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If I Got The Job To Clean Up Terrorist In Pakistan:

You started off with terrorism but ended up going after corruption too _____Why not deal with one monster at a time
I won't be doing much different as stated and in 6 months time I will give a serious thought of nuking India into Ashes.:devil:
Uncle Sam might have to do it----.
What if some one labels you a CIA agent or a private contractor or a crypto jew or a kaffir tables can be turned against you

I won't be doing much different as stated and in 6 months time I will give a serious thought of nuking India into Ashes.:devil:
How will that solve Pakistan problems?
You started off with terrorism but ended up going after corruption too _____Why not deal with one monster at a time


In order for you to go after terrorism----you have to soften up the masses ahead of time----and fix their gripes and problems---.

The problems in pakistan are thieves aka politicians which have looted and plundered the exchequer like never before.

Once the you take out the top hated politicians----the public now understands that you are in their corner---you have their welfare in mind---and you will look after them---.

Pakistani masses are broken down---they are tired---they live in hopelessness----any ray of light is pure sunshine to them---.

So---if they see the political prisoners hanged---you have taken care of 1/2 of their concerns----their other 1/4 th of the problems will already be fixed when the efficiency level to the working govt employees goes up by a 1000 %----now these people are in your hand---.

It will basically take around 5 to 7 days---then you make the next strike when the iron is hot----take out the red mosque mullah----Hamid Mir and geo TV----the 5th columnist reporter and tv station---.

Pub;ic would care less who else is crushed----. They want order in the society---they want rule of law----they want justice---they want pursuit of happiness and live a kind and gentle life---.

And no---no one in Sindh will cry for Zardari-----

If today---I got the job to clean up pakistan of terrorists---

1. the first order of action would be to declare a state of emergency in the country

2. arrest the top 100 members of PPPP and Zardari and their families

3. arrest the top 100 members of PMLN and their families

4. Mullah Diesel and his cohorts

5. Head of Jamat a islami and his cohorts

6. Police officers involved with the shooting of Sri Lanka team

7. Some of the secretaries of stae

8. some of the judges---high court---supreme court---

9. Patwaris.

1) I think you are just super angry......as none of the above makes sense. You left the few BIGGEST causes of terorism's spread in Pakistan!!! I.E., the Pakistani Army and people like IK, who instigate people towards violence and consider creating intensity and threats and violence in daily life, perfectly "OK", as long as they get to be in the power!!!

2) The rise of Talibans and resulting "Islamization and Radicalization" of Pakistan, wasn't a "civilian" government's policy. It has ALWAYS been the military of Pakistan!!

Who gave MQM weapons in 2006-2008 and allowed them to terrorize an entire province of Pakistan? It was Mushy, the then Army Chief (Dictator)!!!! Who kept the "Strategic Depth" in the shape of Talibans in Afghanistan, which fueled the violence and radicalization in that region significantly and as of today, Pakistan is trying to eliminate these Talibans and their "left overs".....you guessed it right!!!!

It was the Pakistani military which supported it and even when the US warned Pakistan many, many times, dictator's like Mushy, still protected these insane maniacs, who kill innocent without a reason and mercy. And after Mushy was gone, Pakistan started to see the serious damage these bast*ards were doing to Pakistan itself and then the globe. Now, you've lost thousands of innocent people since; and now, you guys are trying to kill these terrorists!!!

Who created what was known as the "Klashankov" culture (I hope I spelled it right)???? and distributed weapons in the hands of student organizations with religious affiliations around late 80's..... (these organizations would produce militants later around the year 2000's)??? Another dictator called Gen. Zia did!!!!!

Between JUST these two dictators, Zia and Mushy, I've covered about 3 decades of violent filled history of Pakistan and the region, starting late 90's till TODAY!! And somehow, let's blame this on PPP, PNLM, and everyone else who actually started operations against these terrorists!! PPP was the first one post Mushy's dictatorship, who started to clean up Swat valley from these radical basta*rds, and then NS continued that work and now spread it to the entire Pakistan.

