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IDPs are not our responsibility: Imran Khan


Jan 20, 2011
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ڈان اردو اور ڈان نیوز ٹی وی
تاریخ اشاعت 22 جولائ,


سربراہ پاکستان تحریک انصاف عمران خان۔۔۔فائل فوٹو
پشاور:پاکستان تحریک انصاف (پی ٹی آئی) کے سربراہ عمران خان کا کہنا ہے کہ شمالی وزیرستان سے نقل مکانی کرکے آنے والے آئی ڈی پیز صوبہ خیبر پختونخوا کی ذمہ داری نہیں ہیں، یہاں لاکھوں افراد بیٹھے ہو ئے ہیں جن کا خیال رکھنا وفاقی حکومت کا کام ہے۔

پشاور میں ذرائع ابلاغ کے نمائندوں سے گفتگو میں پی ٹی آئی کے سربراہ کا کہنا تھا کہ صوبہ خیبر پختونخوا میں صنعتیں تباہ ہو چکی ہیں، دہشت گردی کےبا عث معاشی حالات انتہائی خراب ہیں، ایسے حالات میں وفاقی وزراء الزامات لگا رہے ہیں کہ صوبہ تباہ ہے تو خیبر پختونخوا تباہ نہیں ہے بلکہ اس کو باقاعدہ تباہ کیا گیا ہے، خیبر پختونخوا کے ساتھ جو ظلم ہو رہا ہے اس پر آواز بلند کی جائے۔

عمران خان نے نواز شریف پر الزام عائد کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ جمہوریت کے نام پر بادشاہت قائم کرنے کی کوشش کی جا رہی ہے، بادشاہ سلامت اپنے بھائی کے ساتھ دنیا بھر کے چکر لگا رہے ہیں، وزیراعظم مشکل وقت میں ملک سے باہر گئے ہیں،۔

انہوں نے مزید کہا کہ ہمیں اشتہارات میں تصویریں لگانے کا کوئی شوق نہیں، دونوں بھائیوں نےاشتہارات میں اپنی تصویریں لگا کر 200 کروڑ خرچ کر دیئے ہیں، شریف خاندان کے افراد مغل اعظم کی طرح عوام کے پیسوں پر عیاشی کرتے ہیں۔

انہوں نے مزید کہا کہ عوام کو اپنے حالات بدلنے کے لیے خود اٹھنا پڑے گا، بادشاہ نے ملک میں جنگل کا قانون بنا دیا ہے۔

تحریک انصاف کے سربراہ نے مزید کہا کہ لوگ چاہتے ہیں کہ حکومت عوام کے لیے ہو، 14اگست کو عوام کا سمندر دیکھ کر سب حیران رہ جائیں گے، نئے پاکستان کو بننے سے اب کوئی نہیں روک سکتا۔

ان کا کہنا تھا کہ پنجاب میں صرف ایک ہی خاندان حکومت کررہاہے۔

اسرائیل کی غزہ پر کی جانے والی جارحیت پر عمران خان نے کہا کہ غزہ میں اسرائیلی جارحیت پرمسلم ممالک کے رہنماخاموش ہیں، تمام اسلامی ممالک اسرائیلی مصنوعات کا بائیکاٹ کریں۔

for many months this idiot kept talking about Waziristan people and how the Pakistani army action was forcing them to flee Afghanistan, when time came, he is now turning his back on them and saying they are not his responsibility?

Well, I can relate to his statement. The Federal Government must share the burden of IDP's. Although, they should not be relocated to other provinces.
What is wrong with what IK has said. These IDPs are from FATA which is under direct control of Prime Minister, its federal govt who should come forward to take care of these IDPs. Instead N-League guys are bashing KP govt all over the media talk shows for not helping IDPs and for not taking proper steps for them.

