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If India is following Israeli model in Kashmir, Pakistan needs to follow the Iranian model

it hasn’t, thousands of Indian troops dead in Kashmir . Over half of the Indian army force deployed in Kashmir. Today even without Pakistani support troops are taking casualties.

this means less forces on Pakistan’s natural border. Gr8 strategy so far


unfortunately for you, you have been brought up and fed on such garbage news. well, it's up to you try and get your thinking straight.
cool, clearly you have run out of arguments.


it's nothing to argue about. You have to 1st get some factual basis and then if you get a few interpretations wrong, I can then have a hope of a fruitful discussion. When you come without even that, what's the point.
This is Iranian model, send a person to hang a poster on the Israeli border fence and call it a year. All while killing hundreds of Syrians, Iraqi's, Yemeni's and Saudi's each month.

it's nothing to argue about. You have to 1st get some factual basis and then if you get a few interpretations wrong, I can then have a hope of a fruitful discussion. When you come without even that, what's the point.
it's nothing to argue about. You have to 1st get some factual basis and then if you get a few interpretations wrong, I can then have a hope of a fruitful discussion. When you come without even that, what's the point.

enlighten me what did I get wrong

1) 700 k troops are stationed in Kashmir
2) the populous is against them in Kashmir mostly because of there brutality
3) India can not afford an all out war with Pakistan, a country 4 times smaller than them and half as weak as them militarily, it’s because

A) if Pakistan takes practical steps like raise a militia to escalate into an all out conflict say in a future date, investment in India will shrink, forcing them to negotiate

B) Indian economy is very large but not internally focused hence a lack of foreign investment or foreign orders will hurt them much more than Pakistan

C) the Chinese now have a sizable investment in-terms of belt and road, which is why they are heavily upgrading and reinforcing Pakistan’s conventional force parity will go up from ½ to 2/3. This is because of all the equipment that is being added. We in Pakistan don’t need more troops, rather better and numerous equipment

D) the Chinese now will militarily intervene if Pakistani resources are threatened because again they want to protect their year round access to the warm waters of the Arabian sea. Do you have the slightest idea how much trade that is?

To reinforce this thinking here is a video from two Indian defence analyst which speak to strategic gaps India has in her defence

Video about Pakistan’s strategic importance in the region

Indian Su-30’s have significant issues

As a comparison when America was unjustifiably attacked on 9/ 11, they flew 8000 miles away and took over Afghanistan and Iraq by force. Pakistan has been accused by India for killing thousands of their troops, attacking their parliament and shutting down their economic center Bombay, yet India does nothing. Its simply because taking over Pakistan is not Militarily possible for India, for at least 3 -4 years is required for this, again video attached bellow to explain ground realities that are fast changing.

India Pakistan possible war scenario

After India passed their new law to alter the demographics of Kashmir by following the Israeli model of settlements in the West Bank, Pakistan should wake up and follow the Iranian model of hard power, force, and deterrence. Pakistan should create some strong proxies and start surrounding Indian Kashmir. Step up clandestine operations and start launching some missiles and drones to hit key military targets. Pakistan should forget about these hollow press releases and establish some real force and deterrence with missiles and drones to bring an end to Indian impunity in Kashmir. There ought to be consequences for India, the era of Pakistan allowing them to get away must end. Iran has been the most successful at putting pressure on Israel with its proxies and striking key Saudi locations which is exactly what Pakistan should do to India. When Pakistan says India has violated UN resolutions and imprisoned Kashmiris like worse than animals, India doesn't deserve an easy slap on the wrist. That deserves a hard and forceful response, and for that you need credibility on your threats. India currently thinks that Pakistan won't do anything to stop it and they are right. Pakistan needs to establish credibility. If we say we will do something, we should do it. Now is not the time for Pakistan to be afraid. Now is the time to take bold, tough, forceful, aggressive and decisive action and stop India's Israeli settler model in Kashmir in its tracks. When US killed Iran's top general, Iran didn't quietly accept it. They launched dozens of missiles at US bases in hard revenge and made sure US heard their message loud and clear. When Syria killed dozens of Turkish soldiers, Erdogan unleashed hell on Syria by drone striking anything that moved. That is what Pakistan must do to India if we are serious about gaining credibility to deliver our threats and put an end to India's impunity.