It is SO convenient for you and many others to point fingers on everyone but the real sources of these issues. I even read a post by an idiot who didn't care to question where did the California terrorists got radicalized from, instead, he said "its the American embassy's fault" that they issued a Visa to that woman who killed so many.....REALLY????

I'd LOVE to see ONE person on here, questioning and blaming the sources of these insane, inhumane events that cause innocents to die. It seems like everyone's busy in blaming whoever they don't like. Whether they have to do anything with this or not.
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Bloody ganja and zardari
Ganja was more interested in making so called peace deals with mercenaries
1) I

I'd LOVE to see ONE person on here, questioning and blaming the sources of these insane, inhumane events that cause innocents to die. It seems like everyone's busy in blaming whoever they don't like. Whether they have to do anything with this or not.


So---you got your answer----. There is hardly any sane pakistani who will not stand with me on this issue---. They are all tired----they just need to see a way to do it---.

Only if I had some money at hand----a revolution would be in the making----.

So---you got your answer----. There is hardly any sane pakistani who will not stand with me on this issue---. They are all tired----they just need to see a way to do it---.

Only if I had some money at hand----a revolution would be in the making----.

When did I get my answer and by who???? Doging the questions won't change the topic. If you haven't read my questions, I can repost for you???

And what "revolution" and against "who" are you going to go back in time and put Zia and Mushy and other Generals in jail because the screw up they started, wasted three decades of Pakistan's precious time in fighting bloody terrorism? And caused pains across the globe due to the proliferation of insane mentality and mullah-teachings???

Please be clear on what "solution" would solve this when this entire "strategic depth" and Taliban's support had backing from the Pakistani Army, which allowed these insane retards to continue to spread radical ideology inside and outside of Pakistan!!!!
When did I get my answer and by who???? Doging the questions won't change the topic. If you haven't read my questions, I can repost for you???

And what "revolution" and against "who" are you going to go back in time and put Zia and Mushy and other Generals in jail because the screw up they started, wasted three decades of Pakistan's precious time in fighting bloody terrorism? And caused pains across the globe due to the proliferation of insane mentality and mullah-teachings???

Please be clear on what "solution" would solve this when this entire "strategic depth" and Taliban's support had backing from the Pakistani Army, which allowed these insane retards to continue to spread radical ideology inside and outside of Pakistan!!!!

Who created mujhaideens ?
Who came on 4000 visa every year during Pakistan ? Who was Raymond Davis ? What was blackwater doing ?
What did USA threaten us with in 2001 had we not joined WOT
Bloody ganja and zardari
Ganja was more interested in making so called peace deals with mercenaries

Who made these Talibans in the 90's? Who distributed weapons and all to Radical fractions INSIDE Pakistan in the late 80's??? Who distributed serious amounts of weapons again to MQM in2006-2008???? So who created these monster should never be named. But the only two civilian governments, who actually tried to resolve these terrorism related issues....you guys will blame them for everything?? I am surprised by this "shift the blame" mentality shown by many on here. These Taliban monsters and the internal intense religious mess was created by Pakistani Army!!!! Terrorists are terrorists (as they've proven to Pakistan for a decade now). There is NO strategic depth a terrrorist organization can provide!!!! Something the US told Pakistan for YEARS and it wasn't taken seriously till after Mushy;s dictatorship. The second the civilians came into power, they started operations to clean up Pakistan from radical crazy idiots. I don't like Zardari for his corrupt behavior, but this campaign in Swat valley was started by his government, so he gets the credit, and continued by NS, and November was the first month in a decade when there wasn't any serious terrorism or large scale killings happened in Pakistan. Meaning, things have changed for the better for Pakistan !!

