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IDEAS 2014 - 8th International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (1 - 4 Dec 2014)

BC teen daba!


Nurol technology to provide B7 level protection to Mohafız III
Nurol Technology and Pakistan State Company Heavy Industries Taxila have signed an agreement on light armoured vehicle Mohafız III (Guardian III) Nurol Technologies will provide B7 level protection that blocks G3 armour piercing bullet. Company has previously agreed on the production of 12 prototypes and two of them have already passed tests. This signature gives path to future cooperation on the vehicle. No information was provided about the cost of armour but was stated that it is half price of what is on the market.
Nurol technology to provide B7 level protection to Mohafız III
Apparently AZB rifle is still a mystery. Not a single pic has been released so far of it
Tomorrow is the last day , are civilians allowed or not?
if allowed , how can i get through?
@skybolt @Horus
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Heavy mortar 120 mm (MO-120AM-50 M67 by PMTF (Pakistan Machine Tool Factory).
Recoilless rifle 106 mm by PMTF (Pakistan Machine Tool Factory).
40mm RPG-7, produced by PMTF (Pakistan Machine Tool Factory).

Effective effective range 800 mm -1 km... 308 ammo!.. Powerful sight .. AZAB:
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