What credible threat does Iran have from the land borders ?
Pakistan has an all year round heated up LOC, a vulnerable Durand line western border and an insurgency which is slowly and gradually being cut to death.

Turkish forces attacked Syrian forces which have been in disarray since many years and have been reduced in material and strength. India is waiting for an opportunity that Pakistan makes a move and India gets a solid footing to enter its forces into Pakistan from LOC, from eastern IB and unleash its proxies from with in Afghanistan into Pakistan. This will turn Pakistan into Syria. India tried to instigate Pakistan in 2016 and then 2019, Pakistan responded without falling into the trap.

The incidents of terrorism inside Pakistan have gone down, without launching SSMs or proxies or drone attacks into India or Israel. This shows that Pakistani leadership has taken the correct strategy to cut the snakes head from within Pakistan and pushed the the internal threat to submit or retreat into Afghanistan. The wall on western border, raising of FC and Light divisions, modernizing forces through latest equipment, increasing number of aircrafts, tanks, APC, Arty, missiles and ships/subs, carrying out IBOs - all have produced good results.

Why shouldn't Pakistan make moves and take steps to strengthen its economy instead ? Push students towards local R&D in science and tech? Create opportunities for international investors apart from China to pour in their money ? Use its impeccable manpower to generate mineral/gas/oil resources from its rich lands ?

Pakistan should focus on strengthening itself economically.
What credible threat does Iran have from the land borders ?
Pakistan has an all year round heated up LOC, a vulnerable Durand line western border and an insurgency which is slowly and gradually being cut to death.

Turkish forces attacked Syrian forces which have been in disarray since many years and have been reduced in material and strength. India is waiting for an opportunity that Pakistan makes a move and India gets a solid footing to enter its forces into Pakistan from LOC, from eastern IB and unleash its proxies from with in Afghanistan into Pakistan. This will turn Pakistan into Syria. India tried to instigate Pakistan in 2016 and then 2019, Pakistan responded without falling into the trap.

The incidents of terrorism inside Pakistan have gone down, without launching SSMs or proxies or drone attacks into India or Israel. This shows that Pakistani leadership has taken the correct strategy to cut the snakes head from within Pakistan and pushed the the internal threat to submit or retreat into Afghanistan. The wall on western border, raising of FC and Light divisions, modernizing forces through latest equipment, increasing number of aircrafts, tanks, APC, Arty, missiles and ships/subs, carrying out IBOs - all have produced good results.

Why shouldn't Pakistan make moves and take steps to strengthen its economy instead ? Push students towards local R&D in science and tech? Create opportunities for international investors apart from China to pour in their money ? Use its impeccable manpower to generate mineral/gas/oil resources from its rich lands ?

Pakistan should focus on strengthening itself economically.
Can not agree more should be a massive priority

Unfortuantely, if you would like to take KaQUOTE]shmir, that was the golden chance for you to continue with the war...Ths kind of situation where Indian initiated the war by itself...So even if there would have been a loss of life, you caould have given an execuse that you were attacked by India. Any loss of life in both sides would have attributed to the aggressor country, and you could have get the sympathy of the world as being the victim of our aggresson....

So in a nutshell, you lost the opportunity..