What sheer hypocrisy by Noora League, and some dumb heads will buy this as usual just because it bashes IK. Look at few nut jobs already popping up in this thread. Nawaz took 35 people of his family to Jaddah for 10 days trip, that money could have gone to IDPs easily. But who cares? All people care about is why IK is doing protest against rigging, that money should be spent on IDPs. Infact every penny related to PTI and KP govt should be spent on IDPs. Federal govt can continue to build bridges at the cost of IDPs and Showbaz can keep offering those dying IDPs some laptops to eat.
ں پی ٹی آئی کے سربراہ کا کہنا تھا کہ صوبہ خیبر پختونخوا میں صنعتیں تباہ ہو چکی ہیں، دہشت گردی کےبا عث معاشی حالات انتہائی خراب ہیں،
LOL , This happened in last gov time ... and as i checked last time it was IK who was against any operation against these terrorist in FATA
That is why NWFP or KPK suffered ... WHAT A IDIOT .... SHAME ON HIM
As per the constitution amendments states have to plan their own budgets and plan for their states and not the federal authority.

IDFs are a national issue and hence is a federal issue.

But in general things have started to show up by which we see the operation was not planned as it should be by all authorities involved.
Well, I can relate to his statement. The Federal Government must share the burden of IDP's. Although, they should not be relocated to other provinces.

IDPs are everybody's responsibility, not just federal, federal is doing what it can do best, according to the 18th amendment, the funds mostly go to the provincial govts, the IDPs in KPK is a provincial responsibility, but as FATA is fed territory, federal is mostly responsible
I don't know how the situation is regarding IDPs, there were news about other states refusing to adjust them and now this from Imran Khan. Stop scoring political points on this humanitarian crisis, you guys are running a risk of pushing few of them in the hands of other countries or terrorists. I believe arrangements for IDPs would have been made before starting this OP.
I don't know how the situation is regarding IDPs, there were news about other states refusing to adjust them and now this from Imran Khan. Stop scoring political points on this humanitarian crisis, you guys are running a risk of pushing few of them in the hands of other countries or terrorists. I believe arrangements for IDPs would have been made before starting this OP.

Those were other provinces who refused to keep IDPs. KP was the first province that welcomed IDPs, more than 85% IDPs still living in KP camps, KP holds biggest IDP camp. What IK is saying is different. Federal govt wants KP govt to deal with it alone, as if its KP's internal matter and federal govt has nothing to do with this crisis.

according to the 18th amendment, the funds mostly go to the provincial govts, the IDPs in KPK is a provincial responsibility,

No funds so far have been provided to KP for IDPs, if there are some funds, those are not sufficient. You are talking about 18 amendment. Was KP informed about this operation to do funds allocation for IDPs, genius?
Those were other provinces who refused to keep IDPs. KP was the first province that welcomed IDPs, more than 85% IDPs still living in KP camps, KP holds biggest IDP camp. What IK is saying is different. Federal govt wants KP govt to deal with it alone, as if its KP's internal matter and federal govt has nothing to do with this crisis.
Well you guys know better than me but I was just saying in general terms, those IDPs can't understand the politics being played by all the parties. I am not saying which party is right or not. Like I said before it's a general observation, I might be wrong.
LOL , This happened in last gov time ... and as i checked last time it was IK who was against any operation against these terrorist in FATA
That is why NWFP or KPK suffered ... WHAT A IDIOT .... SHAME ON HIM

What idiocy? So id it happened in last govt time, does it automatically get fixed when govt changes? Yes IK was against operation, but was the decision making in the hands of IK? Last I checked, all political parties opted for peace talks, and army gave them go ahead for that.

But as per your heavenly logic, only IK gets the entire blame, that too for everything, genius sir?

Well you guys know better than me but I was just saying in general terms, those IDPs can't understand the politics being played by all the parties. I am not saying which party is right or not. Like I said before it's a general observation, I might be wrong.

Fata is under direct control of Prime Minister, there is a war going on in Fata right now. Yet PM is on a trip to KSA, will spend his Eid there. While IK, will spend his Eid among IDPs in KPK.

Enough said.
Well the least he could do is give the money allocated for destabilizing the government to the IDPs, don't you agree?
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