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If Not Pak-Fa then what for India ??

We have no means to replace our 3rd gen Fishbeds and we " Idiots " are talking about 5th gen.

I googled Super Sukhoi and this is what I got.

Result of a night out between an F22 and a Su30 :3
With 5G jet features, the Super Sukhoi is the way to go.


India and Russia are in the process of upgrading the SU-30 with added characteristics of fifth-generation aircraft to convert it into a “Super Sukhoi”. India plans to start upgrading Sukhoi in phases to Super Sukhoi Standard by 2020 and in phase 1, the first 80 aircrafts delivered to Indian air force will be selected for such upgrades.

Super Sukhoi Standard will introduce Modern Aesa radar and latest technology in modern Avionics in the cockpit for pilots. Upgraded Super Sukhoi would also lead changes to several structural elements which will bring in advanced stealth characteristics in the aircraft. Aircraft will come with new weapons systems developed for FGFA and other Indigenous Weapons systems been developed in India.

And with the 300km Brahmos mated to them, the platform would be a cost effective formidable force multiplier.

Indeed, this is the way to go if troubles persist pursuing PAK-FAs. The Su 30 or 35 are still capable aircraft able to hold its own if constantly upgrade. Heck the Hornet aircraft became the Super Hornet and than Advanced Super Hornet. Who knows maybe there will be Advanced Super Sukhoi.



We have no means to replace our 3rd gen Fishbeds and we " Idiots " are talking about 5th gen.

Result of a night out between an F22 and a Su30 :3

More like F-35 and Su30.

Its ......
Well we don't have enough money to get a 4.5th gen Rafale to replace our 3rd gen legacy fighters and what does make you think that we will be able to replace about 400aircrafts by 5th gen ?
If not pak fa then go for pak fa mki for the Indian airforce. Indian Knows that sooner or later pak fa will be one of the most potent 5th Gen. fighter in the world and will remain so till 2050 and that is the reason why India is committed to the program. We just want the technology to mature.


With Media reports emerging about major differences emerging between India and Russia on Joint development of a 5th generation fighter jet based on Russia’s Pak-fa over price demanded by Russia for Customization and Indian air force still not convinced about the maturity of the technology developed for Pak-Fa , it seems more or less Project is in the back-burner if not completely dead .

Russians officially now seem to have strategically tied sale of S-400 Air defence System to India only if they have deal on Pak-fa with India, it is pretty much clear now that Russians do not have funds nor Research to complete the project unless India injects much-needed funds into Pak-Fa project which will provide India little share in technological know-how of complex next-generation aviation technology since India’s Work-share is quite limited to provide nonessential systems for the project .

like always Indian Air force too does not seem to have any backup plans regarding procurement of 5th generation fighter jet program which will be placed at the top tier of its aircraft inventory and will overtake current frontline 4.5++ generation fighter jets like Sukhoi-30 fighters in near future.

While few countries have initiated their own 5th generation fighter jets program in recent years, only United States can offer Lockheed Martin developed F-35 5th generation fighter jets which will become operational in dozen air forces around the world by 2020.

Countries like Japan and South Korea-Indonesia too have their own 5th generation fighter jet programs which are of similar capabilities and categories like that of India’s own AMCA 5th generation fighter jet program for India to take notice or consider seriously.

Russia’s Mig Corporation proposed LMFS single-engine, Stealthy multirole combat aircraft program is interesting program which will replace Mig-29 and is still in preliminary stage which can benefit India greatly if offered to be part of the project but status of the project is still in question due to lack of any developments reported in last few years for India to consider it seriously .

Coming back to India;s 5th generation AMCA project under which India aims to develop Multi-role Stealth aircraft which can perform multi-mission operations when required in the area of operation seems to be ideal program for India to bank on since it will allow India to fund Research and development of the project which will help India in other future projects which will return allow India to develop local infrastructure/ manpower while still maintaining higher degree of customization as per user requirements .
FGFA/PAK-FA is a long term project, there is no need for the alarmism being displayed right now. The short term issues/gaps will be plugged by the Rafale and Super Sukhois until the FGFA comes into service- no one in this region will have anything that can compete with the Rafales (especially the future road map versions) or Super Sukhois until at least 2030.

Forget about the long term- that will be addressed in time and quite easily, you need to be focussing on the immediate needs of the IAF ie from now to 2025. With the MiGs going out of service the SQN depletion issue is only going to get worse. The soltion is clear- ramping up LCA production and speeding up the induction of Rafales (Make in India is going to take a long time to establish, another tranch of 36 Rafales should be bought off the shelf whilst the Indian production line is being raised.
FGFA/PAK-FA is a long term project, there is no need for the alarmism being displayed right now. The short term issues/gaps will be plugged by the Rafale and Super Sukhois until the FGFA comes into service- no one in this region will have anything that can compete with the Rafales (especially the future road map versions) or Super Sukhois until at least 2030.

Forget about the long term- that will be addressed in time and quite easily, you need to be focussing on the immediate needs of the IAF ie from now to 2025. With the MiGs going out of service the SQN depletion issue is only going to get worse. The soltion is clear- ramping up LCA production and speeding up the induction of Rafales (Make in India is going to take a long time to establish, another tranch of 36 Rafales should be bought off the shelf whilst the Indian production line is being raised.

LOL - Pakistan will start getting the J-31 around 2020 and that will totally outclass ANYTHING
that India has.
First it has two get a better engine

Even with current engines it will be deadly due to stealth advantage over 4th Gen fighters.

Once the definite 5th generation engines are ready (2025?), Rafales and Sukhois will be even less
of a threat to it.
Even with current engines it will be deadly due to stealth advantage over 4th Gen fighters.

Once the definite 5th generation engines are ready (2025?), Rafales and Sukhois will be even less
of a threat to it.
How many birds do you think PAF will get??
How many birds do you think PAF will get??

Even 48 J-31 will alter the balance of air-power in South Asia.

India needs to obtain a 5th gen fighter to keep up with Pakistan.
Even 48 J-31 will alter the balance of air-power in South Asia.

India needs to obtain a 5th gen fighter to keep up with Pakistan.
I think they may get hand on that at at 2026 or 2027.Not before that.
Don't worry , as explained above PAK-FA is not dead.
Till may take time...and I hope these people are not desperate to have a war.
If not Pak- Fa, its Fak-Pa as of now.
Why India don't have single engine 5th gen project?? SAAB was looking for partnership to build its 5th gen plane and India can be that partner, allowing 5th gen technology from west too.
Even with current engines it will be deadly due to stealth advantage over 4th Gen fighters.

Once the definite 5th generation engines are ready (2025?), Rafales and Sukhois will be even less
of a threat to it.
What advantage it will have over fighters like rafale or EF which carries sensor fusion
Stealth not only based on design but advanced sensor fusion and advanced software technology
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