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IDF says Syria fired missiles at its jets, but denies claim aircraft was downed

why IDF jets are bombing syrian territory in the first place? someone needs to teach lesson to the terrorist israel. assad has the russian and iranian support and it will not be a walk in the park buddy for the israelis to keep on bombing them.

Any power that comes under attack will retaliate as far as they have the capabilities. Israel is simply responding to mortar attacks on its territory. Pakistan will probably do the same if India fired shells/shots into its territory.
Israel in this case is justified to take any action to protect itself and citizens from hostile states who doesn't want it's existence. Israel should keep using an iron fisted approach to any minor attack on its soil and against terrorist targets. Else these countries would have been far more aggressive towards Israel.

As for Russia and even more laughable Iran coming to aid poor Assad against Israel, I can only laugh when I listen to such naive statements.:disagree:
Seriously seems some of you in the middle East/Muslim world have come to realise you are powerless against other powers, reason you have to rely on 'European/'white' Russia instead of counting on your ummah countries. Lmao.:rofl:

Anyway, why you dont ask yourself how come Israel bomb the shit out of Syria own capital killing a high profile Hezbollah terrorist leader recently, where was Papa Russia? :rofl:. Thing is Israel will strike whenever it sees there is any threat against its citizens . Doesn't matter if PAPA Russia is there or not.Papa Russia is only after its own selfish interests like any other world power, they don't care about your sectarian Hezbollah terrorist islamic stuffs nonsense. They are there to secure their military bases and strategic interests in the country vis a vis western powers dominance in the middle East. Period. You people should keep living in delusions thinking otherwise. :welcome:

As for Iran coming to aid Assads against Israel, it's even more laughable you think the Iranian Mullahs are as stupid as some countries in the middle east and Muslim world.? Have you ever wondered why despite all their propaganda they have never EVER in the history of the Islamic republic(and history of the country) attacked Israel? Lol naive wannabe Arabs should go figure out why. :lol:
At least Arab countries combined their efforts and tried but unfortunately failed miserably, instead enabling Israel to expand even more as Israel defeated them seizing even more land. Lol At least I give it to the for trying and failing, others just making empty rhetoric and ranting, while they stay behind the scene , never engaging Israel directly. Lol These are the SMART COUNTRIES . Why fight directly when your dumb proxies can fight for you to their last man?:lol:

Israel has been striking Syria whenever it felt threatened, yet Russia and Iran never launched an attack against Israel. We are still waiting for those attacks. Maybe Pakistan can be useful for once and attack itself for the greater good of the ummah. Lead by example, after all I thought you are the islamic world nuclear power? :D
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According to syrian officials, a Radar monitor showing Syrian Air defense system targeting the Israeli F16 over Erneh in Quneitra Syria.

Let's see who's telling the truth this time. Hard evidence will speak for itself.


  • CsPAsaUWAAAZ-Rv.jpg
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According to syrian officials, a Radar monitor showing Syrian Air defense system targeting the Israeli F16 over Erneh in Quneitra Syria.

Let's see who's telling the truth this time. Hard evidence will speak for itself.
Isn't the sky suppose to be dark not bright? since the attack occured in night time...
Isn't the sky suppose to be dark not bright? since the attack occured in night time...

I honoestly don't know. Consider me just a messenger. I'm just reporting their claims, its up to u guys to deny it or accept it.
So this is a video of the shotdown "According to Them".

https://twitter.com/ww3updates Goto this page and you will see the video on the top. unable to upload the video here.
Any power that comes under attack will retaliate as far as they have the capabilities. Israel is simply responding to mortar attacks on its territory. Pakistan will probably do the same if India fired shells/shots into its territory.
Israel in this case is justified to take any action to protect itself and citizens from hostile states who doesn't want it's existence. Israel should keep using an iron fisted approach to any minor attack on its soil and against terrorist targets. Else these countries would have been far more aggressive towards Israel.

As for Russia and even more laughable Iran coming to aid poor Assad against Israel, I can only laugh when I listen to such naive statements.:disagree:
Seriously seems some of you in the middle East/Muslim world have come to realise you are powerless against other powers, reason you have to rely on 'European/'white' Russia instead of counting on your ummah countries. Lmao.:rofl:

Anyway, why you dont ask yourself how come Israel bomb the shit out of Syria own capital killing a high profile Hezbollah terrorist leader recently, where was Papa Russia? :rofl:. Thing is Israel will strike whenever it sees there is any threat against its citizens . Doesn't matter if PAPA Russia is there or not.Papa Russia is only after its own selfish interests like any other world power, they don't care about your sectarian Hezbollah terrorist islamic stuffs nonsense. They are there to secure their military bases and strategic interests in the country vis a vis western powers dominance in the middle East. Period. You people should keep living in delusions thinking otherwise. :welcome:

As for Iran coming to aid Assads against Israel, it's even more laughable you think the Iranian Mullahs are as stupid as some countries in the middle east and Muslim world.? Have you ever wondered why despite all their propaganda they have never EVER in the history of the Islamic republic(and history of the country) attacked Israel? Lol naive wannabe Arabs should go figure out why. :lol:
At least Arab countries combined their efforts and tried but unfortunately failed miserably, instead enabling Israel to expand even more as Israel defeated them seizing even more land. Lol At least I give it to the for trying and failing, others just making empty rhetoric and ranting, while they stay behind the scene , never engaging Israel directly. Lol These are the SMART COUNTRIES . Why fight directly when your dumb proxies can fight for you to their last man?:lol:

Israel has been striking Syria whenever it felt threatened, yet Russia and Iran never launched an attack against Israel. We are still waiting for those attacks. Maybe Pakistan can be useful for once and attack itself for the greater good of the ummah. Lead by example, after all I thought you are the islamic world nuclear power? :D

it would have been a wonderful effort on part of israel if it would have defended/ expanded itself on her own and not on the backing of her papa uncle sam. it is still nothing without uncle sam on her back. it is an illegitimate child of UK and USA and is still being unable to stand on her own feet.

He doesn't said we're helping terrorists, h......
he clearly said he needs terrorists for their own survival. pathetic.
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