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If I Got The Job To Clean Up Terrorist In Pakistan:

Right from day one----there will 2 breaks during the work shift---lunch break and another 10 minute break----there will be no tea breaks or no cigarette breaks---.

This step will be counterproductive, for an increased efficiency and for health reasons a break of 5 to 10 minutes away from your work station after every two hours is advised.

Overall it is a good population growth control emergency plan. Half of people of Pakistan would be hanged, and other half would become useless after loosing their hands and tongues.
Title should i want to be new hitler or genghis khan of 21st century
Voilence brings only Voilence
What you think others will do to your family
For few crimes of which even constitution allows hanging that can be done only and only if you have proper evidence and courts of pakistan are who punish them otherwise thats just a murder of which no country or no religion allows any one
You need to changing your thinking
To solve all problems in pakistan i only have 4 proper solutions
1 education for everyone
2 justice for everyone
3 giving police free hand and making sure they are not corrupt and they makin sure they are doing right job
4 work for everyone
You do these 4 things voila every nation can achieve wonders
corruption cannot be eliminated, can only be reduced. Injustice is the biggest issue in subcontinent, that should be number 1 goal, even before education for all.

There is a reasoning for the cleanup in this manner----. The executions of the top brass or anyone need to be quick---fast at a lightening speed---.

These will not be revenge killings----these executions of crimes against the state---fast and expeditious---. You stole the money from the nation---you and those who you stole it for---like the family members will all pay for it with their lives---.

It turned badly for Syria and Libya is that the army was with the presidents-----not in Pakistan---.

Pak army is only holding back out of fear of sanctions----. Zardari and Nawaz know that---that is why they did what they did----.

The Maulvi Azaz would be neutraloized by the take over of the red mosque---which would immediately be raised to the ground---because it was built on illegal property----..

The first 10 days to 2 weeks will be dedicated tot he executions of the politicians---. That is where the mindset of the public would change and they would realize that something good is happening----.

This will be a stair step progression---do what the masses want---soften up their stance----once you have them in the palm of your hands----then go after madrassah's---religioius fanatic groups---and parties----.

The reason for the quick assault is that----my life as the leader would only last 90 days to a 180 days---before someone would assasinate me----so speed is what is needed to achieve my goals.

Once the basic goals are met----it would give good directions for the nation for another 50 to a 100 years.

There will be other political changes I would want to devise----but as I am about to quit this board-----and go elsewhere---I may not post here---but then I might----depends on my mood---.

Remember---in california---once divorce is filed----the court gives you 6 months date to appear for the final decision---.

Off topic
Hey man don't quit. keep on posting good stuff. You are one school of thought, a unique. Enjoyed reading you.
On topic

“two wrongs don't make a right"

Right of free trial is the basic constitutional right of every person. Innocent until proven guilty is the basic rule.

why not to improve criminal justice system in the country to clean up the mess?
Why not to empower judiciary ?

Well and list goes on

Best Regards
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My sober guess of executions is 50 million at least. I think in that way we would take good care of population explosion too.

Don't talk about decency. We know what with ira q about hoax created of wmd.
Secondly, creating monster and leaving in a middle you Expe ted us to deal with the shit you created ??

Did the US provided weapons to students in Pakistan, later, these same students became a part of all the religious (now banned) outfits like LeT, LeJ, JI, etc, etc?? NO!!! That militarization took place back then through a dictator called Gen. Zia!!!! Did the US create a gang called MQM with weapons? No, it was the same dictator. Did the US ask Pakistan to do Kargill? No, it was the next dictator in line, Musharraff!! Did the US lie about supporting Talibans to the world under the cover of the "Strategic Depth"?? NO, it was the last dictator Musharraff!!!

Did the US provide automatic weapons that can take out APC's to MQM in Karachi between 2006-2008? No, it was the same dictator again, Musharraff!!! So who'll hold the military accountable for creating all the above monsters who've killed thousands of Pakistanis inside Pakistan in cold blood? Same bast*ards that two dictators created, are having to be eliminated by Gen. RS, and that's with a sacrifice of over 50,000 lives of Pakistani civilians and soldiers!!!!!

The last support to these terrorist outfits goes to 2004-2006 by Mushy while he was playing both sides in the WOT!!! And then again in 2006-2008, when he militarized MQM who terrorised an entire city of Karachi with mass killings every day!!!!

