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If India is following Israeli model in Kashmir, Pakistan needs to follow the Iranian model

Check UN websites, you will get it

Read the history from international sources not Pakistani one on 1965/71
Oh i know you culture believes in lies and deceptions, we didn't did any thing especially in 71 we were busy to solve our problems, and In 65 Pakistan was not Invaded/intruded mainland India but a rebellion attempts in IOK (Which is not your territory then but international disputed area according to UN) then by our SSG

And same goes to India as well , go UN website and see what claim by Pakistan against India
And they arrest anybody in IOK and tag them terrorists come Pakistan then what ???

Arrested cop Davinder Singh will be treated as terrorist: IGP J&K Police
Yes, they're freedom fighters. They fought againat a mass-murdering regime which was wiping out opposition members in secret prisons. I guess pajeets don't have much of a problem with that since they have rapist thugs doing the same thing in Kashmir.

Oh so when India supports actual terrorists, it's just a tiny honest mistake. Dirty Hindu double standards strike again.

Again, based on your labeling them as freedom fighters as expected and same people became terrorists after 9/11.. What a great politics

Oh i know you culture believes in lies and deceptions, we didn't did any thing especially in 71 we were busy to solve our problems, and In 65 Pakistan was not Invaded/intruded mainland India but a rebellion attempts in IOK (Which is not your territory then but international disputed area according to UN) then by our SSG

And same goes to India as well , go UN website and see what claim by Pakistan against India

In case if India take any action on Pakistan Kashmir ( gilgit & Baltistan) then will say same lines.
It is international disputed area according to UN) because as per UN... Entire j &k is disputed territory including pak Kashmir and gilgit & baltistan
Arrested cop Davinder Singh will be treated as terrorist: IGP J&K Police

He was a cop for decades and received a commendation for his service but one day he decides to become an evil Pakistani-backed terrorist. Hindu logic!

Again, based on your labeling them as freedom fighters as expected and same people became terrorists after 9/11.. What a great politics

None of 9/11 hijackers were from Afghanistan, you stupid, ignorant Hindu. What great historical knowledge.
Arrested cop Davinder Singh will be treated as terrorist: IGP J&K Police
anybody can label as terrorists without any solid proofs in IOK
Again, based on your labeling them as freedom fighters as expected and same people became terrorists after 9/11.. What a great politics
When somebody trying to hurts your country don't label as terrorist, you lost only few dozens life or may be few hundreds due these terrorist attacks but we lost 80000+ life due these terrorist attacks, nations could make mistakes in early part of their evolution, do you had any mistakes in your life???
Oh bhai put your artificial island theory by your self, its stupid idea we don't have a $$$ to build and maintain it with crippling economy and its easily blockade by any Naval forces

If you want to change Pakistan's equation with India, unconventional new ideas like this are needed. India will not stop until a strong Pakistan opposes them.

Israel would have annexed the entire West Bank decades ago if they could. They haven't done it because they know Iran can and will wipe them off the face of the earth if they dare to do it. Iran has missiles pointing at Israel from Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. Even with full support of the United States standing behind them, Israel still doesn't dare to annex the rest of the West Bank because they know it is backed by Iranian hard power and what that is capable of. Iran has established their credibility by launching rockets and missiles hundreds of times so that their enemies know they will not think twice and are not afraid to strike anyone. So instead Israel has been doing their settler project in the West Bank because that is the maximum they can do without provoking the hundreds of missiles aimed at it by Iran.

That is what real hard power and deterrence looks like. Pakistan will need strong hard power and deterrence by the likes of Iran to outgun India effectively.

Iranians fear no one because even US didn't have the balls to kill Soleimani on Iranian soil. They had to kill Soleimani in Baghdad because even US is afraid of attacking Iran directly. All of the US bases in the Gulf are in range of Iran and US scrambled to move its command center from Qatar to South Carolina after Iranian missiles flew directly over the US base into Saudi Arabia undetected.

This is the kind of deterrence Pakistan needs. India should fear attacking Pakistan. If Iran was able to build up its forces to a level where even US is afraid to attack it directly, there is no reason Pakistan cannot do the same.
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He was a cop for decades and received a commendation for his service but one day he decides to become an evil Pakistani-backed terrorist. Hindu logic!

None of 9/11 hijackers were from Afghanistan, you stupid, ignorant Hindu. What great historical knowledge.

He was a cop for decades and received a commendation for his service but one day he decides to become an evil Pakistani-backed terrorist. Hindu logic!

What a logic here... He was a terrorist, and paid bog of terrorist people in Kashmir. So, finally he got what he deserved.

