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If I am a traitor form a commission against me, demands Nawaz

So hold on, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's hanging you call a "judicial murder". And what will stop loyal followers of PMLN to call Nawaz Sharif's hanging a "judicial murder". You don't seem very bright at all...kindly stop commenting on matters that are clearly beyond your mental aptitude.
Grand pa, if you cannot stop insulting people and hurling personal insults instead of sticking to the topic and keeping it factual, how can we have a discussion boss?
Do you know even know the difference between the voters of NS and ZAB? There is a huge difference between the ideological voters of ZAB and crooked opportunists who support NS...Isn't your PMLn already suffering desertions while still in the govt and your MNA and MPAs are leaving your party in hordes. What happened to you and likes of when Musharraf kicked the SOB out of the govt in 1999 and then exiled him...how many of you were protesting on the streets or burning yourselves up... So stop this nonsensical and unrealistic comparison..There's a hell of difference...if you can understand then better hold a rosary, stay in a monastery or asylum for rest your life.
Yes...hang him...so the Muslim League can make him a martyr. Do you people even think before you type? Acting all big and bad on the internet...this forum seems to be populated by 16 year old kids.

Those who want to make martyr out of him can also join in his noble cause of martyrdom. Things have reach this level because of the inaction of the state. Every bloody traitor and crook is allowed to reach the highest offices of state and screw country from within.
The best thing to do is a decisive political assassination. Meaning, dig something up deep about Nawaz Sharif that is so damaging, that his own brother would disown him. That's how it's done. Not silly little conspiracy theories about "his a RAW agent" or "he is paid by Israel".

My goodness...I've only been on this forum for a few days, but the lack of intelligence and the overemotional responses are just IQ killing to me.

Grand pa, if you cannot stop insulting people and hurling personal insults instead of sticking to the topic and keeping it factual, how can we have a discussion boss?
Do you know even know the difference between the voters of NS and ZAB? There is a huge difference between the ideological voters of ZAB and crooked opportunists who support NS...Isn't your PMLn already suffering desertions while still in the govt and your MNA and MPAs are leaving your party in hordes. What happened to you and likes of when Musharraf kicked the SOB out of the govt in 1999 and then exiled him...how many of you were protesting on the streets or burning yourselves up... So stop this nonsensical and unrealistic comparison..There's a hell of difference...if you can understand then better hold a rosary, stay in a monastery or asylum for rest your life.

I'm not a PMLN supporter by any stretch of the imagination, but hanging your former 3 time Prime Minister is beyond insane. You not only make him a martyr in the eyes of loyal PMLN supporters, you also send a negative message to the world.

Yes, put him on trial...if convicted, sentence him to life in prison. What's with all this hanging nonsense that is coming from you? Every post you make about some someone being a bastard or someone having to be killed.

Is this is the type of people on this forum? If so, I think I've over welcomed my stay. I was warned several times not to join this forum because of the sheer ignorance and extremism being promoted here. At first I was skeptical, but now I'm 100% convinced.

Those who want to make martyr out of him can also join in his noble cause of martyrdom. Things have reach this level because of the inaction of the state. Every bloody traitor and crook is allowed to reach the highest offices of state and screw country from within.

And the answer is hanging them? Why not correct the system?

In 1947, this so-called "independent country" adopted a colonial governance model and a colonial military (North Western Army). And then you wonder why it spews out trash all the time?

Our governance model and military model should be "decolonized". But of course, nobody wants to have that discussion. Because the political and military class of this country are all on the same page...fooling this nation time and time again.

Who brought Nawaz Sharif into the limelight? You very own chutiya Zia ul **** did.
Tooi is finished. The best thing to do is put him in a cage and have him driven around the country where people can fling their shit at him.

you think that's harsh? well then **** you!

i am pro comission
it should be formed
by the families of the army jawans nartyred along loc/border with india
a free ballot should be held IF HE SHOULD BE HANGED OR SEND TO INDIA..votes counted and punishment administered without any delay
Why not ask for a trial instead?
PTI has already filed the case. Simple and straight forward..though it should have come from the govt or army..but since there we have stooges and khusras, respectively...so PTI had to this as well for the people of Pakistan...they really represent our sentiments..thank you PTI and IK.
And the answer is hanging them? Why not correct the system?

In 1947, this so-called "independent country" adopted a colonial governance model and a colonial military (North Western Army). And then you wonder why it spews out trash all the time?

Our governance model and military model should be "decolonized". But of course, nobody wants to have that discussion. Because the political and military class of this country are all on the same page...fooling this nation time and time again.

Who brought Nawaz Sharif into the limelight? You very own chutiya Zia ul **** did.

System is gone beyond the stage when it can be corrected, it needs to be uprooted thrown in the grinder along with its paracites and new system introduced with clean and fresh start with new , upright, honest and nationalist people. Nawaz Shareef is a jet black crook, thieve and traitor, yet his trial has been going on for more then year and not a single penny he looted has been brought back to the coffers of state! This is the "system" you are talking about.

I am not saying that establishment has not screwed up, the NRO is the nightmare we are living through which saw worst among us, rule us.
PTI has already filed the case. Simple and straight forward..though it should have come from the govt or army..but since there we have stooges and khusras, respectively...so PTI had to this as well for the people of Pakistan...they really represent our sentiments..thank you PTI and IK.

This scum always asks for Commissions. He should demand a trial.
Simple hanging is an easy way out... infact he won't even feel it. What he will feel is if he completely banished from Pakistani media and banned from holding public meetings or addressing gatherings. Will make him severely helpless and imo will be a bigger punishment than just a hanging. Make this guy rue his every living day.
the guy needs to be silenced---------------------- but permenently
just send bugsy
There is an easier way. Send them to jail and declare both the father daughter duo mentally unstable just before release.

They shall then be released to a government run mental hospital in President Mamnoons Province so that he can easily supply his dahi Bhallay to them too...win win for all.
Simple hanging is an easy way out... infact he won't even feel it. What he will feel is if he completely banished from Pakistani media and banned from holding public meetings or addressing gatherings. Will make him severely helpless and imo will be a bigger punishment than just a hanging. Make this guy rue his every living day.

You are wrong. What is more painful for Nawaz is that if he is deprived from all his money and property.
This scum always asks for Commissions. He should demand a trial.
Because he knows that there are still a lot of sympathisers in the system (read establishment) who will support him based on Punjabi card and make things go slow... what has happened to all these cases...despite everything crystal clear, he has not been put behind the bars... after every two months...we hear that he gets disqualified again and again and again...but in reality, he is free to travel, hold interviews and press conferences, abuse the country, appoint people, distribute seats... and even the PM goes to meet him wiggling his tail..
lol there is some thing very funny about this thread no one is discussing the thread but every one is discussing punishment for him. This shows the nation already considers him a traitor. lol.
There is an easier way. Send them to jail and declare both the father daughter duo mentally unstable just before release.

They shall then be released to a government run mental hospital in President Mamnoons Province so that he can easily supply his dahi Bhallay to them too...win win for all.
Mate... that's not the solution...just hang them all for once... and you will get rid of them ... there might be a demonstration here and there (very very unlikely) but that's it. It will settle it for good.
Anyone here has idea what happened in nsc meet what is the outcome of it. What did security institutions decide about him and his future fate?

Any clue is any legal action being suggested by army against him? Or once again he is let lose by establishment?

I would like to see his whole family and himself put in a location where nuclear tests will be carried out to get his whole posterity nuked out including his arse
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wait until this pig gets sick or admitted to hospital and then entire nation will start to wish him well and possibly give him another chance to screw this nation
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