Well I guess you are obilivious to bad reporting, After more than 5 years of foruming Asim, you should be well aware that MKI is a India-Russian-Israeli Project, It has Israeli avionics and electronics, so it doesnt need Russian permission or techinical expertise in fixing a jammer, and plus it is being built in India. The minister is talking about Indian production of EW systems. You are talking about Russia, when in reality you should be talking about Israel, since the Jammer was to be procured from there and fitted on to a suite provided by Israel. Its a 100% tot Aircraft, we have all the source codes, which is in anycase not needed for a jammer.
It is a stupid bogus report. If you want to make an arguement let me give you hint this what you should be asking.
"There is enough space in the MKI, cuz of Indian babudom, they still havent Internalized the EW system, therefore taking a vital position in the Wing Pylon, taking the place of External Fuel/Missile's etc. Which means they cant use the MKI to its fullest potential."
You are very good at twisting words, and I know that you are convinced it is stupid report and a classic case of mis-interpretation and mis-qouting. So have mercy on me and be nice. This is the last time I will post in this thread, I have already proved my point and report bogus