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If India is following Israeli model in Kashmir, Pakistan needs to follow the Iranian model

Terrorism in South aisa then people need to learn history from 1979....1st in Afghanistan and 2nd in indian from 1989.

Only two countries are response : Pakistan and USA
we are victim not a sole creator

Terrorism in South aisa then people need to learn the history from 1979....1st in Afghanistan and 2nd in indian from 1989.

Only two countries are responsible : Pakistan and USA
Can i tells you how many times you destabilized the whole subcontinent???
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we are victims not a creator

Nope- you are not a victims if you ask honestly. You (Pakistan and USA) created the mess in Afghanistan by supporting terrorism ( ohh wait - you will say freedom fighters) then Soviet withdrew from Afghanistan. USA left you with this mess.

So, you had followed the same practice after a victory in Afghanistan against from India start from 1989. And, your Talibani and others terrorists you kept in Pakistan... To get two benefits

1- Afghanistan became backyard of Pakistan
2. Terrorism in India.

But a big change came after 9/11. Later USA asked Pakistan whether you are with us or against us... If against us then you will pay the cost.

Therefore, Pakistan took the u-trun and supported to USA.. Now these people only became enemy and terrorisms for you but till time they were very strong position in Pakistan.

So when you start fighting against them, the casualties Also happened. They also did bomb lasts in Pakistan. ( very sad)

Conclusion : I m not agreed that you are actually victims but you pay the which one created from 1979.. Sadly but its true..
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For a moment, think about a perspective from normal Indian citizen and tell me some good reason, why any one will go to a war torn place rather than going to Bangalore, Mumbai or Chennai for work...
If by normal Indian citizen u mean bhayya Indians,,,yes absolutely,,they wont go,,,,,,unless they get some more money,gated communities,,robust security n such but expect thm to runaway at the first sign of trouble like the pandit bhayyas of kashmir.,,about others dont be too sure.
On topic--- Batein karoro ki lekin bhayye ki dukan pakoro ki :D
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And Aircraft carrier need a fleet to defend like 6-12 destroyer equipped with long range SAMs and from underwater, and artificial island is easy target for Indian BMs
we have sufficient sea skimming missiles to cope with the enemy like RA'AD 2/Babur 3/Harba/Zarb/C-802/C-803 (cruise at subsonic,terminal at supersonic) CM-400AKG which terminal hypersonic/ Exocet/Harpoon

That's why you put hotels and tourism on that island along with a combined civilian/military airport and missiles. Make that artificial island a tourist destination for people from Pakistan. This will ensure India cannot target Pakistan's military base in the Indian Ocean since the same military base hosting missiles would also be a civilian airport.
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Nope- you are not a victims if you ask honesty. You (Pakistan and USA) created the mess in Afghanistan by supporting terrorism ( ohh wait - you will say freedom fighters) then Soviet withdrew from Afghanistan then USA left you with this mess.

So, you followed the same practice after a victory in Afghanistan against India from 1989. And, yours Talibani and others terrorists you keept in Pakistan... To get two benefits

1- Afghanistan became backyard of Pakistan
2. Terrorism in India.

But a big change come after 9/11. Then later USA asked Pakistan whether you are with us or against us... If against us then you will pay the cost.

Therefore, Pakistan took the u-trun and supported to USA.. Now these people only became enemy and terrorist for you but till time they were very strong in Pakistan.

So when you start fighting against then casualties Also happened. They also did bomb lasts in Pakistan. ( very sad)

Conclusion : I m not agreed that you are actually victims but you pay the which one created from 1979.. Sadly but its true..
We are, in fact creator of these terrorists along with USA, Soviets are looking for warm waters next target will be Pakistan and 1980s we less concern about India , we had a former superpower (Soviet Union) at our west
and give me one solid proofs that we send spy and Terrorists in India and Especially to IOK
You (Pakistan and USA) created the mess in Afghanistan by supporting terrorism ( ohh wait - you will say freedom fighters)

Yes, they're freedom fighters. They fought againat a mass-murdering regime which was wiping out opposition members in secret prisons. I guess pajeets don't have much of a problem with that since they have rapist thugs doing the same thing in Kashmir.

I know, we done the mistake by supporting to LLT in srilanka

Oh so when India supports actual terrorists, it's just a tiny honest mistake. Dirty Hindu double standards strike again.
I know, we done the mistake by supporting to LLT in srilanka
No ,in 65 you attack us (lahore), In 71 you again interfere our internal matters, you illegally captured Siachin glacier and starts a useless wars, you also send lots of Terrorist and spy to destabilize PAkistan few are/were sarbajeet singh/Yadeev etc etc
That's why you put missiles on the artificial island. It would also be a good way to test how good Pakistan's missiles actually are at countering real Indian missiles out in the middle of the Indian Ocean so we can improve them if necessary.
Oh bhai put your artificial island theory by your self, its stupid idea we don't have a $$$ to build and maintain it with crippling economy and its easily blockade by any Naval forces
We are, in fact creator of these terrorists along with USA, Soviets are looking for warm waters next target will be Pakistan and 1980s we less concern about India , we had a former superpower (Soviet Union) at our west
and give me one solid proofs that we send spy and Terrorists in India and Especially to IOK

Check UN websites, you will get it

No ,in 65 you attack us (lahore), In 71 you again interfere our internal matters, you illegally captured Siachin glacier and starts a useless wars, you also send lots of Terrorist and spy to destabilize PAkistan few are/were sarbajeet singh/Yadeev etc etc

Read the history from international sources not Pakistani one on 1965/71
Bolded Part: Yes, we can. India and Pakistan had made good progress: Under Vajpayee-Musharraf and then under Musharraf-Manmohan Singh. Kashmir is far more easy to solve then many many other geopolitical issues of the world.

As for your argument about 'worn torn' place: Maybe your personal inclination is for peace but I think there is a chunk of your population which wants to undo what was done centuries ago by Muslim invaders of the Subcontinent. That historic baggage is a heavy baggage, especially under Modi. And so, there is going to be a sustained desire toward changing the demographics of Indian Occupied Kashmir with an eye out toward Azad Kashmir; your strategic (and over-ambitious) planners know that you have to reach to Central Asia without Pakistan in between and the importance of cutting off the land route between Pakistan and China.

Also, I am almost certain, your nationalist elements are copying the Israeli tactics, utilizing the Israeli Lobbies in America, and perhaps even being directly counseled by the Israelis about how to gobble up some prized real estate... But you guys don't know how risky that is, if not impossible, to duplicate Israel's land-theft in Kashmir: Neither Pakistan is Palestine nor India has America's back like Israel has.

Neither we are Israel nor you are Palestine...
Exactly, look how strong Iran is in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Yemen.

Iran has cornered their enemies Israel and Saudi from every direction. Pakistan needs to corner India like that.

What has Iran exactly accomplished with respect to Saudi and Israelis ?
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