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If I Got The Job To Clean Up Terrorist In Pakistan:

@Viper0011. Coming back to the present, is the PMLN and PPP willing to use force to control and reform Madrassa's and mosques and initiate legislation to repeal blasphemy laws and anti-Ahmadi laws?

They are working on creating a modern Pakistan, without this bullshiit of terrorism and insane fukking Mullahs who teach violence. Pakistan has no choice but to follow a civilian rule and become a modern society. The games and religious mess of the past will otherwise destroy Pakistan. All minorities have to be protected in the same way it happens in any growing country.

Take a look at Malaysia, Turkey, Indonesia, if you only want to take an example of Muslim nations that are peaceful. Don't you think Shiite's and Sunnis and Christians live in these countries? If they can all do that without having violence, Pakistan needs to become like that.

No God tells you to kill others, God himself says he's the most merciful in all Abrahamic scrptures. So anyone can ask him for forgiveness and he'll grant it. All humans are mortals and make mistakes. Religion is a human's personal business. It should never result in other humans judging one based on his or her personal beliefs and issuing "fatwas, or spreading violence in the name of religion. These are brutal, barbaric and inhumane acts and can NEVER be justified!!
They are working on creating a modern Pakistan, without this bullshiit of terrorism and insane fukking Mullahs who teach violence. Pakistan has no choice but to follow a civilian rule and become a modern society. The games and religious mess of the past will otherwise destroy Pakistan. All minorities have to be protected in the same way it happens in any growing country.

Take a look at Malaysia, Turkey, Indonesia, if you only want to take an example of Muslim nations that are peaceful. Don't you think Shiite's and Sunnis and Christians live in these countries? If they can all do that without having violence, Pakistan needs to become like that.

No God tells you to kill others, God himself says he's the most merciful in all Abrahamic scrptures. So anyone can ask him for forgiveness and he'll grant it. All humans are mortals and make mistakes. Religion is a human's personal business. It should never result in other humans judging one based on his or her personal beliefs and issuing "fatwas, or spreading violence in the name of religion. These are brutal, barbaric and inhumane acts and can NEVER be justified!!
To be clear, I'm not at all in favor of any unconstitutional actions to bring about a change in the system.

I do think that the government needs to accelerate the process of LEA, FATA and Madrassa reforms, and needs to make an example of Mullah Aunty by revoking whatever deal was made with him, given the multitude of inflammatory statements he has made since. At the very least, he and his family can no longer be allowed to preach in or control any religious institution in Pakistan.

Cut the crap son what wax blackwater doing in data region etc was Raymond Davis doing?

USA left an entire generation in mess, results of which are stilll being faced today inafghan region.

Just weapons and training, no proper support for schooling or nation building. And you being so naive that one day you will wake to find after 45 years its all well and good ??

What did usa threaten Pakistan with had it not joined so called lost humiliated wot, care to share that threat

If you'd support Talibans which have killed 40,000 of your OWN citizens and soldiers.....then I am GLAD the USA threatened Pakistan to join the group against Terrorism and forced Pakistan in understanding the threat by these violent maniacs (very limited due to Mushy's lying).

But instead of KEEP going back to the SAME 1980's Mujahedeen, tell me what did your military do to ABANDON these violent fractions for the 45 years AFTER the Mujahedeen issue? NOTHING, they further fed and created a bigger monster which they are NOW fighting as of today!!!! Do you not feel the pain of losing 40,000 soldiers and civilians? And THEN innocents in the US and UK who suffered and were killed in brutal terrorism?????

If you don't have the decency to read the most basic stuff I am explaining, and instead, you continue to blame the US back for a mistake done 45 years ago. But you don't want to accept fault or wrong doing in the 45 years AFTER that. Almost FIVE decades are MORE than enough to clean up a country's direction if the military was focused on it. But instead, they kept building and supporting the strategic depth!!!!! Fort they made out of Sand, thinking it would support them, and today, the entire world is suffering from that monster called Taliban and Al-Qaeda !!!!! Countless humans have lost their lives for nothing, and you guys continue to bring up stuff that's irrelevant to the past 2-3 decades!!!
If you'd support Talibans which have killed 40,000 of your OWN citizens and soldiers.....then I am GLAD the USA threatened Pakistan to join the group against Terrorism and forced Pakistan in understanding the threat by these violent maniacs (very limited due to Mushy's lying).

