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IDEAS 2014 - 8th International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (1 - 4 Dec 2014)

Is anyone buying the much hyped Azb POF EYE?

This is a hyped-up, head tilting pistol shooter that POF has been developing for the last 5 years. It has a limited scope of field operation, it cannot sell in large numbers, having an IPAD with video feed and two large *** batteries in a ruck sack on the back is no rocket science, our own special forces have only recently placed an order for 50 units from POF at Rs. 500,000 each (damn that is expensive)!! No foreign orders have been placed at IDEAS 2014! In short, all that noise for nothing essentially!
This is a hyped-up, head tilting pistol shooter that POF has been developing for the last 5 years. It has a limited scope of field operation, it cannot sell in large numbers, having an IPAD with video feed and two large *** batteries in a ruck sack on the back is no rocket science, our own special forces have only recently placed an order for 50 units from POF at Rs. 500,000 each (damn that is expensive)!! No foreign orders have been placed at IDEAS 2014! In short, all that noise for nothing essentially!

Aparently our SF has been using it since years...
This is a hyped-up, head tilting pistol shooter that POF has been developing for the last 5 years. It has a limited scope of field operation, it cannot sell in large numbers, having an IPAD with video feed and two large *** batteries in a ruck sack on the back is no rocket science, our own special forces have only recently placed an order for 50 units from POF at Rs. 500,000 each (damn that is expensive)!! No foreign orders have been placed at IDEAS 2014! In short, all that noise for nothing essentially!

It saves lives, I cannot count the number of people I have seen die at corners.
There is another B7 arnoured vehicle "Protector" showcased by HIT .. Apart from the Dragoon ASV.
can you show a picture of protector? and arent we making textron tapv?

is there any news relating to the manufacturing of this and possible replacement of our shitty 4 by 4s?
IDEAS has lost its viability! Unless some drastic change is conceived by the organizers to attract genuine companies for display and also change the venue to perhaps to Islamabad, IDEAS will remain a waste of time unfortunately! Whether you agree or not!

The issue has less to do with Islamabad and the capital and more to do with being able to get stuff into country easily. The port city offers the ease for the Chinese and Turks to bring in their stuff via ships in easily.

Karachi is being raped by PPP.. but the exhibit might have had more success if the Russian visit had happened a bit earlier.
Deals are not signed at various other exhibitions held around the world at larger scales than IDEAS which is still essentially a show aimed at foreign companies showing off their tech to Pakistan and smaller states for purchase and Pakistan showing off its wares. It is NOT a big show as such if we really look into it today as compared to say IDEAS 2004 or 2006(Most successful). But there are reasons for that, back in 2006 Pakistan was the darling of the US with cooperation heading to an all time high and more importantly for 2004.. there were funds. Still, ideas is one of few shows in the region where countries normally considered Pariahs can still come and shop for arms(Nigeria, Sudan, Burma) with a little more discretion since those in the Arab states are more "western" now.

But to think that IDEAS will ever reach the level of some of the major air shows.. is ridiculous.
thanks webby looks like PSR 90 with a new front rail.
re video

horrid commentary, horrid editing .. the pointless breaking news flash and subtitles keep blocking the gun and it was only shown for 5 or 10 seconds. the close up was once again blocked by text animation.

the reporter was just like any Pakistani reporter but the chief executive of POF can use some training in public speaking skills.

as I said the animation from the news channel pretty much covered the gun image.
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