None of 9/11 hijackers were from Afghanistan, you stupid, ignorant Hindu. What great historical knowledge

Killing thousands of people in Afghanistan if they were not terrorist then RIP definition of terrorism
After India passed their new law to alter the demographics of Kashmir by following the Israeli model of settlements in the West Bank, Pakistan should wake up and follow the Iranian model of hard power, force, and deterrence. Pakistan should create some strong proxies and start surrounding Indian Kashmir. Step up clandestine operations and start launching some missiles and drones to hit key military targets. Pakistan should forget about these hollow press releases and establish some real force and deterrence with missiles and drones to bring an end to Indian impunity in Kashmir. There ought to be consequences for India, the era of Pakistan allowing them to get away must end. Iran has been the most successful at putting pressure on Israel with its proxies and striking key Saudi locations which is exactly what Pakistan should do to India. When Pakistan says India has violated UN resolutions and imprisoned Kashmiris like worse than animals, India doesn't deserve an easy slap on the wrist. That deserves a hard and forceful response, and for that you need credibility on your threats. India currently thinks that Pakistan won't do anything to stop it and they are right. Pakistan needs to establish credibility. If we say we will do something, we should do it. Now is not the time for Pakistan to be afraid. Now is the time to take bold, tough, forceful, aggressive and decisive action and stop India's Israeli settler model in Kashmir in its tracks. When US killed Iran's top general, Iran didn't quietly accept it. They launched dozens of missiles at US bases in hard revenge and made sure US heard their message loud and clear. When Syria killed dozens of Turkish soldiers, Erdogan unleashed hell on Syria by drone striking anything that moved. That is what Pakistan must do to India if we are serious about gaining credibility to deliver our threats and put an end to India's impunity.

After Gen. Zia ul Haq's death in 1988 crash, Pakistan has remained consistently in the hands of the cowards, nothing is going to happen because Pakistan has become an orphan state.
When somebody trying to hurts your country don't label as terrorist, you lost only few dozens life or may be few hundreds due these terrorist attacks but we lost 80000+ life due these terrorist attacks, nations could make mistakes in early part of their evolution, do you had any mistakes in your life???

I agreed with you, Pakistan done a great job by clearing mess by own self. I also apriceate. USA left you alone with this mess and region. but, you fighted hard and got the victory
What a logic here... He was a terrorist

How did a top Indian security official who served for decades become a terrorist suddenly? Please explain this to me without parroting something from your awful, lying media.

Killing thousands of people in Afghanistan

LOL once again, completely brainless historical takes. I challenge you to crack open a book and look up which side was killing and forcing hundreds and thousands of Afghans out of their own country. It was not the Mujahideen freedom fighters.
If you want to change Pakistan's equation with India, unconventional new ideas like this are needed. India will not stop until a strong Pakistan opposes them.

Israel would have annexed the entire West Bank decades ago if they could. They haven't done it because they know Iran can and will wipe them off the face of the earth if they dare to do it. Iran has missiles pointing at Israel from Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. Even with full support of the United States standing behind them, Israel still doesn't dare to annex the rest of the West Bank because they know it is backed by Iranian hard power and what that is capable of. Iran has established their credibility by launching rockets and missiles hundreds of times so that their enemies know they will not think twice and are not afraid to strike anyone. So instead Israel has been doing their settler project in the West Bank because that is the maximum they can do without provoking the hundreds of missiles aimed at it by Iran.

That is what real hard power and deterrence looks like.
As you say Israel fully backed by USA that means Whole US $$$ political will/TECH for Israel, and This case of Pakistan, i don't thinks so, and China is silent game player at world level and do not expect China will give every sensitive/strategical tech to Pakistan, and by the way you Artificial Island and Aircraft carrier Idea is really stupid
and last don't compare Israeli west banks scenario to Pakistan case, its whole different ball game
How did a top Indian security official who served for decades become a terrorist suddenly? Please explain this to me without parroting something from your awful, lying mefia.

LOL once again, completely brainless historical takes. I challenge you to crack open a book and look up which side was killing and forcing hundreds and thousands of Afghans out of their own country. It was not the Mujahideen freedom fighters.
How did a top Indian security official who served for decades become a terrorist suddenly? Please explain this to me without parroting something from your awful, lying mefia

RIP logic...

Mujahideen freedom fighters. - RIP

It is the problem. Terrorist become freedom fighters based on the own interest
As you say Israel fully backed by USA that means Whole US $$$ political will/TECH for Israel, and This case of Pakistan, i don't thinks so, and China is silent game player at world level and do not expect China will give every sensitive/strategical tech to Pakistan, and by the way you Artificial Island and Aircraft carrier Idea is really stupid
and last don't compare Israeli west banks scenario to Pakistan case, its whole different ball game

China may be silent but that is a strategic advantage for us. The less people know, the better. JF-17 is the living proof of what this can bring so it should not be underestimated. Israel has the F-35 but they didn't make it. Pakistan fully knows how to make every JF-17 and this is a strategic advantage that you cannot put a price on.

Artificial islands and aircraft carriers are things that people don't understand the value of until you have them. No country can challenge another bigger than themselves without the ability of power projection. Iran's ability to call the shots at its enemies from striking range is precisely because of its power projection ability across the entire Middle East.

Israeli West Bank scenario is not a different game from Pakistan, in fact that is literally the model India is following.
It is the problem. Terrorist become freedom fighters based on the own interest
you divided lot of families in parts due to your genocide in IOK,when they take revenge from INDIAN TERRORIST FORCES IN IOK THEN THEY WILL BECOME PAKISTANI TERRORIST WHAT A LAME AND LOSE JUSTIFICATION
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