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If Nepalese get visa free entry to India then why not Bangladeshis?

What will India get in return ?? Nepalis have that Privilege , Because they have fought for India and Serve in our Army .
Bangladesh is HUGE market for Indian products. India exports highest number of goods to Bangladesh. So Bangladeshis are contributing in India's economy. Grant a Visa free access to Bangladeshis.

Nepal grants free visa stay of Bangladeshis for 30 days but India is not even granting visa on arrival for Bangladeshis on religious line. That's racist.
Bangladesh is HUGE market for Indian products. India exports highest number of goods to Bangladesh. So Bangladeshis are contributing in India's economy. Grant a Visa free access to Bangladeshis.

Nepal grants free visa stay of Bangladeshis for 30 days but India is not even granting visa on arrival for Bangladeshis on religious line. That's racist.

if you are talking about economy , then visa free access should be only to Business men and traders and not to common civilians , you ok with that ?
LOL... next pakistan will be asking for visa free entry plus no security check :rofl:
AFAIK, secularism is to do with religion, not nationality. That is, India treats hindu/mulim/christian/any other religion people from the countries that have visa free entry same. Plus Maldives is muslim majority nation...

My take is you know all these but crying to please your masters....:agree:
No, it is pragmatism. Hindus and Muslims cannot live together. We are totally incompatible. Also, we won't like to witness a home grown Jihad and imposition of Sharia Law again.

Nepal and Bhutan have cultural, linguistic and religious links to India. Most of the time we cannot tell the difference between us and them. That is not the case with Bangladesh. In fact we will never be 100% sure about the loyalty of Indian Muslims towards India, it will always remain suspect because of historical reasons, forget about the Muslim migrants from elesewhere for once.

Nepalese may be similar to Indians but Bhutanese? I don't think so.

Bangladeshis are 100% similar to Indians. Exact same culture. If anybody disagrees then he should say some cultural differences between Indian Bengalis and Bangladeshi Bengalis. We were same nation just 60 years ago. Religious extremism is everywhere but it doesn't mean common men should suffer for it.
India is a secular country by constitution but just because Nepal is a Hindu majority country India allows Nepalese to stay and settle in India without any visa. They can roam around India without any restriction but once East Bengal of India Bangladesh is not allowed to send its nationals without any visa to India? Is it because Bangladesh is a Muslim majority country?

Congress, BJP attacking each over Visa free entry of Bangladesh nationals - Economic Times


Please remember the following :

1. Nepalis have been in the IA for centuries , this alone would give an idea of the level of confidence both nations &its people have with each other. They are paid a pension by IA which is higher than that a Nepali soldier gets from his army.

2. BD till 1971 was Pakistan.

3. Rarely does a Nepali settle permanently in India, speak to them & they all want to go back to their ' gaon' .

4. The fact that BD is a Muslim majority does not matter, what it allows in its land to happen against Indian interests matters.

5. However, being a Muslim predominant country the possibility of inducting sleeper cells from BD are much higher than that from Nepal.

6. There is free movement into Nepal from India & Vice versa, I have chosen to drive through Nepal en route to the East as compared to driving across Bihar a number of times by paying the prescribed tolls. It is not uncommon to see vehicles with the red Nepal number plates in areas along the border . This also should give an idea of the confidience both nations have with each other.

Maybe some day when BD comes close to what Nepal is to India , BD would also get the same privileges.
Bangladesh poses many security issues. Sorry we cant take that risk. Clean up your land first, stop relations with Pakistan and China and then, maybe then we will consider it. Till then.......it aint happening PERIOD
Nepalese may be similar to Indians but Bhutanese? I don't think so.

Bangladeshis are 100% similar to Indians. Exact same culture. If anybody disagrees then he should say some cultural differences between Indian Bengalis and Bangladeshi Bengalis. We were same nation just 60 years ago. Religious extremism is everywhere but it doesn't mean common men should suffer for it.

All Dharmic Traditions are at peace with each other, hence Nepal and Bhutan are special cases. I will trust a Nepalese or a Bhutanese citizen more than an Indian Muslim in case of war or national emergency. India needs to maintain her demographic balance if she has to EXIST. Why should we import religious extremists from elsewhere when we have got plenty of our own already? We know well what kind of model citizens these Green Migrants have become in West so much so that the western governments have to keep a close eye on their activities.

The Two Nation Theory is very much alive. Let me give you an example, in the state of J&K, the regions which aren't Muslim majority (Jammu and Laddakh) are totally peaceful. This is the best thing which happened to us.
India is a secular country by constitution but just because Nepal is a Hindu majority country India allows Nepalese to stay and settle in India without any visa. They can roam around India without any restriction but once East Bengal of India Bangladesh is not allowed to send its nationals without any visa to India? Is it because Bangladesh is a Muslim majority country?

