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ICJ rejects India’s plea for acquittal, repatriation of Kulbhushan - Updates, News & Discussion

Ask who? Pakistan?
Who is fighting for KJ in Pak? No one.
So even if the ICJ asks this, how will it get an honest appraisal of the situation?
Was KJ presented on stand? No. How does the court know his version without speaking to him in person?

The point of the ruling is that lack of consular access makes this case a one sided sham trial.
What should happen now will be according to the rights accorded to KJ based on international law and in line with the Vienna convention.
He has more rights in pakistan then ajmal kassab have in india
I understand your point of view but then we should had presented the case in better way on why we didn’t notified the consular quickly as much as possible because were still inquiring and dismantling his network. Therefore no consular access.

I could be wrong of course as my knowledge is very weak on those matters.
We did...we claimed Article 36 the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (VCCR) [COUNSELOR SERVICE] is not for terrorist...ICJ didnt buy it. :(
This is great, this just proves Hindia is a terrorist country, all the whingeing and crying from schenigans wont make a difference, ******** had thier chance at the highest forum and could not prove thier case.
He has more rights in pakistan then ajmal kassab have in india

Then why are we fighting in ICJ boss?
Make some sense.
It’s the fact that he was denied his right to consular access is what was granted and argued in court.
Ask who? Pakistan?
Who is fighting for KJ in Pak? No one.
So even if the ICJ asks this, how will it get an honest appraisal of the situation?
ICJ took our evidence of passport and terrorism...so why not our health reports?
Then why are we fighting in ICJ boss?
Make some sense.
It’s the fact that he was denied his right to consular access is what was granted and argued in court.
Ok counslor mil ker usko punar janam de de bhai hahah
What narrative building, his rectal examination will be done in Pakistan ...sure your Councillor will be present to witness it but that is about all he can do :agree:

Right and we will spin the rectal exam as torturous sodomy to extract confessions.
That’s what building a narrative is.

#himtoo lol
Then why are we fighting in ICJ boss?
Make some sense.
It’s the fact that he was denied his right to consular access is what was granted and argued in court.
coz india thought it could throw the case out
Plus this whole fiasco proved that KJ had officially endorsed fake passports....to go to Pakistan (as per his conviction to participate in terrorist activities) and hence, the link that india officially allows it = exporting terrorism by state proven!
We did...we claimed Article 36 the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (VCCR) [COUNSELOR SERVICE] is not for terrorist...ICJ didnt buy it. :(

It is all about interpretation. If the article state specifically its limitations, then yes the court would have agreed with our position. But did this article clearly states its limitations ?
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