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If Army stops operation Taliban will ceasefire

Recent events in Swat and adjoining areas show that the military-dominated Pakistani state is either unwilling or unable to perform its basic function: enforcing the legitimate monopoly over the means of coercion and administration in its own territory permanently. Even if we concede that striking a cease-fire agreement with the Taliban was the only feasible option in the face of rising human costs of the military campaign, how is the government going to make sure that the Taliban would have made a credible commitment? What is to stop the Taliban from reneging on their promises?

In all of the previous "peace deals" in the FATA, the TTP had violated the terms of earlier cease-fire agreements by attacking and kidnapping security personnel, terrorizing the population, burning down hundreds of girls' schools in Swat, and murdered civilians and military personnel.

In other words, it's going to be déjà vu all over again. The TTP's ideology is poles apart and incompatible with the Pakistani state. So what is this so called 'peace deal' or 'ceasefire' all about? It is just a ruse to regroup for the next round seeing that they have been battered by the PA and PAF of late and need time to reorganize themselves.

Finishing them completely thats what we need. you cant talk with them on their terms
When was the last time , you updated yourself on the Operation in North West Pakistan ?

Because seriously , you appear far behind in your reading/research to me .

The Govt doesn't prefer to sign deals with the militants now , if you may know . Confident by the successes of the army operations .
That's exactly what I meant, bhai! There must be NO peace deal signed with the TTP nor any kind of ceasefire, as it will never work out. They just want time to regroup during the 'ceasefire' and be back to their murderous ways again. They have been hammered of late by the PA and are in disarray and the reason why they want a breather.

The Govt doesn't prefer to sign deals with the militants now , if you may know . Confident by the successes of the army operations .

However, check this out...


There is a chance for the new government to reach a peace deal with the militants only if both sides show flexibility with their demands, opined a panel discussing “post election security situation and challenges” on Tuesday.

The meeting, organised by Pakistan Institute of Peace Studies (PIPS), discussed the challenges faced by the incoming government to hammer out a feasible peace agreement with the militants, which would also be acceptable to the security establishment.
This is an old tactic of theirs and the government should not fall for it. Since they are on the run, this is the time for the PA and the PAF to pursue them till they are decimated. It will be a blunder of enormous proportions to give them time to regroup by having a ceasefire.

According to Sun Tsu, "In war, the way is to strike at what is weak". This must be exploited to the full as the TTP are on the run. They must not be allowed to live to fight another day!
It is still not clear to Pakistanis who and what these Taliban are -- if they are anything like the Muttawa of Arabia, Pakistanis imagine that they will be able to tolerate them - in Arabia there is oil money, what kind of money is there in Pakistan or in Afghanistan?

But first things first, are the TTP good guys or bad guys ?? - See, if they are goods guys then the Army must be disbanded and it's officer corps lined up and introduced to the firing squad - Isn't this so and is it not right and just?

On the other hand, if they are bad guys with the blood of Pakistani Fauji on their hands, and in rebellion and insurrection against the state, then nothing short of their total defeat will suffice

So, Pakistines, where do you stand?i
It is naive to believe this. Taliban monkeys will be running around Pakistan and blowing things up like the idiots they are. The Taliban are people who do not possess a brain. There is no understanding what is stuck inside that thing known as a brain. The Taliban should be utterly vanquished.

@Beerbal, you are right in your assessment. Army continually uses schools as operations bases and this has been seen especially in Swat. Its a temporary headquarters for their activities. However it puts the school in direct danger of being attacked by militants. Militancy is a huge problem and permanent bases of the army and check-points are needed to stop the Taliban. They should not take over the schools.
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@Secur Notice that they, the Taliban, want to set the agenda. IF the Pakistani army stops its operations THEN we'll lay down our arms. This just cannot be acceptable. The equation should be- hit them hard and if then they bend the knee talk to them..NOT hit them then withdraw and wait for them to draw up the terms.

Personally I don't even see how they are in any position to set the terms. They are still capable of carrying out attacks, still capable of ambushing army men and slaughtering them- fine. BUT on the field, wherever they've tried to entrench themselves of late instead of fighting a classical guerrilla war they've come up short and have taken a pounding. Given this recent development I fail to see how they can dictate such terms.

