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If Army stops operation Taliban will ceasefire

Stop coming up with crap for your information Girls schools are still open in North Wazristan where Taliban are in control stop posting lies

Talibans blow up girl's schools every other day. You're the one lying here.
Talibans blow up girl's schools every other day. You're the one lying here.
Sir they are not behind that it is thakay dar mafia who is taking advantage of it and schools are working in North Wazristan Sir go get your facts right than come and talk here
A ceasefire like this will only give these scumbags time to regroup and come back stronger. As long as the festering issues that have created these a-holes exist then the problem of the Taliban will linger. This is not as open and shut as many here would love to believe or the GoP would like you and the world to think.

And what about those other radical elements that are not "Taliban-proper" but are still carrying out attacks in Pakistan?

There is no silver bullet, unfrotunatly, for Pakistan's present woes.
@Secur Notice that they, the Taliban, want to set the agenda. IF the Pakistani army stops its operations THEN we'll lay down our arms. This just cannot be acceptable. The equation should be- hit them hard and if then they bend the knee talk to them..NOT hit them then withdraw and wait for them to draw up the terms.

Personally I don't even see how they are in any position to set the terms. They are still capable of carrying out attacks, still capable of ambushing army men and slaughtering them- fine. BUT on the field, wherever they've tried to entrench themselves of late instead of fighting a classical guerrilla war they've come up short and have taken a pounding. Given this recent development I fail to see how they can dictate such terms.

Give them a respite now and they'll shore up their funds, disperse, find new centers to operate out of and this whole bloody cycle will restart. I have no love for Pakistan or its people but when you come across reports of mothers who shrug when asked of their child's death at the hands of these barbarians, shrugs because she has nothing left to say..OR see horrendous pictures of an innocent kid beating his chest in the midst of fire and ruin then one has to discard that prejudice and look upon the situation anew. I fail to see how people can theorize that victory for Taliban will mean that Muslim women won't wear short skirts..what a great victory to achieve over the bodies of 50000 dead Muslims. What a gem of an argument.

Has Nawaz lost his mind? Or is he simply dancing to someone else's tune. These terrorists will not give you respite. Its sad that people who are trying to speak from reason are being branded as western lackeys.

@Dillinger That is something that has always been known . They want to dictate terms , set an agenda and dominate the scene - call the shots if you will . The Taliban and other militants are known to resort to this tactic when they are getting hammered badly by the army . They set up a few demands , which may seemingly look good like the " presidential immunity " , notice here how they are showing " willingness " to accept the constitution , to talk with a future Prime minister who got elected by the same process they detest most , even though from the time they started the attacks they have been against it all along - both the constitution and the democracy . Now , they are willing to cease fire , to talk but again have a look good at the conditions " they want us to repeal the women rights " , something that wont be acceptable to the Govt for obvious reasons . They even wont lay down their arms , that isn't what they are saying , they want some crucial time to regroup in the guise of " peace process " . The guns will be silent if the offer is unfortunately accepted sure and they will rest and restore their supplies in the meantime , get help from other side of the Durand line and shift the fighters from a few other places By that way , they create an impression in the mind of Pakistani population that actually they were sincere to negotiate and stop this violence but the Govt and specially the Army ruined it all like always whilst they get the time , a win-win situation for them if the Govt somehow doesn't learn from the mistakes committed in Swat . You see , the pattern , the clever tactics now ? Besides this , these religious nutjobs are known to be attention seekers , remember sometime back when they made the same offer and when it was declined by the state , we got a statement that their so called offer for peace shouldn't be understood as their weakness and they must be feared by all ( Yes they said that ! :D ) The people of Pakistan must understand that this offer is not out of good will , not because they want peace , but because they are cornered in few small pockets of tribal areas , because they are weak , their supply lines are cut - not like they used to be , because they are feeling the heat , because they are being pounded hard by the forces , because the army is finally at the verge of victory after clearing dozens of different regions in the past with excellent results that the IDP's have now returned and any deal now at this crucial juncture will undo all that , all the progress lost , all the sacrifices will be in vain and the areas under the writ of the Govt lost to extremist again .

Exactly . They are in no position whatsoever to set the conditions , to dictate terms to the state , they haven't won a victory anywhere , they aren't even remotely close to and they are in worst shape than ever today . A few " hit and run " attacks here and there and controlling the region of " North Waziristan " even that not completely aren't going to make the army think about negotiating a deal with them . Only the weak comes to the negotiating table , that is one thing I understand very well . The Taliban have now twice offered the same cease fire thing , which is an extremely good indicator of their present condition .

I know the price of showing respite now , I know the help they expect from Afghanistan , I know the rest they need , I know the supplies which need to be replenished , I know the funds they desperately need from extortion , drugs and other heinous crimes but the question is " Does a common Pakistani understand the same ? " . The rivalry and enmity between our two countries is another thing , but the extremism is worst threat . I am glad you understand that . You know the gem of all , the finest , mate ? It is not the " short skirts " or " modelling " part , no sir , which the gullible understand when we talk of giving women their " due rights " , because face it that to some , the enforcement of a certain ideology has become more precious than the life of a human , it is actually when people start to believe that the Taliban achieved a great victory when they injured a single coalition soldier in Kabul whilst 10-12 innocent Afghan kids died , the justification is ridiculous , these sort of things :( Now , some want to talk with the murderers of 50,000 of their brethren , what is left to talk to them , I ask ?