But instead of KEEP going back to the SAME 1980's Mujahedeen, tell me what did your military do to ABANDON these violent fractions for the 45 years AFTER the Mujahedeen issue? NOTHING, they further fed and created a bigger monster which they are NOW fighting as of today!!!! Do you not feel the pain of losing 40,000 soldiers and civilians? And THEN innocents in the US and UK who suffered and were killed in brutal terrorism?????

If you don't have the decency to read the most basic stuff I am explaining, and instead, you continue to blame the US back for a mistake done 45 years ago. But you don't want to accept fault or wrong doing in the 45 years AFTER that. Almost FIVE decades are MORE than enough to clean up a country's direction if the military was focused on it. But instead, they kept building and supporting the strategic depth!!!!! Fort they made out of Sand, thinking it would support them, and today, the entire world is suffering from that monster called Taliban and Al-Qaeda !!!!! Countless humans have lost their lives for nothing, and you guys continue to bring up stuff that's irrelevant to the past 2-3 decades!!!

Don't talk about decency. We know what with ira q about hoax created of wmd.
Secondly, creating monster and leaving in a middle you Expe ted us to deal with the shit you created ?

And there is nonsuch startgeic depth plz don't bring it up like WMD of iraq .

It takes ages to creat nation and societies and takes few days and indiscriminate bombing using precision munitions which usa used in Iraq to destroy it. You think after 50 years Iraq will be different ? The mess you left Iraq in ,Isis and god knows what will come after it.

The battle hardened mentality will remain unless country like usa, genuinely decides to rebuild the country as they did with Japan or Germany for that matter.

What was done 20-30 years ago its pain will be felt today. We are talking about geo political scenario not some vampire diaries season that ends after few episodes !

What if find most hypocritical is usa as super power could have easily changed the entire course Afghan region, could have easily moderated the ideology by making schhols ,infrastructure, hospitals but no that was not the part of game was it?

If today---I got the job to clean up pakistan of terrorists---

1. the first order of action would be to declare a state of emergency in the country

2. arrest the top 100 members of PPPP and Zardari and their families

3. arrest the top 100 members of PMLN and their families

4. Mullah Diesel and his cohorts

5. Head of Jamat a islami and his cohorts

6. Police officers involved with the shooting of Sri Lanka team

7. Some of the secretaries of stae

8. some of the judges---high court---supreme court---

9. Patwaris

Confisctae their properties----hang them in public---hang their adult sons and daughters and all in the family that benefitted with graft and theft of the national funds---.

Now that I have the attention of the nation---a possibly a nationla following---now I will direct my attention to Lal Masjid and other mosques like that.

With lightening strikes---all these madrassha's will betaken over by force---all students over the age of 16 teachers and leaders and and wives will be executed at the spot----the building raised to the ground----the minor children taken into state protection and sent to state owned political correction camps----.

All the politicians with fake degrees who intentionally and knowingly participated will meet the same fate.

General Qazi----the man who imported chinese diesel engine that were 9 " wider than the engines that were needed and then had stations modified for those engines which later failed---him and all members of his family will have 9" chopped of their both hands and both feet and all properties confiscated---.

A system of reporting any suspicious activity to police will be set up---and a substantial reward given for arrests of criminals---. Any police officer detaining and torturing those reporting suspicioius activity will be tried for treason against the state and summarily executed in 24 hours of the action---all his properties confiscated and families expelled.

Every community will participate in reporting any suspicious activity---to a local reporting center in the area----any villages or small communities will be looking after the railway ytracks and roads and bridges and will be reporting any activities---.

Child moletsation---gang rape----sodomy---blackmail---taking nude pictures and videos for any use will be charged with summary executions.

Marriage of minors to adults----wani---decisions by tribal leaders for retaliatory rape will be charged with spreading terror against the citizens of the state----and thus will be executed summarily---their properties and lands confiscated by the state----.

Acid attack criminals will be dipped ion acid baths----.

Anyone who has a beard---( beard is a reflection of sunnat a Rasool ) and commits a crime----the crime will be considered a major crime and thus punishable by death---.

