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If India supports freedom in Crimea, why not in Kashmir?

Now you have started acting like a Typical Indian Troll !!
HUH??? I am not trolling dude,just stating a fact.Can you deny what i have said?? Believe it or not you dont have high ground(morally) in Kashmir issue tahn India.
What discrepancy in foreign policy ? Kashmir is not a subject of Foreign policy for India. Its internal affairs for us. It may be foreign policy for Pakistan, but that is neither here nor there.

That India accepts a referendum in Crimea but not one in Kashmir ...
If this was done at gun point then the agreement would be vitiated and null and void ....
You would need to prove that.. Actually the gun in this case was Jinnah's who ordered his irregulars to attack the independent state of Kashmir, which led to the Kashmir Maharaja signing the agreement with India. Can't blame India for Pakistani leaders' lack of foresight and maturity.

That India accepts a referendum in Crimea but not one in Kashmir ...
As I said, Kashmir is not a subject of foreign policy.
They would have taken it anyways !! Unlike you , We decided to negotiate and settle this dispute peacefully and we were successful . We gained more than what we lost , We did not face humiliation like you did !!
ROFL,we also have control of territory which they consider disputed i.e. A.P.,so it is pretty much equal.
And you accept that Pakistan's support of Kashmir issue on humanitarian grounds was just talk an in reality it is plagued by greed of land??
Seems Crimea has opened the windows of fantasies for many. :haha::haha:
ROFL,we also have control of territory which they consider as A.P.,so it is pretty much equal.
And you accept that Pakistan's support of Kashmir issue on humanitaria grounds was just talk an in reality it is plagued y greed of land??

Come on yar , Learn to accept the truth . You were humiliated and China did not stop until it took away from you all it claimed !!

And Pakistan`s support of Kashmir issue is on humanitarian basis ..And We claim Kashmir valley only , not Laddakh or Jammu

ROFL,we also have control of territory which they consider disputed i.e. A.P.,so it is pretty much equal.
And you accept that Pakistan's support of Kashmir issue on humanitarian grounds was just talk an in reality it is plagued by greed of land??
Land And the water issue too:D
But you said it was Mountbatten who wanted a plebiscite in 1947. Why are you siting UN resolution which occasioned after 1947-48 war?

27 Oct 1947
Legal Document No 115

My dear Maharajah Sahib,

Your Highness's letter, dated the 26th Octobers has been delivered to me by Mr. V.P. Menon. In the special circumstances mentioned by Your Highness, my Government have decided to accept the accession of Kashmir State to the Dominion of India. Consistently with their policy that. in the case of any State where the issue of accession has been the subject of dispute, the question of accession should be decided in accordance with the wishes of the people of the State, it is my Government's wish that, as soon as law and order have been restored in Kashmir and her soil cleared of the invader, the question of the State's accession should be settled by a reference to the people. Meanwhile, in response to your Highness's appeal for military aid, action has been taken today to send troops of the Indian Army to Kashmir to help your own forces to defend your territory and to protect the lives, property and honour of your people.

My Government and I note with satisfaction that your Highness has decided to invite Sheikh Abdullah to form an Interim Government to work with your Prime Minister.

Yours sincerely,
(Sd/-) Mountbatten of Burma
@MBI Munshi the thread title is wrong . India openly supported Russian interests in Crimea not independence. The author of the article seems have no idea regarding this.

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