BTW, making "peace deals" means both parties have an agreement. And in this case, it means one party (the extremists) would let go of their crazy ideology and will become normal. When that didn't workout.......NS brought in the military and provided political support, money and weapons to clean Pakistan up from radical fractions. A bankrupt military can't fight any short term war, let alone a multi-year war being fought inside Pakistan's many regions to clean up the terrorist threat once and for all!!!!
Who made these Talibans in the 90's? Who distributed weapons and all to Radical fractions INSIDE Pakistan in the late 80's??? Who distributed serious amounts of weapons again to MQM in2006-2008???? So who created these monster should never be named. But the only two civilian governments, who actually tried to resolve these terrorism related issues....you guys will blame them for everything?? I am surprised by this "shift the blame" mentality shown by many on here. These Taliban monsters and the internal intense religious mess was created by Pakistani Army!!!! Terrorists are terrorists (as they've proven to Pakistan for a decade now). There is NO strategic depth a terrrorist organization can provide!!!! Something the US told Pakistan for YEARS and it wasn't taken seriously till after Mushy;s dictatorship. The second the civilians came into power, they started operations to clean up Pakistan from radical crazy idiots. I don't like Zardari for his corrupt behavior, but this campaign in Swat valley was started by his government, so he gets the credit, and continued by NS, and November was the first month in a decade when there wasn't any serious terrorism or large scale killings happened in Pakistan. Meaning, things have changed for the better for Pakistan !!

BTW, making "peace deals" means both parties have an agreement. And in this case, it means one party (the extremists) would let go of their crazy ideology and will become normal. When that didn't workout.......NS brought in the military and provided political support, money and weapons to clean Pakistan up from radical fractions. A bankrupt military can't fight any short term war, let alone a multi-year war being fought inside Pakistan's many regions to clean up the terrorist threat once and for all!!!!
Hillary on record admitted who fathered these butchers. Then when coward white arse left the region we had to deal with the brunt of 3-5 mn refugees while we were on sanctions !

Mqm is nothing compared to what USA created and left us to deal with the shit.

How much tax your relative NS pays, don't make embrass you by posting his video on why he don't pay tax
1) I think you are just super angry......as none of the above makes sense. You left the few BIGGEST causes of terorism's spread in Pakistan!!! I.E., the Pakistani Army and people like IK, who instigate people towards violence and consider creating intensity and threats and violence in daily life is "OK", as long as they get to be in the power!!!

2) The rise of Talibans and resulting "Islamization and Radicalization" of Pakistan, wasn't a "civilian" government's policy. It has ALWAYS been the military of Pakistan!!

Who gave MQM weapons in 2006-2008 and allowed them to terrorize an entire province of Pakistan? It was Mushy, the then Army Chief (Dictator)!!!! Who kept the "Strategic Depth" in the shape of Talibans in Afghanistan, which fueled the violence and radicalization in that region significantly and as of today, Pakistan is trying to eliminate these Talibans and their "left overs".....you guessed it right!!!! It was the Pakistani military which supported it and even when the US warned Pakistan many, many times, dictator's like Mushy, still protected these insane maniacs, who kill innocent without a reason and mercy. And after Mushy was gone, Pakistan started to see the serious damage these bast*ards were doing to Pakistan itself and then the globe. Now, you've lost thousands of more people since and are trying to kill these terrorists!!!

Who created what was known as the "Klashankov" culture (I hope I spelled it right)???? and distributed weapons in the hands of student organizations with religious affiliations around late 80's..... (these organizations would produce militants later around the year 2000's)??? Another dictator called Gen. Zia did!!!!!

Between JUST these two dictators, Zia and Mushy, I've covered about 3 decades of violent filled history of Pakistan and the region, starting late 90's till TODAY!! And somehow, let's blame this on PPP, PNLM, and everyone else who actually started operations against these terrorists!! PPP was the first one post Mushy's dictatorship, who started to clean up Swat valley from these radical basta*rds, and then NS continued that work and now spread it to the entire Pakistan.

It is SO convenient for you and many others to point fingers on everyone but the real sources of these issues. I even read a post by an idiot who didn't care to question where did the California terrorists got radicalized from, instead, he said "its the American embassy's fault" that they issued a Visa to that woman who killed so many.....REALLY????