Blasphemy law will be abolished at that time which would be around 30---60 days into the process----rights of the minorities restored----any community found to participate in inciting and acting against the minorities will be charged for creating unrest in the state----of starting a terrorist activity against the citizen of the state and thus charged accordingly----be hanged to death----.

Any community found to be involved in loot and plunder---in case of a bus accident---a train accident---a car accident---will be summarily charged with highway robbery---and hanged.

The land mafia will all be arrested----all their family members be arrested---all properties confiscated---all adult family members executed by the state---and minors sent to state political correctness training camps----.

The police force will start to be inducted from college graduates----. The title will start as police officers.

The system will be set up same as in the united states. There will be no direct recruitment of assistan superintendant police---or superintendant police---.

The police force will have the mayor of the city as the boss---. A police officer will not be transferred from his or hers place of employment for the life of his or hers tenure----unless they want to do it on their own---.

The judiciary will have their own police force-----like the U S marshalls----that could carry out the orders of the judiciary.

After 3 months----now thatthe public is feeling good and thinks that there is light at the end of the tunnel---some other changes will be brought out----Shalwar kameez will be banned as a work place uniform---only trouser and shirt will be the work attire----.

Right from day one----there will 2 breaks during the work shift---lunch break and another 10 minute break----there will be no tea breaks or no cigarette breaks---.

Judges will listen to a case---and there will be no extensions---. No doctprs certificate will be allowed---only and unless a person is on the death bed----a fake certifictae by the doctor will be charged and a sabotage against the workings of state---thus charged as treason---all properties confiscated and the doctor executed summarily.

The judges will decide the case on the the merit---and NOT ON SWEARING ON A QUR'AN. DNA---blood samples and other scientific techniques will be used by default---.

In any govt office or facilitiy----there will be a prson present at all times of business who can sign any document---an excuse of the boss is not available will not work---.

Anyone stealing from railways---military or other govt offices and resources will be charged with sabotage---they will have their properties confiscated and will be executed.

All officers of the sate and personals and businessmen---their properties will be assessed according to their incomes---and they will be be charged with corruption and theft if they cannot explain the disparity in their wealth and income----thus facing capital punishment for themselves and properties taken away by the state---.

There will be no street protest by govt employees---no doctors protests---no protests and blockage of streets or highways---there will be a reporting center in a city---village---and multiple centers according to the size of the location---where you could file a complain and the complaint would be handled in an expedited manner.

Hospitals will start to work like as if they are military installations---the doctors and pother staff will be available at all times and so will the medicines----. The doctors or staff when called for emergency would run to their required positions----no bad attitude by any staff either in a hospital or any other public office will be acceptable.

In about a 3 months time period----after all the backlog of executions and cleanup has been performed---the public will be looking at the state with new mindset----they will be more willing and capable in assisting the state to fight terrorism because now they would know that the state is theirs----so as there is more co-operation between the state and its citizens---the public will take ownership of the state and what is happening in the state.

Those who will lie on the judiciary stand---swear wrongly on the quran or otherwise---will be punished accordingly----for minor offences---their tongues would be cut out---for major offences---their tongues will be cut out---their hand will be cut out---for intentional wrong testimony in death sentence cases---they will be executed and their properties confiscated.


And if you do this, ill definitely support you.
Btw you forgot to mention MQM. And i have a good suggestion:
Hang them publicly (in Karachi), take off their clothes, cut their fingers first, then hands then their feet, burn them alive, make a video and send it to RAW.

If today---I got the job to clean up pakistan of terrorists---

1. the first order of action would be to declare a state of emergency in the country

2. arrest the top 100 members of PPPP and Zardari and their families

3. arrest the top 100 members of PMLN and their families

4. Mullah Diesel and his cohorts

5. Head of Jamat a islami and his cohorts

6. Police officers involved with the shooting of Sri Lanka team

7. Some of the secretaries of stae

8. some of the judges---high court---supreme court---

9. Patwaris

Confisctae their properties----hang them in public---hang their adult sons and daughters and all in the family that benefitted with graft and theft of the national funds---.

Now that I have the attention of the nation---a possibly a nationla following---now I will direct my attention to Lal Masjid and other mosques like that.