Congress, BJP attacking each over Visa free entry of Bangladesh nationals - Economic Times


Because Nepal or Nepalese can not be the danger to India where the bangladesh can. Your honeymoon is going in with china. Bangladeshis have crated law and order problem in pockets where they have settled in Large Number. There is a danger of terror export also. Your country has reduced Hindus to 7% from 31% in 1971. Your country is secular for the sake of saying but it is moving into the direction of Islamic fundamentalism.
Bangladesh poses many security issues. Sorry we cant take that risk. Clean up your land first, stop relations with Pakistan and China and then, maybe then we will consider it. Till then.......it aint happening PERIOD

Do you want to control illegal immigration from Bangladesh? The ONLY way is to make Visa more easy to get for Bangladeshis. Atleast give visa on arrival for Bangladeshis otherwise illegal immigration will continue. :bunny:

Bangladeshis are migrating to India in millions? :yahoo:

Thats pure racism, why doesnt india give visa free entry to Bangladeshi people
I whole heartedly support Banglsdeshi people on this

Why don Pakistan do the same for Bangladeshi people...???
Do you want to control illegal immigration from Bangladesh? The ONLY way is to make Visa more easy to get for Bangladeshis. Atleast give visa on arrival for Bangladeshis otherwise illegal immigration will continue. :bunny:

Bangladeshis are migrating to India in millions? :yahoo:

Keep up your facade of confidence.It's so easy to see that you are devastated that we Indians will no longer allow Macchi-lungis in our country.Stay in your country and for heavens sake use your internet connection and google "condoms".
East Bengal was forcefully annexed with Pakistan in 1947 by British. There was a huge disagreement among Bengalis over it. It was Hindu politician who first proposed a 'separate' Bengali nation (Comprising East and West Bengal) in parliament then Muslim politicians agreed with the proposal but British didn't listen to it. They annexed East Bengal with Pakistan. Tensions between two wings were prevalent at all time. Cultural clash, language clash, racism against 'dark and short' Bengalis etc were making East Bengali / later east Pakistanis furious over Punjabis of Pakistan. Then 1971 happened. Bangladeshis never hated India or Indian people. Indian external affairs minister day before yesterday said India and Bangladesh share blood relation. You can change you friends but not blood relatives.

India should grant visa free access to Bangladeshis. Period.

Your historical perception is not right probably--

1. In 1905 Lord Curzon partitioned Bengal in east and west. Bengali Hindus fought against it and successfully prevented partition that time.
2. During independence Sarat Ch. Bose ( elder brother of Netaji Subhas Bose) proposed independent Bengal. Bengali Hindu and Muslim both opposed that
3. Indian politician did not have any options other than accepting partition on Bengal after great Calcutta and Noyakhali Killing.
4. You shed too much blood for getting away from India which was indeed a wrong decision. Probably you should be present in India as a separate state. Now we do not want to revert your decision. We should live with present reality
5. "East Bengal was forcefully annexed with Pakistan in 1947 by British. There was a huge disagreement among Bengalis over it."--- Its a big big wrong statement (lie or lack of knowledge?). In fact Pakistan was created due to movement of Muslims of Bengal and UP. There was no such riots like Bengal happened in current Pakistani land mass in favour of Pakistan.

I agree that East Bengal's decision to get away from India was a historical blunder. If East Bengal became a separate state of india, Bengalis would become a big political force in India. Entire eastern India would have more stake in Indian political power broking. It was indeed a historical blunder for entire estern part of the subcontinent
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Its simple logic...Its a Hindu majority country...And most of the Hindu and Non indian people have always a soft corner for India...They are more sympathize towards my country rather than some of my own fellow citizen too....The example is Gurkha regiment is still a important regiment of India...Its a matter of trust that India enjoys with nation like Nepal and Bhutan at the people to people level that fasilitates this kind of relationship..where as although some section of BD try to maintain good relation with India but good amount of anti India people still exists in your political space...

So these does not mean that we do not respect people of BD...but if you compare with Nepal and BD the Nepal enjoys more trusts...like China enjoys more trust for you than India...

India is a secular country by constitution but just because Nepal is a Hindu majority country India allows Nepalese to stay and settle in India without any visa. They can roam around India without any restriction but once East Bengal of India Bangladesh is not allowed to send its nationals without any visa to India? Is it because Bangladesh is a Muslim majority country?

Congress, BJP attacking each over Visa free entry of Bangladesh nationals - Economic Times

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