So let go of the 80's. Tell me why even a few years ago, your Army Chief (and a Dictator of course) was creating more terrorists by supplying them with serious amounts of weapons and supplies? IMO, the 40,000 dead Pakistani citizens throughout the WOT, goes to the few generals who supported Talibans, vs. neutralizing them before too much damage across the globe. Action on time, would've squashed their ability to continue to recruit people to commit terrorism. But now, you are figting these maniacs, but its a little too late. Lost lives, whether Pakistan, the US, the UK, France or elsewhere won't come back.

Now PLEASE don't counter it with a silly argument without logic. Just answer my question instead of repeating "its all America's fault". You didn't have a working brain since the fall of Soviets right, American was teaching you to talk and walk and take a dump and all!!!!
Did the US provided weapons to students in Pakistan, later, these same students became a part of all the religious (now banned) outfits like LeT, LeJ, JI, etc, etc?? NO!!! That militarization took place back then through a dictator called Gen. Zia!!!! Did the US create a gang called MQM with weapons? No, it was the same dictator. Did the US ask Pakistan to do Kargill? No, it was the next dictator in line, Musharraff!! Did the US lie about supporting Talibans to the world under the cover of the "Strategic Depth"?? NO, it was the last dictator Musharraff!!!

Did the US provide automatic weapons that can take out APC's to MQM in Karachi between 2006-2008? No, it was the same dictator again, Musharraff!!! So who'll hold the military accountable for creating all the above monsters who've killed thousands of Pakistanis inside Pakistan in cold blood? Same bast*ards that two dictators created, are having to be eliminated by Gen. RS, and that's with a sacrifice of over 50,000 lives of Pakistani civilians and soldiers!!!!!

The last support to these terrorist outfits goes to 2004-2006 by Mushy while he was playing both sides in the WOT!!! And then again in 2006-2008, when he militarized MQM who terrorised an entire city of Karachi with mass killings every day!!!!

So let go of the 80's. Tell me why even a few years ago, your Army Chief (and a Dictator of course) was creating more terrorists by supplying them with serious amounts of weapons and supplies? IMO, the 40,000 dead Pakistani citizens throughout the WOT, goes to the few generals who supported Talibans, vs. neutralizing them before too much damage across the globe. Action on time, would've squashed their ability to continue to recruit people to commit terrorism. But now, you are figting these maniacs, but its a little too late. Lost lives, whether Pakistan, the US, the UK, France or elsewhere won't come back.

Now PLEASE don't counter it with a silly argument without logic. Just answer my question instead of repeating "its all America's fault". You didn't have a working brain since the fall of Soviets right, American was teaching you to talk and walk and take a dump and all!!!!

It was US who convienently created at atmosphere which gave birth to beauties such as Osama, who the later gave quite a run to American war machine, who facilated the trafnfer of weapons during soviet era provided training to afghans ? What was like of Raymond davis doing in regions of Fata and all, did usa send him over for biryani?

Stop with bS of strategic depth ! I will choose my generals over any civkian bastard any day you dont have any right on the otherhand. Better look at what you did in Iraq under the pretext of non existent WMD. A whole region in fire perfect for isis now and USA can't fight them.

Because they can give usa more hard time than those cave dwellers eh ?

Why didn't you rebuild the afghan society as I previously mentioned that wkud have been far more easier and better, but no ofc how would those big weapon making factories would run then.

Running away from afghan like bloody cowards now and you have the audacity to tell me what is best for my country ! You have not been here for the past 5 years, bet haven't lived here for more than a month gut you seem to know lot about Pakistan than us commonndesi. Every single time your relative ganja is grilled you seem to have heart attacks. I mean like why bother after all you aren't pakistani, right or are you one of those confused desi lot suffering from identity crisis
Instead of doing all this if you just improve the education system where students get quality education and where students are prepared to think out of the box, so that when they go they should know their rights and duties, they should know difference between right and wrong. The education system which teaches students to tolerance instead of extremism.
He is right, few thousands heads to keep up other millions with a brighter and hopeful future, otherwise keep dying in all aspects in dark.
2. arrest the top 100 members of PPPP and Zardari and their families

3. arrest the top 100 members of PMLN and their families

4. Mullah Diesel and his cohorts

5. Head of Jamat a islami and his cohorts
You are not the only one who thinks this way. We need to remove this Feudal-Elite, that collaborated with British, strengthened politically by Ayub and Zia, that controls different sectors, the sugar, steel. Bhai, this is a mafia we need to remove to ensure our survival. As my father say, 'Jitna pesa bhe kamalain kum hai inkey liye.' Aik hud hotey hai, how much money do you wish to make? We should seriously start questioning ourselves. If someone like Imran Khan doesn't take power from this people, say if he fails, what can be the worst case scenario? their children ruling us, these parasities are training their children to take over. Azeem badshahat hai, what a manhoos quam this is?
Rest of the points: somewhat too harsh, can live with them if they can abolish this 'katilana nizam'.
One point to add:
Education will 'Farz' on all, any parent not sending their children to school will be jailed. Education system will be revamped, the poor, the rich all will receive the same quality of education.