With lightening strikes---all these madrassha's will betaken over by force---all students over the age of 16 teachers and leaders and and wives will be executed at the spot----the building raised to the ground----the minor children taken into state protection and sent to state owned political correction camps----.

All the politicians with fake degrees who intentionally and knowingly participated will meet the same fate.

General Qazi----the man who imported chinese diesel engine that were 9 " wider than the engines that were needed and then had stations modified for those engines which later failed---him and all members of his family will have 9" chopped of their both hands and both feet and all properties confiscated---.

A system of reporting any suspicious activity to police will be set up---and a substantial reward given for arrests of criminals---. Any police officer detaining and torturing those reporting suspicioius activity will be tried for treason against the state and summarily executed in 24 hours of the action---all his properties confiscated and families expelled.

Every community will participate in reporting any suspicious activity---to a local reporting center in the area----any villages or small communities will be looking after the railway ytracks and roads and bridges and will be reporting any activities---.

Child moletsation---gang rape----sodomy---blackmail---taking nude pictures and videos for any use will be charged with summary executions.

Marriage of minors to adults----wani---decisions by tribal leaders for retaliatory rape will be charged with spreading terror against the citizens of the state----and thus will be executed summarily---their properties and lands confiscated by the state----.

Acid attack criminals will be dipped ion acid baths----.

Anyone who has a beard---( beard is a reflection of sunnat a Rasool ) and commits a crime----the crime will be considered a major crime and thus punishable by death---.

Blasphemy law will be abolished at that time which would be around 30---60 days into the process----rights of the minorities restored----any community found to participate in inciting and acting against the minorities will be charged for creating unrest in the state----of starting a terrorist activity against the citizen of the state and thus charged accordingly----be hanged to death----.

Any community found to be involved in loot and plunder---in case of a bus accident---a train accident---a car accident---will be summarily charged with highway robbery---and hanged.

The land mafia will all be arrested----all their family members be arrested---all properties confiscated---all adult family members executed by the state---and minors sent to state political correctness training camps----.

The police force will start to be inducted from college graduates----. The title will start as police officers.

The system will be set up same as in the united states. There will be no direct recruitment of assistan superintendant police---or superintendant police---.

The police force will have the mayor of the city as the boss---. A police officer will not be transferred from his or hers place of employment for the life of his or hers tenure----unless they want to do it on their own---.

The judiciary will have their own police force-----like the U S marshalls----that could carry out the orders of the judiciary.

After 3 months----now thatthe public is feeling good and thinks that there is light at the end of the tunnel---some other changes will be brought out----Shalwar kameez will be banned as a work place uniform---only trouser and shirt will be the work attire----.

Right from day one----there will 2 breaks during the work shift---lunch break and another 10 minute break----there will be no tea breaks or no cigarette breaks---.

Judges will listen to a case---and there will be no extensions---. No doctprs certificate will be allowed---only and unless a person is on the death bed----a fake certifictae by the doctor will be charged and a sabotage against the workings of state---thus charged as treason---all properties confiscated and the doctor executed summarily.

The judges will decide the case on the the merit---and NOT ON SWEARING ON A QUR'AN. DNA---blood samples and other scientific techniques will be used by default---.

In any govt office or facilitiy----there will be a prson present at all times of business who can sign any document---an excuse of the boss is not available will not work---.

Anyone stealing from railways---military or other govt offices and resources will be charged with sabotage---they will have their properties confiscated and will be executed.

All officers of the sate and personals and businessmen---their properties will be assessed according to their incomes---and they will be be charged with corruption and theft if they cannot explain the disparity in their wealth and income----thus facing capital punishment for themselves and properties taken away by the state---.

There will be no street protest by govt employees---no doctors protests---no protests and blockage of streets or highways---there will be a reporting center in a city---village---and multiple centers according to the size of the location---where you could file a complain and the complaint would be handled in an expedited manner.

Hospitals will start to work like as if they are military installations---the doctors and pother staff will be available at all times and so will the medicines----. The doctors or staff when called for emergency would run to their required positions----no bad attitude by any staff either in a hospital or any other public office will be acceptable.