I , personally , do not think Mr.Nawaz Sharif is really seriously about striking a deal , the army isn't ready to talk and everybody knows a single call from GHQ to Raiwand can bring him back to his senses even if he's serious . Yeah , talk of defeating terrorists , talk of tolerance , talk of " live and let live " , talk of respecting everybody's choice and freedom of expression as long as it doesn't hurt anybody and suddenly one becomes " the Western slave " , " tout of US " , " secular and liberal " as if they even understand what " Secularism " actually means .
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It is still not clear to Pakistanis who and what these Taliban are -- if they are anything like the Muttawa of Arabia, Pakistanis imagine that they will be able to tolerate them - in Arabia there is oil money, what kind of money is there in Pakistan or in Afghanistan?

But first things first, are the TTP good guys or bad guys ?? - See, if they are goods guys then the Army must be disbanded and it's officer corps lined up and introduced to the firing squad - Isn't this so and is it not right and just?

On the other hand, if they are bad guys with the blood of Pakistani Fauji on their hands, and in rebellion and insurrection against the state, then nothing short of their total defeat will suffice

So, Pakistines, where do you stand?i

Jera jittay assi oday naal!
That's exactly what I meant, bhai! There must be NO peace deal signed with the TTP nor any kind of ceasefire, as it will never work out. They just want time to regroup during the 'ceasefire' and be back to their murderous ways again. They have been hammered of late by the PA and are in disarray and the reason why they want a breather.

However, check this out...

This is an old tactic of theirs and the government should not fall for it. Since they are on the run, this is the time for the PA and the PAF to pursue them till they are decimated. It will be a blunder of enormous proportions to give them time to regroup by having a ceasefire.

According to Sun Tsu, "In war, the way is to strike at what is weak". This must be exploited to the full as the TTP are on the run. They must not be allowed to live to fight another day!

No , mate , I agree with the second part of your previous post , it is just that I didn't understand why would the state be unwilling to perform its function of " enforcing its laws " or writ upon its territories and regions . The " being unable " part was also not true as the army operations have mostly succeeded thus far and the situation after the military intervention has been far better than speculated and the IDP's have returned . Except for North Waziristan and some other small pockets , I do not know of any Taliban strongholds . A few " hit and run " attacks are a different matter .

Precisely . We have nothing to negotiate with the terrorists and murderers of 50,000 Pakistanis . Exactly , what are we going to hold talks on with people who do not usually accept our constitution , consider the whole current system of governance as " unislamic " and the army of the state as " infidel " ? There's no hope of a common ground on anything with these religious psychopaths , nobody would tolerate the select few thousand terrorists to impose their ideology and their way of life upon the silent majority . The same Pakistani people participated en masse in elections despite all the democracy is forbidden in Islam propaganda , threats of violence by Taliban and terrorists attack on political parties . From their participation , the people of Pakistan have given their decision on which form of governance do they want for themselves , they want the diplomatic process to continue .
I understand well , when do these extremists come to the negotiating table and why .

Some studies and recommendations from a think tank aren't going to make a shift in the policy . There are segments of Pakistani population who want to negotiate with militants and are deluded that it will bring peace . The Govt isn't going to , the Nawaz Sharif will get a straight call from the army chief if he tries to engage himself in any such futile endeavor . The army learned its lessons in the first Swat war that these people cant be negotiated with and they are untrustworthy . The operation in Tirah valley and other areas is in full swing and the army has made significant progress in the operations . Time to put the final nail on the coffin !
Unless they agree to disarm unconditionally, they should be exterminated like pests.
It means they will stop fighting temporarily. Its not a peace treaty.

I think, the Americans have asked Pakistan to divert Taliban's attention to Indian Occupied Kashmir so they can have a safe passage through Pakistan for their military withdrawal. Allahu Alam.
I think, the Americans have asked Pakistan to divert Taliban's attention to Indian Occupied Kashmir so they can have a safe passage through Pakistan for their military withdrawal. Allahu Alam.

TTP will always try to grow influence and control in Pakistan either Pakistan army is fighting with them or having a ceasefire with Taliban.

I didn't notice any increase in terror attacks in our J&K state when Taliban made a peace deal in Swat.
I think, the Americans have asked Pakistan to divert Taliban's attention to Indian Occupied Kashmir so they can have a safe passage through Pakistan for their military withdrawal. Allahu Alam.

Uh huh. You know that can get troops out by plane. Thats how we got into Afghanistan in the first place. By plane and helicopters. Not concerned about anything else except maybe the equipment which the Pakistani companies are hired to transport so it would be the drivers who are usually Muslims.
TTP will always try to grow influence and control in Pakistan either Pakistan army is fighting with them or having a ceasefire with Taliban.

I didn't notice any increase in terror attacks in our J&K state when Taliban made a peace deal in Swat.

The international forces from Afghanistan were not scheduled to be withdrawn during the Swat and Waziristan times. The policies are only about to change now. We're standing at the dawn of a new age in South and Central Asia.
We need time and space to stop the funding.

Stopping the source of the money for TTP will kill the militancy. We need ISI all over FATA entrenched with the locals.
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