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IDEAS 2014 - 8th International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (1 - 4 Dec 2014)

Oh Bhai Meray! MAJOR DEFENSE EXHIBITIONS around the world are gauged on the success scale for the number of announced agreements in Millions of US$!! Please do share for the sake of my ignorance on WHAT EXACT major success has IDEAS bought for the exports from or imports into Pakistan?

Secondly, all users test and try equipment in their home environment prior purchase and that includes demos etc. No one buys military equipment just because it looks shiny and new in an exhibition.

I am aware of the jobs of the attaches and DEPO! Both are utterly useless when it comes to military sales or marketing thereof! DEPO is a comfort zone of career-ending officers and defense attache are good only for doing mailman stuff for there respective HQ's.

IDEAS has lost its viability! Unless some drastic change is conceived by the organizers to attract genuine companies for display and also change the venue to perhaps to Islamabad, IDEAS will remain a waste of time unfortunately! Whether you agree or not!

we could always do a better job but dont overlook what was previously stated...political interventions and politics can sometimes be the main hindrance towards arms sales - especially a country like Pakistan which has its fair share of ill-wishers or those who dont want to see our arms sector flourish given our cost advantages

by the way you should learn about how much we made in arms sales of Sri Lanka alone - when they were fighting tamil rebels (LTTE) a few years back

Or a Land Cruiser..

i thought it looked like an FJ Cruiser chassis but the wheelbase is longer than that or a Land Cruiser....its quite a large vehicle

the reporter was just like any Pakistani reporter but the chief executive of POF can use some training in public speaking skills.

You arent the only one shaking your head. Public speaking skills for these officials, marketing and marketing materials is something we REALLY need to work on
we could always do a better job but dont overlook what was previously stated...political interventions and politics can sometimes be the main hindrance towards arms sales - especially a country like Pakistan which has its fair share of ill-wishers or those who dont want to see our arms sector flourish given our cost advantages

by the way you should learn about how much we made in arms sales of Sri Lanka alone - when they were fighting tamil rebels (LTTE) a few years back

i thought it looked like an FJ Cruiser chassis but the wheelbase is longer than that or a Land Cruiser....its quite a large vehicle

Just this year we sold 20 Mushaks for over $164 million $ (package included training and spares)... :)
their previous model PAK LAV was based on Land Rover 110 D chassis.
This one to me looks more like a lexus or toyota based chassis, could be wrong though..

Produced by the same company... it is probably a LC or Lexus...
The issue has less to do with Islamabad and the capital and more to do with being able to get stuff into country easily. The port city offers the ease for the Chinese and Turks to bring in their stuff via ships in easily.

Karachi is being raped by PPP.. but the exhibit might have had more success if the Russian visit had happened a bit earlier.
Deals are not signed at various other exhibitions held around the world at larger scales than IDEAS which is still essentially a show aimed at foreign companies showing off their tech to Pakistan and smaller states for purchase and Pakistan showing off its wares. It is NOT a big show as such if we really look into it today as compared to say IDEAS 2004 or 2006(Most successful). But there are reasons for that, back in 2006 Pakistan was the darling of the US with cooperation heading to an all time high and more importantly for 2004.. there were funds. Still, ideas is one of few shows in the region where countries normally considered Pariahs can still come and shop for arms(Nigeria, Sudan, Burma) with a little more discretion since those in the Arab states are more "western" now.

But to think that IDEAS will ever reach the level of some of the major air shows.. is ridiculous.

Of course, comparison with Farnborough, Paris and Berlin air shows is not possible. After all, they started the whole concept, but that came through a natural progress......Europe then was the heart of aviation industry in the world....and the shows were a great place for the local firms to show off their tech. I did meet some quite old but friendly Brits at the 2012 FIA, and according to them the 1970s and 80s was the best......British Aerospace...Hawker Siddley and always the suspense of some tech coming from the other side of the iron curtain.

Take a look at the 'fake' Dubai airshow......and the joke FIFA world cup. What is the world coming to?
Just this year we sold 20 Mushaks for over $164 million $ (package included training and spares)... :)

which of course begs the reminder - DEPO obviously played a role in helping the Iraqi military rebuild and induct assets like APCs - which to this day they are using (hopefully those ISIS ****-heads havent seized any)

Produced by the same company... it is probably a LC or Lexus...

Lexus (LX model) is the LC equivalent. Based on the LC chassis. Lexus is the flagship/luxury brand of Toyota as you know.

My view is that its based on the newer GMC chassis, not Toyota. That is re-confirmed by the fact that next to the vehicle on display there's a company poster with a picture of the Escalade on display. When I say chassis I literally mean chassis - not cosmetic things on the outside like grill or front end

So....what is this?
we could always do a better job but dont overlook what was previously stated...political interventions and politics can sometimes be the main hindrance towards arms sales - especially a country like Pakistan which has its fair share of ill-wishers or those who dont want to see our arms sector flourish given our cost advantages

by the way you should learn about how much we made in arms sales of Sri Lanka alone - when they were fighting tamil rebels (LTTE) a few years back

i thought it looked like an FJ Cruiser chassis but the wheelbase is longer than that or a Land Cruiser....its quite a large vehicle

You arent the only one shaking your head. Public speaking skills for these officials, marketing and marketing materials is something we REALLY need to work on

IDEAS had nothing to do with our weapon sales/ assistance/ training etc to Sri Lanka against Tamils as that was going on from late 90s! That was a direct deal with the GHQ and Sri Lanka Army and was kept very confidential/ secret at the time!

Is this Army Guy in Beard explaining to General Raheel a General ?

This FATMAN (pun unintended) is Chairman POF!

Just this year we sold 20 Mushaks for over $164 million $ (package included training and spares)... :)

Again IDEAS Exhibition had nothing to do with Mushak Sales!! It was a direct contract signature by Air HQ with the respective foreign Government.

IDEAS had nothing to do with our weapon sales/ assistance/ training etc to Sri Lanka against Tamils as that was going on from late 90s! That was a direct deal with the GHQ and Sri Lanka Army and was kept very confidential/ secret at the time!

This FATMAN (pun unintended) is Chairman POF!

Again IDEAS Exhibition had nothing to do with Mushak Sales!! It was a direct contract signature by Air HQ with the respective foreign Government.


Thank you for quoting my post ... without thinking or comprehending that it was not directed towards you ... nor did i try to somehow convey that it happened due to Ideas...
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