In about a 3 months time period----after all the backlog of executions and cleanup has been performed---the public will be looking at the state with new mindset----they will be more willing and capable in assisting the state to fight terrorism because now they would know that the state is theirs----so as there is more co-operation between the state and its citizens---the public will take ownership of the state and what is happening in the state.

Those who will lie on the judiciary stand---swear wrongly on the quran or otherwise---will be punished accordingly----for minor offences---their tongues would be cut out---for major offences---their tongues will be cut out---their hand will be cut out---for intentional wrong testimony in death sentence cases---they will be executed and their properties confiscated.


Nice, may I add one more point for you...: "Stop differentiating between the 'good terrorists' and 'bad terrorists' and eliminate them all without any bias and prejudice or consideration for loss of strategic assets"!! :)
Thank god you will never get that job and there are cool headed professionals dealing with situation. This is the dumbest sh*t I read this year, I dont even know where to start. This is like talking to an autowallah who has 1 devastatingly simple idea for every problem India faces... "make all politicians stand in line and shoot them all"...:close_tema:
They are working on creating a modern Pakistan, without this bullshiit of terrorism and insane fukking Mullahs who teach violence. Pakistan has no choice but to follow a civilian rule and become a modern society. The games and religious mess of the past will otherwise destroy Pakistan. All minorities have to be protected in the same way it happens in any growing country.

Take a look at Malaysia, Turkey, Indonesia, if you only want to take an example of Muslim nations that are peaceful. Don't you think Shiite's and Sunnis and Christians live in these countries? If they can all do that without having violence, Pakistan needs to become like that.

No God tells you to kill others, God himself says he's the most merciful in all Abrahamic scrptures. So anyone can ask him for forgiveness and he'll grant it. All humans are mortals and make mistakes. Religion is a human's personal business. It should never result in other humans judging one based on his or her personal beliefs and issuing "fatwas, or spreading violence in the name of religion. These are brutal, barbaric and inhumane acts and can NEVER be justified!!
Pmln going to reform blasphemy law hah impossible their voters will kill them
@MastanKhan Sir you'll never be able to do that... See even now you're seeing good terrorists vs bad terrorists !!!!

How will you manage to eliminate Terrorism ???
Thank god you will never get that job and there are cool headed professionals dealing with situation. This is the dumbest sh*t I read this year, I dont even know where to start. This is like talking to an autowallah who has 1 devastatingly simple idea for every problem India faces... "make all politicians stand in line and shoot them all"...:close_tema:


If you have a pen in your hand---your solutions go on the paper----but when you pick up a hammer----the only thing you can do is hit the nail on the head.

If you have a pen in your hand---your solutions go on the paper----but when you pick up a hammer----the only thing you can do is hit the nail on the head.
I dont know what you mean, but any basic knowledge of governance will tell you, removing leadership and creating power vacuum leads to chaos.
In other words, corrupt politicians are better than faujis and faujis are way better than autowallahs in ruling the country.

See each point, starting from point 1;
Pakistani leaders want to tell the world that "all is okey, pakistan is open for business. We can sort this issue, no big deal. Bring in money. Bring investment." Why would anybody declare emergency when you can remove terrorists without emergency? Is there any guarantee your fauj can do better in emergency? If anything it will now face hostile pakistani public and international press. Besides you wont get to sit in many international gatherings and weaken your own case.

If today---I got the job to clean up pakistan of terrorists---

And MK be like

Change the title to "If i got the job to start a civil war in Pakistan".
Title should i want to be new hitler or genghis khan of 21st century
Voilence brings only Voilence
What you think others will do to your family
For few crimes of which even constitution allows hanging that can be done only and only if you have proper evidence and courts of pakistan are who punish them otherwise thats just a murder of which no country or no religion allows any one
You need to changing your thinking
To solve all problems in pakistan i only have 4 proper solutions
1 education for everyone
2 justice for everyone
3 giving police free hand and making sure they are not corrupt and they makin sure they are doing right job
4 work for everyone
You do these 4 things voila every nation can achieve wonders

There is hardly any sane pakistani who will not stand with me on this issue---.

If that is really the case, what is stopping you from doing what you are proposing, afterall there is hardly any "sane" Pakistani who will not stand with you on the issue?
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