Give them a respite now and they'll shore up their funds, disperse, find new centers to operate out of and this whole bloody cycle will restart. I have no love for Pakistan or its people but when you come across reports of mothers who shrug when asked of their child's death at the hands of these barbarians, shrugs because she has nothing left to say..OR see horrendous pictures of an innocent kid beating his chest in the midst of fire and ruin then one has to discard that prejudice and look upon the situation anew. I fail to see how people can theorize that victory for Taliban will mean that Muslim women won't wear short skirts..what a great victory to achieve over the bodies of 50000 dead Muslims. What a gem of an argument.

Has Nawaz lost his mind? Or is he simply dancing to someone else's tune. These terrorists will not give you respite. Its sad that people who are trying to speak from reason are being branded as western lackeys.

@Hyperion Good odds are there that the Ganja will settle these nice TTP folks in your tribal areas once he's done "negotiating" with them, a nice little settlement plan like the one his political daddy Zia sahib came up with. Best stock up on ammo coz you'll be defending your people on your own it seems.
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How come all Indian posters want Taliban destroyed, the same Taliban that is apparently funded by India???

How come atleast a few Pakistani posters think Taliban have genuine grievances and cause and want them rehabilated and given a say, the same Taliban that they themselves say are Indian / American stooges?

This does not add up.
The Govt signed a peace deal , what did they do ? Tried to " conquer " other areas and attacked the military despite the agreement :azn:

What schools are left in the tribal areas if any for the women to go there and learn ? Secondly , try to tolerate the " difference of opinion " , I know its very hard for your likes .

Check the records and the status of various ongoing operations and the situation in those areas , it is that simple .

Where did I mention anything about the Western forces ? What are these others ? Are these states or militants ?

What are you talking about ?

Sir we had three different deals with the Taliban one was broken by the Taliban that deal was of swat others you broke them and stabbed them in back schools in north wazirstan are open and girls are going their so obviously some one else is involved in blowing up schools Sir and I don't tolerate lies Sir
It is still not clear to Pakistanis who and what these Taliban are -- if they are anything like the Muttawa of Arabia, Pakistanis imagine that they will be able to tolerate them - in Arabia there is oil money, what kind of money is there in Pakistan or in Afghanistan?

But first things first, are the TTP good guys or bad guys ?? - See, if they are goods guys then the Army must be disbanded and it's officer corps lined up and introduced to the firing squad - Isn't this so and is it not right and just?

On the other hand, if they are bad guys with the blood of Pakistani Fauji on their hands, and in rebellion and insurrection against the state, then nothing short of their total defeat will suffice

So, Pakistines, where do you stand?i

Both should be held accountable

PA: Responsible for starting the whole mess, giving TTP a reason...

TTP: Should had never carried out ''foreign agenda'' as a revenge...There were other sensible ways..
It is naive to believe this. Taliban monkeys will be running around Pakistan and blowing things up like the idiots they are. The Taliban are people who do not possess a brain. There is no understanding what is stuck inside that thing known as a brain. The Taliban should be utterly vanquished.

@Beerbal, you are right in your assessment. Army continually uses schools as operations bases and this has been seen especially in Swat. Its a temporary headquarters for their activities. However it puts the school in direct danger of being attacked by militants. Militancy is a huge problem and permanent bases of the army and check-points are needed to stop the Taliban. They should not take over the schools.

They possess a brain that is the reason they have defeated superpowers and Army of more than half a million Pakistan Army and now you are talking to them

Finishing them completely thats what we need. you cant talk with them on their terms

You will have to talk to them and on their terms at least many of them you have no other choice lady
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It is still not clear to Pakistanis who and what these Taliban are -- if they are anything like the Muttawa of Arabia, Pakistanis imagine that they will be able to tolerate them - in Arabia there is oil money, what kind of money is there in Pakistan or in Afghanistan?

But first things first, are the TTP good guys or bad guys ?? - See, if they are goods guys then the Army must be disbanded and it's officer corps lined up and introduced to the firing squad - Isn't this so and is it not right and just?

