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IDEF'15 | 5-8 May 2015 | İSTANBUL-TÜRKİYE

Thanks brothers from defenceturk...


info: Aselsan has started the pre-design work on AESA radar
Atlast we see a model, how many years have past with 3D image :D

Around 4 years bro. :D
AESA will be ready until 2023.

Bro, Meteksan gave Hisar-O data-link range 30km.
If We consider activation of IIR seeker at terminal phase, Hisar-O will push the limits of 35-40km (as expected) (I hope)... :D

Console of Hisar-A, we cant see the network enabled warfare as many other units in the screenView attachment 219055 ..

Brother, All SAM units including Korkut SPAAG will work under HERIKKS early warning command control network. You can see Hisar family and korkut in that small picture

AKKOR should be better imbedded. To MPT-114, it looks....retro?!
One more thing. If Cats is already finished , why not mounted on T129?
One more thing. If Cats is already finished , why not mounted on T129?

Weight/Balance issues. The T-129 had problems with it in the past so by changing the FLIR so sudden will make it unstable and as a result the deliveries would be delayed again. The turkish army needs these helo urgently.

Akkor active protection system at IDEF 2015

AKKOR the Active Protection System of Aselsan to provide protection against anti-tank missiles.
At IDEF 2015, Aselsan presents its active protection system AKKOR which provides protection against all types of laser guided missiles and thermal visioning systems by means of effectively generated multispectral smoke screen.

Arma 6x6 armoured vehicle personnel carrier fitted with Aselsan Akkor active protection system at IDEF 2015, International Defense Industry Fair in Istanbul, Turkey.

An active protection system is a system designed to prevent line-of-sight guided anti-tank missiles/projectiles from acquiring and/or destroying a target.

AKKOR. equipped with both hard kill and soft kill functionalities as an Electronic Warfare (EW) Self Protection suit, provides complete protection against all kinds of anti-tank missiles and rockets for the armored vehicles with an optimum time and the safest distance range from the platform.

Softkill measures are applied when it is expected that a sensor-based weapon system can be successfully interfered with. The threat sensor can be either an artificial one, e.g., a solid-state infrared detector, or the human sensory system (eye and/or ear).

Except for countering intercontinental ballistic missiles, hardkill measures generally refer to measures taken in the so-called "end-game" shortly before a warhead/missile hits its target. The hardkill measure in general physically affects the incoming warhead/missile by means of either blast and/or fragment action.

With 360-degree full protection coverage against not only conventional but also asymmetric threats in the operational environment of main battle tanks, AKKOR has also the capability to be integrated on various types of armored vehicles.

The Akkor can be easily integrated to the system level of each modern combat vehicle coupled to other sub-systems, in case of armoured vehicle modernization project.



Aselsan at IDEF 2015

Aselsan unveils Igla-Missile Launching System

fitted with Weapon laser System
During IDEF 2015 defence exhibition, a new version of Aselsan's Igla-Missile Launching System is presented on Aselsan's booth. Igla-Missile Launching System is a fully automated very short range air defence weapon system using IGLA(S) missiles. The version presented at IDEF 2015 is fitted with what is reported as a 20kW laser weapon systems.


Igla-Missile Launching System fitted with a laser weapon on Aselsan's booth at IDEF 2015

The laser system has the mission of deterring and preventing the threat to fulfil its task in long range, and destroy the threat in closer ranges with functioning at the speed of light with low costs. Increasing the power level of laser system and consequently its range and affectivity is among the most important activities of ASELSAN’s roadmap.

As an effective, realiable, affordable Air Defence Solution from ASELSAN, Missile-Igla Launching System highly improves the capabilities of Man Portable Air Defence Systems by providing quick and correct aiming of the missile, improving reaction time, increasing fire power and hit probability.

Flexible architecture provides autonomous as well as coordinated operation with Air Defence Battle Management Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence and interoperability with allied countries air defence systems. Salvo firing capability enables the system to perform simultaneous firing of two missiles to one target, dramatically increasing the fire power of the system.

The gyro-stabilized turret of the system and integrated optical sensors enable on-the-move target surveillance, detection, tracking and target type recognition.

IDEF2015: Aselsan displays laser-Igla concept
07th May 2015 - 7:00 by Tim Fish in Istanbul


A new laser concept demonstrator is on show from Aselsan at the IDEF exhibition in Istanbul that merges the Igla missile launching system with a direct energy weapon.

A spokesperson from Aselsan was short on details but told Shephard that it was just the beginning of a 10-year roadmap that will see the development of a hybrid system based on the demonstrator.

The idea behind it is to begin with a system for naval platforms first because the power requirements will be high and the associated space and weight requirements for the powerpack can only be sustained on a ship or boat.

Aselsan will then move on towards a land-based system after that. The demonstrator effort is entirely company funded and the spokesperson said they had been working on it for a few years.

The direct energy part of the weapon replaces one of the Igla-S missile launcher modules on the short-range air defence system but retains the specifications and sensors.

Igla has infra-red and TV cameras; a laser range finder; and fire control computer for turret slewing, target tracking and target recognition. It has a IFF sub-system interface and it can be controlled from a unit more than 50m away from its host vehicle.


The final prototype of Turkish-made main battle tank Altay presented at IDEF 2015.
Otokar has produced four prototypes, two preliminary and two final. Based on the feedback obtained from the first two preliminary prototypes, the final two prototypes, namely PV1 and PV2, were completed at the end of 2014.

The project continues as planned. Our first preliminary prototype successfully completed the durability tests. The second preliminary prototype carried out hundreds of firing tests with very successful results at the Sereflikoçhisarfiring range. .
Using the data obtained from these preliminary prototypes, we produced the final two prototypes for the project. Of these two, the PV1 tank will be tested by Land Forces Command and the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries for mobility and durability, and PV2 tank is to be used for firing qualification tests. Testing of the PV1 tank commenced in April. The PV2 tank exhibited at IDEF will be ready shortly for System Qualification and Acceptance Tests.”

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