Every single time your relative ganja is grilled you seem to have heart attacks. I mean like why bother after all you aren't pakistani, right or are you one of those confused desi lot suffering from identity crisis
You dare disrespect his majesty.
You are asking a million dollar question there, my friend.

If today---I got the job to clean up pakistan of terrorists---

1. the first order of action would be to declare a state of emergency in the country

2. arrest the top 100 members of PPPP and Zardari and their families

3. arrest the top 100 members of PMLN and their families

4. Mullah Diesel and his cohorts

5. Head of Jamat a islami and his cohorts

6. Police officers involved with the shooting of Sri Lanka team

7. Some of the secretaries of stae

8. some of the judges---high court---supreme court---

9. Patwaris

Confisctae their properties----hang them in public---hang their adult sons and daughters and all in the family that benefitted with graft and theft of the national funds---.

Now that I have the attention of the nation---a possibly a nationla following---now I will direct my attention to Lal Masjid and other mosques like that.

With lightening strikes---all these madrassha's will betaken over by force---all students over the age of 16 teachers and leaders and and wives will be executed at the spot----the building raised to the ground----the minor children taken into state protection and sent to state owned political correction camps----.

All the politicians with fake degrees who intentionally and knowingly participated will meet the same fate.

General Qazi----the man who imported chinese diesel engine that were 9 " wider than the engines that were needed and then had stations modified for those engines which later failed---him and all members of his family will have 9" chopped of their both hands and both feet and all properties confiscated---.

A system of reporting any suspicious activity to police will be set up---and a substantial reward given for arrests of criminals---. Any police officer detaining and torturing those reporting suspicioius activity will be tried for treason against the state and summarily executed in 24 hours of the action---all his properties confiscated and families expelled.

Every community will participate in reporting any suspicious activity---to a local reporting center in the area----any villages or small communities will be looking after the railway ytracks and roads and bridges and will be reporting any activities---.

Child moletsation---gang rape----sodomy---blackmail---taking nude pictures and videos for any use will be charged with summary executions.

Marriage of minors to adults----wani---decisions by tribal leaders for retaliatory rape will be charged with spreading terror against the citizens of the state----and thus will be executed summarily---their properties and lands confiscated by the state----.

Acid attack criminals will be dipped ion acid baths----.

Anyone who has a beard---( beard is a reflection of sunnat a Rasool ) and commits a crime----the crime will be considered a major crime and thus punishable by death---.

Blasphemy law will be abolished at that time which would be around 30---60 days into the process----rights of the minorities restored----any community found to participate in inciting and acting against the minorities will be charged for creating unrest in the state----of starting a terrorist activity against the citizen of the state and thus charged accordingly----be hanged to death----.

Any community found to be involved in loot and plunder---in case of a bus accident---a train accident---a car accident---will be summarily charged with highway robbery---and hanged.

The land mafia will all be arrested----all their family members be arrested---all properties confiscated---all adult family members executed by the state---and minors sent to state political correctness training camps----.

The police force will start to be inducted from college graduates----. The title will start as police officers.

The system will be set up same as in the united states. There will be no direct recruitment of assistan superintendant police---or superintendant police---.

The police force will have the mayor of the city as the boss---. A police officer will not be transferred from his or hers place of employment for the life of his or hers tenure----unless they want to do it on their own---.

The judiciary will have their own police force-----like the U S marshalls----that could carry out the orders of the judiciary.

After 3 months----now thatthe public is feeling good and thinks that there is light at the end of the tunnel---some other changes will be brought out----Shalwar kameez will be banned as a work place uniform---only trouser and shirt will be the work attire----.

Right from day one----there will 2 breaks during the work shift---lunch break and another 10 minute break----there will be no tea breaks or no cigarette breaks---.

Judges will listen to a case---and there will be no extensions---. No doctprs certificate will be allowed---only and unless a person is on the death bed----a fake certifictae by the doctor will be charged and a sabotage against the workings of state---thus charged as treason---all properties confiscated and the doctor executed summarily.