I think until the Afghanistan issue is not wrapped up, we won't move on Kashmir so that was not the right time. There isn't a full uprising in Kashmir, either.
However it's clear eventually we will eventually as the conflict may wrap up. Tensions in Kashmir have never truly died down, there was shelling just yesterday across border, and it's easy for Pakistan to bring it up again
After India passed their new law to alter the demographics of Kashmir by following the Israeli model of settlements in the West Bank, Pakistan should wake up and follow the Iranian model of hard power, force, and deterrence. Pakistan should create some strong proxies and start surrounding Indian Kashmir. Step up clandestine operations and start launching some missiles and drones to hit key military targets. Pakistan should forget about these hollow press releases and establish some real force and deterrence with missiles and drones to bring an end to Indian impunity in Kashmir. There ought to be consequences for India, the era of Pakistan allowing them to get away must end. Iran has been the most successful at putting pressure on Israel with its proxies and striking key Saudi locations which is exactly what Pakistan should do to India. When Pakistan says India has violated UN resolutions and imprisoned Kashmiris like worse than animals, India doesn't deserve an easy slap on the wrist. That deserves a hard and forceful response, and for that you need credibility on your threats. India currently thinks that Pakistan won't do anything to stop it and they are right. Pakistan needs to establish credibility. If we say we will do something, we should do it. Now is not the time for Pakistan to be afraid. Now is the time to take bold, tough, forceful, aggressive and decisive action and stop India's Israeli settler model in Kashmir in its tracks. When US killed Iran's top general, Iran didn't quietly accept it. They launched dozens of missiles at US bases in hard revenge and made sure US heard their message loud and clear. When Syria killed dozens of Turkish soldiers, Erdogan unleashed hell on Syria by drone striking anything that moved. That is what Pakistan must do to India if we are serious about gaining credibility to deliver our threats and put an end to India's impunity.

The whole Western world and its slaves are trying to blackmail Pakistan with FATF to keep our strength and our commitment to Kashmir at bay.

We should be supporting Mujahideen groups even more fervently and openly. World be damned.

Most of all, we can work with Afghan Taliban and our own tribals to establish Mujahideen irregular units who can fight India for eternity.

Pakistani society needs to be militarized, military service and training made mandatory, and factories of weapons, munitions, and other necessities need to be expanded and spread out all over the country.

I called this several weeks ago on this thread

Exactly, look how strong Iran is in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Yemen.

Iran has cornered their enemies Israel and Saudi from every direction. Pakistan needs to corner India like that.

For that, Pakistan needs innovative and creative new ideas and technologies. Pakistan should get China's help to start building artificial islands in the Indian Ocean and station missiles there pointed at India. Get 1 or 2 aircraft carriers and load them up with JF-17's and do naval exercises in Indian Ocean on Pakistani aircraft carriers with Turkey, Russia, China, and Iran. And if Indian jets dare to come close, shoot them down like Turkey last month. Turkish F-16's used sophisticated new technology to shoot down Syrian Su-24 by launching AMRAAM AIM-120C and then going invisible by turning radar off and sending datalink to the missile to a nearby 737 AWACS aircraft that guided missile towards its target. Then F-16 turned radar back on just seconds before missile impact when it was too late for the enemy. An Indian enemy aircraft would not even have a chance against us to detect what was happening if Pakistan used this new strategy.

Pakistan should also get serious about cyber warfare like Iran and start hacking and disrupting critical Indian IT and gov't infrastructure. Iran has hacked a US RQ-170 drone and reverse engineered it, crippled a Las Vegas casino by trashing its servers after Sheldon Adelson threatened to bomb Iran, and disk nuked Aramco computers with Shamoon malware so bad that it was cheaper for Saudis to buy new ones than fix the old ones. Iran is a great example of how to deal with your enemies effectively. Asymmetric warfare is the key. Use any means at your disposal to hit India where it hurts.

People said Pakistan getting China's help to build artificial islands in Indian Ocean was a ridiculous idea and it would never happen.

Oh bhai put your artificial island theory by your self, its stupid idea we don't have a $$$ to build and maintain it with crippling economy and its easily blockade by any Naval forces

Are you going to eat your words now?
The Iranian model would mean strong Pakistani support in countries surrounding India or countries that India has heavy interests in, and limiting Indian involvement in those countries by various means (ideally peaceful).
Are you going to eat your words now?
What are you smoking???

People said Pakistan getting China's help to build artificial islands in Indian Ocean was a ridiculous idea and it would never happen
Yes its a ridiculous idea and not needed, this crappy idea when suited then you have strong economy at least to Indonesia or Brazil
Iran is an oil rich country with a smaller and sustainable population thanks to it's less fertile lands. It has the ability to show deterrence as it has more resources. Not possible for Pakistan.

Also the Islamic world does not see Pakistan as a leader or savior as Pakistanis think of it as. Iran also enjoys good relations with India and Iranian leftists are commonly pro-Indian as are Shiitte hardliners. Stop kidding yourselves.

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