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If Army stops operation Taliban will ceasefire

How many people share Zarvan sahib's view in Pakistan?
@Hyperion Yaara but you stated that you've seen atrocities committed by the Pakistani army, that doesn't lend any credence to beliefs which state that the TTP are just doing good Islamic work but it does add the spark to the powder keg.

What's your take on all of this, what is the army and the GOP up to?
Sir they would have been no Taliban if our army hadn't entered that area they entered that area in the end of 2003 killed them for almost 3 years and in 2006 TTP was formed to take revenge and we are now facing the worst war ever because of blunders done by Musharraf and Army

Yeah, Army should stop operation and then let Taliban reclaim half of FATA!

I can't believe we are going down the same road as Swat peace agreement. Einsteins often quoted statement that going down the same path and expecting something different is stupidity perfectly applies to us.
Sir your Army broke peace agreements twice one when it was done with Naik Muhammad and one two years after they broke one time in Swat that too was another group
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Sir they would have been no Taliban if our army hadn't entered that area they entered that area in the end of 2003 killed them for almost 3 years and in 2006 TTP was formed to take revenge and we are now facing the worst war ever because of blunders done by Musharraf and Army

So what do you want to do sir, to surrender to the TTP? Turn Pakistan into Afghanistan? Say the army did kill innocents and the TTP is taking revenge, can you please give me one good reason why the TTP is taking revenge by killing innocent civilians? Were these civilians also killing the tribesmen along with the army from 03 to 06? Were these civilians also responsible for the army's atrocities? If the army has committed atrocities then so has the TTP on 40000 innocent Muslims so then how can they claim to be pious?
So what do you want to do sir, to surrender to the TTP? Turn Pakistan into Afghanistan? Say the army did kill innocents and the TTP is taking revenge, can you please give me one good reason why the TTP is taking revenge by killing innocent civilians? Were these civilians also killing the tribesmen along with the army from 03 to 06? Were these civilians also responsible for the army's atrocities? If the army has committed atrocities then so has the TTP on 40000 innocent Muslims so then how can they claim to be pious?
No Sir we will have to talk to them get out of USA war get support of our Tribal people accept those demands which are according to Shariah bring Ulemas in get support of more than 90 % of Tribals than those who still don't listen give arms to Tribals I mean more latest ones they will take them out with in few weeks
Zarvan is a nice guy, however, strategic vision is not his forte. Yes, the army is in chaos right now as the soldiers at lower level are extremely overworked due to their bad utilization by GHQ. When soldiers are tired, edgy, and don't really know the purpose of their utilization, they do commit atrocities.

Mid level officers have ALL become obsessed with "get rich quick" mentality and are screwing up everything in their path. Think of it like this, at the moment majority of officers are maybe 10 times more corrupt than Zardari (Not the very young fresh out of academy breed, as they are still high on "nationalist" slogans). These mid level officers only defense they have going for them is, they get to use the card: "We hate India," so it's all OK.

Now top level officers can be classified into following groupings:

1. One who don't care about anything, and want to make as many pennies (within Pakistan) as possible when they retire. (Retire with two bungalows and couple hundred acre land kind)

2. Ones who are reluctant fundamentalists. Deeply indoctrinated over the years since Zia. Sometimes this particular category also acts as the first line of defense for Saudi interests etc etc. Most probably the category that is cheering right now that Nawaz has won. Very nosy kind indeed. The politic bureau of ISI is littered with these. (These are not zealots like you may think. Not Al Kaeda type)

3. Pro Yank camp.

4. Pro China camp.

Screw TTP. They are nothing but a nuisance, controlled by the above. If the Army truly wants to get rid of them, then mark my words, it's not even a months job. Read Generals of type 2.

Bhai jan...Tighten the lid back...Too much coming out..
if army stops,taliban will win..

This is the blackmail of the so called Pakistan army - they tell their friends and well wishers that if you don't help us and if you think things are bad now, just imagine what they will be without us - so, if you want things to get better, then get off our backs and by the way, give us more money, more weaponry - and about those indians.....

I think it's time to call this bluff, If this army cannot win, it deserves to die and the the Talib will oblige -- bu the US and others worry about the Nukes - If these can be secured then let the officer corp and the low level, the whole lot, fight or die
No Sir we will have to talk to them get out of USA war get support of our Tribal people accept those demands which are according to Shariah bring Ulemas in get support of more than 90 % of Tribals than those who still don't listen give arms to Tribals I mean more latest ones they will take them out with in few weeks

Musharraf (pakistan) that time had no choice than to enter USA lead war on terror. Bush has made it clear u r with us or with terrorist..
This is the blackmail of the so called Pakistan army - they tell their friends and well wishers that if you don't help us and if you think things are bad now, just imagine what they will be without us - so, if you want things to get better, then get off our backs and by the way, give us more money, more weaponry - and about those indians.....