The judges will decide the case on the the merit---and NOT ON SWEARING ON A QUR'AN. DNA---blood samples and other scientific techniques will be used by default---.

In any govt office or facilitiy----there will be a prson present at all times of business who can sign any document---an excuse of the boss is not available will not work---.

Anyone stealing from railways---military or other govt offices and resources will be charged with sabotage---they will have their properties confiscated and will be executed.

All officers of the sate and personals and businessmen---their properties will be assessed according to their incomes---and they will be be charged with corruption and theft if they cannot explain the disparity in their wealth and income----thus facing capital punishment for themselves and properties taken away by the state---.

There will be no street protest by govt employees---no doctors protests---no protests and blockage of streets or highways---there will be a reporting center in a city---village---and multiple centers according to the size of the location---where you could file a complain and the complaint would be handled in an expedited manner.

Hospitals will start to work like as if they are military installations---the doctors and pother staff will be available at all times and so will the medicines----. The doctors or staff when called for emergency would run to their required positions----no bad attitude by any staff either in a hospital or any other public office will be acceptable.

In about a 3 months time period----after all the backlog of executions and cleanup has been performed---the public will be looking at the state with new mindset----they will be more willing and capable in assisting the state to fight terrorism because now they would know that the state is theirs----so as there is more co-operation between the state and its citizens---the public will take ownership of the state and what is happening in the state.

Those who will lie on the judiciary stand---swear wrongly on the quran or otherwise---will be punished accordingly----for minor offences---their tongues would be cut out---for major offences---their tongues will be cut out---their hand will be cut out---for intentional wrong testimony in death sentence cases---they will be executed and their properties confiscated.


Sir I will be ready to work as right hand man of you.......
If i got a chance i will call all non criminal badas guys around Pakistan who need some action pure ruthless killers hide their identities with full ISI support, new assassin force once their mission over no one know their identities so no one ever charge them for any extra judicial killings.
Who is going to die for Zardari or Nawaz or Mullah Diesel
Those who vote for them.

After what happened in Aps all of this should have happened quickly.the state in which we are in things should move faster
Mastan sb......... what about pervez musharraf who sold single pakistani for 500 dollars each and those other dictators who almost put pakistan into Stone Age ...... The reality is that your wishful thinking and mind set mixed half extremist and dictator brought Pakistan to this stage....

people like you put Pakistan down bcos even at your best you don't have anything better good positive to add for Pakistan....

Am no fan of PPP but sir their 3 genrations got assassinated killed and put to death only for Pakistan.....

PMLN leaders got expatriate from their own country bcos Nawaz sharif went on and put Pakistan a nuclear state on the world map...Nawaz sharif wasn't allowed on his father's funeral.... members of their party got beaten harassed death etc...

My question to ....what the fk have you done for Pakistan other then ranting here on PDF over what army PAF navy should or should not buy bcos they love you and would never make a decision wihtot you .... Well all should Open 1st 3 buttons from the top of your shirt and see inside and pls then open your mouth thanks ..
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Mastan sb......... what about pervez musharraf who sold single pakistani for 500 dollars each and those other dictators who almost put pakistan into Stone Age ...... The reality is that your wishful thinking and mind set mixed half extremist and dictator brought Pakistan to this stage....

people like you put Pakistan down bcos even at your best you don't have anything better good positive to add for Pakistan....

Am no fan of PPP but sir their 3 genrations got assassinated killed and put to death only for Pakistan.....

PMLN leaders got expatriate from their own country bcos Nawaz sharif went on and put Pakistan a nuclear state on the world map...Nawaz sharif wasn't allowed on his father's funeral.... members of their party got beaten harassed death etc...

My question to ....what the fk have you done for Pakistan other then ranting here on PDF over what army PAF navy should or should not buy bcos they love you and would never make a decision wihtot you .... Well all should Open 1st 3 buttons from the top of your shirt and see inside and pls then open your mouth thanks ..

PPP 2 generations got killed not for prosperity of Pakistan but for thier own greed of Power... when they were in power what did they done for people of Pakistan except for looting and concentrating their power ...

PMLN got expatriate because their actions result in death of 1000 of Pakistanies in Kargil...

How stupid people are that they believe all this shit,,, These politians are claiming that they are working day and night and as a result properties of these politicians are increasing day and night while Pakistan is getting under debt day and night,,,

are you people blind ? Insane? or what ?
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