these "fitness freaks"?



I must apologise. I get it that you are either 10 or not very bright and as such felt no inhibitions speaking on matters you had no idea about, claiming facts that were ludicrous for cartoons and then resultant-ly presenting everyday achievements as proof of your credibility in the matter but it's just so hilarious reading your posts.

Have you contacted Simone Moro? Last I heard he was trying to assemble a team for a winter attempt on K2. With your climbing credentials and the "fitness freak" that you are I'm certain he would save you a spot.

Again you show your ignorance. The people you showed went by bus up to Maccu Piccu. From our entire group of 50 people, 48 went by bus. I and my girl climbed up and back down through the rain forrest. But how could you know? You barely leave your TV seat.

As for being a fitness freak, my bet is that i beat you by a thousand in evry athletic competition


As i said, we talk from two positions, you the oriental who never leave his home vs me who travels the world.

The fact you dont even know that you can reach Maccu Piccu by Bus or take the 25.000 stairs where you even have to climb a above stones reaching out a free wall in the rain forrest shows how knowless you are.


Again you show your ignorance. The people you showed went by bus up to Maccu Piccu. From our entire group of 50 people, 48 went by bus. I and my girl climbed up and back down through the rain forrest.

Had you had enough sense you would've reverse searched those images. All of them took the trail and not the bus.

As for being a fitness freak, my bet is that i beat you by a thousand in evry athletic competition


You think that physique will get you up a mountain? No wonder you passed out.

The fact you dont even know that you can reach Maccu Piccu by Bus or take the 25.000 stairs where you even have to climb a above stones reaching out a free wall in the rain forrest shows how knowless you are.



So you climbed some scary stairs.......stairs built there by people in ancient times.....used by a whole city/town of those times......today climbed by hundreds of holiday makers every year? To a place where they have built a road to take buses.......right?

Did you mean scary instead of 'difficult to climb'?

But how could you know? You barely leave your TV seat.

, you the oriental who never leave his home vs me who travels the world.

You're saying that to a person who is currently present thousands of km away from his home.....? Must you embarrass your self with everything you say?

As i said, we talk from two positions

One thing we can agree on. You speak from here,


and I speak from here,


ps: I'm just having fun with you now. Otherwise your posts aren't worth responding to.

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