I think it's time to call this bluff, If this army cannot win, it deserves to die and the the Talib will oblige -- bu the US and others worry about the Nukes - If these can be secured then let the officer corp and the low level, the whole lot, fight or die

sir,i have seen u sayin that many a times..any specific reason??
Yes their are schools in North Waziristan and they are being run and by the way Sir first with Naik Muhammad you and your daddy USA killed him and broke the agreement than another agreement was done and that again was broken by Pakistan Army on USA pressure and started operation against Taliban and these things are even admitted by your former governor of KPK General Orazkzai and many retired generals who retired recently Sir

There are no schools for girls in waziristan, it is due to backward tribal mentality according to which girls should stay only at homes. Even the qabaili boys are not interested in education, they more interested in guns and killing than schools. Due to this shyty mindset taliban strongely established themeselves in tribal areas.
Nek mohammad took up arms against pakistan, he was a terrorist and enemy of state. He was droned with consent of Pakistan....no mercy for terrorists and their supporters
Zarvan is a nice guy, however, strategic vision is not his forte. Yes, the army is in chaos right now as the soldiers at lower level are extremely overworked due to their bad utilization by GHQ. When soldiers are tired, edgy, and don't really know the purpose of their utilization, they do commit atrocities.

Mid level officers have ALL become obsessed with "get rich quick" mentality and are screwing up everything in their path. Think of it like this, at the moment majority of officers are maybe 10 times more corrupt than Zardari (Not the very young fresh out of academy breed, as they are still high on "nationalist" slogans). These mid level officers only defense they have going for them is, they get to use the card: "We hate India," so it's all OK.

Now top level officers can be classified into following groupings:

1. One who don't care about anything, and want to make as many pennies (within Pakistan) as possible when they retire. (Retire with two bungalows and couple hundred acre land kind)

2. Ones who are reluctant fundamentalists. Deeply indoctrinated over the years since Zia. Sometimes this particular category also acts as the first line of defense for Saudi interests etc etc. Most probably the category that is cheering right now that Nawaz has won. Very nosy kind indeed. The politic bureau of ISI is littered with these. (These are not zealots like you may think. Not Al Kaeda type)

3. Pro Yank camp.

4. Pro China camp.

Screw TTP. They are nothing but a nuisance, controlled by the above. If the Army truly wants to get rid of them, then mark my words, it's not even a months job. Read Generals of type 2.
Non-sense. Pakistan army is damn serious, no conflict or confusion what so ever. There is hesitation as it is hard to distinguish between tribals and terrorist scums.
First of all welcome to PDF. :welcome: Btw, did you just register to reply to my post? :woot:

On topic:

A fix for your conundrum: Why not first kill the "terrorist scums" of Jhang, they are way to easily distinguishable. Too difficult for you to digest. Bolti band beta?

Furthermore, it's so evident from your writing style that are from the Armed Forces. Slow down son, try to use the grey matter that Allah has bestowed upon your shoulders, once in a while.

Non-sense. Pakistan army is damn serious, no conflict or confusion what so ever. There is slight hesitation as it is hard to distinguish between tribals and terrorist scums.
First of all welcome to PDF. :welcome: Btw, did you just register to reply to my post? :woot:

On topic:

A fix for your conundrum: Why not first kill the "terrorist scums" of Jhang, they are way to easily distinguishable. Too difficult for you to digest. Bolti band beta?

Furthermore, it's so evident from your writing style that are from the Armed Forces. Slow down son, try to use the grey matter that Allah has bestowed upon your shoulders, once in a while.

Dude you always tick off someone or the other by disabusing them of their notions- on either side of the border.:omghaha:

But what of the recent success that the PA has had in their offensive against the TTP? Surely they've gotten serious now?
There are no schools for girls in waziristan, it is due to backward tribal mentality according to which girls should stay only at homes. Even the qabaili boys are not interested in education, they more interested in guns and killing than schools. Due to this shyty mindset taliban strongely established themeselves in tribal areas.
Nek mohammad took up arms against pakistan, he was a terrorist and enemy of state. He was droned with consent of Pakistan....no mercy for terrorists and their supporters
Sir their are girls schools in Wazristan and they are working under Taliban Rule in North Wazristan Sir

Musharraf (pakistan) that time had no choice than to enter USA lead war on terror. Bush has made it clear u r with us or with terrorist..
Than people of Tribal areas also didn't had any other choice to hit back and hit back hard and we had lot of choices if Musharraf had shown guts
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