I'd LOVE to see ONE person on here, questioning and blaming the sources of these insane, inhumane events that cause innocents to die. It seems like everyone's busy in blaming whoever they don't like. Whether they have to do anything with this or not.
Patwari in action with all his ignorance.
@Viper0011. Coming back to the present, is the PMLN and PPP willing to use force to control and reform Madrassa's and mosques and initiate legislation to repeal blasphemy laws and anti-Ahmadi laws?

Who created mujhaideens ?
Who came on 4000 visa every year during Pakistan ? Who was Raymond Davis ? What was blackwater doing ?
What did USA threaten us with in 2001 had we not joined WOT

The "Mujahedeen" were 1980's creation. Since then.......there have been 45 years. Almost FIVE decades......and you'll still blame that?? Grow up, that argument doesn't hold water anymore.

Everyone knew Mujahedeen was a mistake of the 80's. But...knowing that, the Pak Army created and suported another monster, under the name of "Taliban".....and while the US told Pakistan MANY times, Pakistan didn't listen and look at the world today!!!!

Bill Clinton went to Pakistan and addressed the country and outlined exactly what was assessed to happen. What did Mushy the dictator do? He started Kargil, then supported certain Taliban fractions, which in turn, resulted in a loss of 40,000 Pakistani soldiers and citizens!!! And it doesn't end here, he turned Karachi into a mess of terrorism like Beirut!!! By supplying weapons to his buddies in MQM, and look who the Pak Army has been fighting in FATA and in Karachi????? BOTH, Musharraff's supported violent terrorist fractions, the Talibans and the MQM!!!! '

Are Pakistani soldiers and citizens lives so cheap and ordinary that one general (Mushy) creates / supports violent fractions, and the other one tries to clean up (RS)???? Either way, the soldiers and civilians die for no good reason?

There is a REASON why Civilians rule the country. Its because they can assess these future damages and create a system to avoid the entire country going down the wrong direction. But the generals don't understand these. For the past 45 years (almost FIVE decades), Pakistan is dealing with what the mess that some generals had created for their country!!!!
The "Mujahedeen" were 1980's creation. Since then.......there have been 45 years. Almost FIVE decades......and you'll still blame that?? Grow up, that argument doesn't hold water anymore.

Everyone knew Mujahedeen was a mistake of the 80's. But...knowing that, the Pak Army created and suported another monster, under the name of "Taliban".....and while the US told Pakistan MANY times, Pakistan didn't listen and look at the world today!!!!

Bill Clinton went to Pakistan and addressed the country and outlined exactly what was assessed to happen. What did Mushy the dictator do? He started Kargil, then supported certain Taliban fractions, which in turn, resulted in a loss of 40,000 Pakistani soldiers and citizens!!! And it doesn't end here, he turned Karachi into a mess of terrorism like Beirut!!! By supplying weapons to his buddies in MQM, and look who the Pak Army has been fighting in FATA and in Karachi????? BOTH, Musharraff's supported violent terrorist fractions, the Talibans and the MQM!!!! '

Are Pakistani soldiers and citizens lives so cheap and ordinary that one general (Mushy) creates / supports violent fractions, and the other one tries to clean up (RS)???? Either way, the soldiers and civilians die for no good reason?

There is a REASON why Civilians rule the country. Its because they can assess these future damages and create a system to avoid the entire country going down the wrong direction. But the generals don't understand these. For the past 45 years (almost FIVE decades), Pakistan is dealing with what the mess that some generals had created for their country!!!!

Cut the crap son what wax blackwater doing in data region etc was Raymond Davis doing?

USA left an entire generation in mess, results of which are stilll being faced today inafghan region.

Just weapons and training, no proper support for schooling or nation building. And you being so naive that one day you will wake to find after 45 years its all well and good ??

What did usa threaten Pakistan with had it not joined so called lost humiliated wot, care to share that threat
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