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ICJ rejects India’s plea for acquittal, repatriation of Kulbhushan - Updates, News & Discussion

Then, ICJ would have noted that in their verdict and not gave an order against USA. In fact, if if they already had such mechanism, the case would not be brought up in front of ICJ.

I have zero background of the case barring the excerpt posted by Eagle.
So it’s hard to comment without a point of reference.
But sure, I’m not denying that the US is notorious for violating article 36 of the Vienna convention.
To be honest I am in the favor of a new trial because I want Indian lawyers in Pakistani military courts.
If only it was a case if spying. If only it was !

But no it is also a case if terrorism !

Then no notifications to consular service, until all networks are not neutralised.

That’s a decision Pak made in violation of a treaty it signed and hence we are at this point with the ICJ.

Again, those charges of terrorism and links as Pak claims will have to be brought to light openly, unlike the previous decision make by a kangaroo military court.
Ok let’s draw the parallel. How?
No need to draw a parallel. ICJ itself has directly rejected your narrative. Did you not see the news?

ICJ could have demanded this case be voided and thrown out and had jadhav released...but they asked for no such thing. India wanted that but because your narrative as presented by your best legal team was not convincing, ICJ rejected most of your demands and simply demanded pk review the case and let diplomats have access.

No need for parallels or analogies. This very case shows that any logical, intelligent and truly neutral agency will reject Indian propaganda.

Indian financial clout or manipulation of anti-Muslim/anti-Pak leaning governments has no effect on sane, educated and unbiased agencies.

You'll have to find another way to bust your guy out of pk.
Just as expected a point blank Staight up Lying Indian as they come and prooving it just like your PM.

If you can't comprehend English what can I say. Take a dictionary and search Ambitiously.

Like I said before, it's a stretch. What we want is to get him consular access and make him rescind what he said on tape.
Oh my، Hallucinating Hindus are going absolutely nuts! 'Review and Reconsider' does NOT equal Retrial! But you Indoos have your own dictionary!
Haha you have enough time to pick that but never comprehend that all your main points were rejected at 15 - 1 vote. Choke on that
That’s a decision Pak made in violation of a treaty it signed and hence we are at this point with the ICJ.

Again, those charges of terrorism and links as Pak claims will have to be brought to light openly, unlike the previous decision make by a kangaroo military court.

Sorry but we are not supposed to tell you.

What an indian serving army was doing in Pakistan under a fake identity ? Surely drinking chai before Abhinandan...
This swine is alive yet. For a good reasons’ A nice reminder, to India and Iran of what they were up to. Swine is living evidence of proof too there crimes. More for so Iran doubters and liars. Refuse to acknowledge Iran’s double games played on Pakistan. This swine is for there benefit more than anyone else. Pakistan is no mood for leniency like him. His time is coming to an end.
@Arsalan @WebMaster can we have this on the front page...It has also been posted by another member

For all the lying scums in here saying that India ONLY demanded access ... See below what all they demanded and what ONLY they got today!


(1) The Government of India requests this Court to adjudge and declare that, Pakistan acted in
egregious breach of Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, 1963 (Vienna
Convention) in:
(i) Failing to inform India, without delay, of the detention of Jadhav;
(ii) Failing to inform Jadhav of his rights under Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on
Consular Relations, 1963;
(iii) Declining access to Jadhav by consular officers of India, contrary to their right to visit
Jadhav, while under custody, detention or in prison, and to converse and correspond with
him, or to arrange for his legal representation.
And that pursuant to the foregoing,
(2) Declare that:
(a) the sentence by Pakistan’s military court arrived at, in brazen defiance of the Vienna
Convention rights under Article 36, particularly Article 36 paragraph 1 (b), and in
defiance of elementary human rights of Mr. Jadhav, which are also to be given effect as
mandated under Article 14 of the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (ICCPR), is violative of international law and the provisions of the Vienna
(b) India is entitled to restitutio in integrum;
(3) Annul the decision of the Military Court and restrain Pakistan from giving effect to the
sentence or conviction in any manner, and
(4) direct it to release the Indian National, Jadhav, forthwith, and to facilitate his safe passage to
5) In the alternative, and if this Court were to find that Jadhav is not to be released, then
(i) Annul the decision of the Military Court and restrain Pakistan from giving effect to the
sentence awarded by the Military Court,
or in the further alternative
(ii) direct it to take steps to annul the decision of the military court, as may be available to it
under the laws in force in Pakistan,
and in either event
(iii) direct a trial under the ordinary law before civilian courts, after excluding his confession
that was recorded without affording consular access, and in strict conformity with the
provisions of the ICCPR, with full consular access and with a right to India to arrange for
his legal representation.

Thank you.
The PRESIDENT: I thank the Agent of India, Dr. Mittal. The Court takes note of the final
submissions which you have just read on behalf of the Republic of India.


#2 - rejected
#3 - rejected
#4 - rejected
#5 - rejected

Go die in shame you lot!
We didn't even have main points... it was India who went to court asking for your pig to be released :rofl:
As usual, lost the case. It is just like any case you argue in international courts. Losses badly, then warriors claim it as some victory:cheesy:

As usual, lost the case. It is just like any case you argue in international courts. Losses badly, then warriors claim it as some victory:cheesy:
Remind me again who lost and who won.... has Kalbo been released yet? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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