On the other hand, if they are bad guys with the blood of Pakistani Fauji on their hands, and in rebellion and insurrection against the state, then nothing short of their total defeat will suffice

So, Pakistines, where do you stand?i

everyone knows who they are, its just that PARLIAMENT is NOT willing to Stand clear about them. :angry:

They possess a brain that is the reason they have defeated superpowers and Army of more than half a million Pakistan Army and now you are talking to them

You will have to talk to them and on their terms at least many of them you have no other choice lady

They posses shyt mind not brain. the haramis manage to hide behind the human shield and fking media be it national or international
Both should be held accountable
PA: Responsible for starting the whole mess, giving TTP a reason...
TTP: Should had never carried out ''foreign agenda'' as a revenge...There were other sensible ways..

Typical Pakistani response --- When you don't know where to stand, stand with both - duplicity be damned

God forbid we give "real" muzlums" a reason, look what they do without reasons, imagine what they will do with reasons
Both should be held accountable

PA: Responsible for starting the whole mess, giving TTP a reason...

TTP: Should had never carried out ''foreign agenda'' as a revenge...There were other sensible ways..

fk the foreign agenda. The world politics will always have foreign element. BUT here the bastards are locals the bastards have own fked up definition of everything whatever way it suit them.

deal with local terrorists and foreign agenda will take care of itself.
@Secur Notice that they, the Taliban, want to set the agenda. IF the Pakistani army stops its operations THEN we'll lay down our arms. This just cannot be acceptable. The equation should be- hit them hard and if then they bend the knee talk to them..NOT hit them then withdraw and wait for them to draw up the terms.

Personally I don't even see how they are in any position to set the terms. They are still capable of carrying out attacks, still capable of ambushing army men and slaughtering them- fine. BUT on the field, wherever they've tried to entrench themselves of late instead of fighting a classical guerrilla war they've come up short and have taken a pounding. Given this recent development I fail to see how they can dictate such terms.

Give them a respite now and they'll shore up their funds, disperse, find new centers to operate out of and this whole bloody cycle will restart. I have no love for Pakistan or its people but when you come across reports of mothers who shrug when asked of their child's death at the hands of these barbarians, shrugs because she has nothing left to say..OR see horrendous pictures of an innocent kid beating his chest in the midst of fire and ruin then one has to discard that prejudice and look upon the situation anew. I fail to see how people can theorize that victory for Taliban will mean that Muslim women won't wear short skirts..what a great victory to achieve over the bodies of 50000 dead Muslims. What a gem of an argument.

Has Nawaz lost his mind? Or is he simply dancing to someone else's tune. These terrorists will not give you respite. Its sad that people who are trying to speak from reason are being branded as western lackeys.

@Hyperion Good odds are there that the Ganja will settle these nice TTP folks in your tribal areas once he's done "negotiating" with them, a nice little settlement plan like the one his political daddy Zia sahib came up with. Best stock up on ammo coz you'll be defending your people on your own it seems.

I agree in a way with this part:
The equation should be- hit them hard and if then they bend the knee talk to them..NOT hit them then withdraw and wait for them to draw up the terms.

I don't understand sometimes why action is not taken and why not a single top commander of the Taliban has been arrested or killed in this war. Pakistan seriously needs to fight the militants but innocents are being framed regularly instead of militants. Pakistan should make an intense effort to beat the Taliban. We need a plan and we need to mercilessly crush the Taliban
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I agree in a way with this part:

I don't understand sometimes why action is not taken and why not a single top commander of the Taliban has been arrested or killed in this war. Pakistan seriously needs to fight the militants but innocents are being framed regularly instead of militants. Pakistan should make an intense effort to beat the Taliban. We need a plan and we need to mercilessly crush the Taliban

You have made several plans for past 10 years and have failed every time Sir
Sir we had three different deals with the Taliban one was broken by the Taliban that deal was of swat others you broke them and stabbed them in back schools in north wazirstan are open and girls are going their so obviously some one else is involved in blowing up schools Sir and I don't tolerate lies Sir

Enlighten us all , how the army backstabbed the militants when I have given the example of Swat. Who else is blowing schools in your dear Taliban territory?

Are there any schools left in North Waziristan even ?

Even I dislike lies but still I tolerate your autobot claims/statement even though you never back them with credible sources/facts :D
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