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IAF's Sukhoi SU-30 jets lack EW system

He misquoted the Defence Minister and the minister is mum about it? No denial???

Maybe he cares about the reporter's feelings...

What makes you think that all the Indian reporters are smart enough to know what are they writing about?

There are hundred of articles written about DRDO. How many time have you seen DRDO or the defense minister issuing denials? The defence minister asked a question raised by a MP.The MP got his question answered.That's it.

If some reporter writes his own "his-story" around it,does the defence minister need to issue a denial?
I love to bust myths and false sense of security someone feels from these reports,

The MKIs have been shown repeatedly with EW pods carried outside, namely the Elta 8222.

However, there is a plan to move the EW fit inside.

The following aircraft have been seen with the following pods:
Mirage 2000 with Remora
Su-30 K and Su-30 MKI with Elta 8222
MiG-27s too with 8222.

Apart from that the IAF MiG-27 upgrade has them receiving internal SPJs made by BEL to a DRDO design, the DRFM equipped Tempest EW system
The Jaguars upgrades are recieving internal Elta 8222s.

All aircraft bar the Mirage 2000 are recieving the Tarang MK-II integrated RWR from DRDO manufactured by BEL.

The MKIs RWR is combined with a Swedish/South African MAWS to create a multispectral warning suite. DRDO has a program going on with EADS to create a series of new MAWS. These are intended for the IAF fleet as well.

There are currently several local EW programs going on for improved variants of the current jammers. These will be used for future upgrades and programs as well. The LCA for instance is to have an multispectral ECM suite, with an internal SP Jamming system superior to those on any IAF aircraft today.

The Russian media has also stated that Russia has displayed a superior jammer to the Elta 8222, and this would replace the same on the MKIs.

The Jaguars are to receive a dedicated Escort/ defence suppression jammer, for EW work. The IAF is stated to be looking for some 20 pods. That should be good enough for a few squadrons.

The Mirage 2000 and MiG-29 upgrades have been cleared recently. The latter will also see a modernised EW system added to it. Its unclear what the offensive jammer will be. The Mirage 2000s will be brought up to the Dash-5 standard, including the latest ICMS standard for EW.

It is equipped with SIVA HADF pod as well,

Bigger picture

Details on SIVA HADF from JDW 21st Feb 2007 by Robert Hewson.

* HADF locates ground based emitters -- AD and SAM radars.
* Underwent trials with IAF in 2006. DARE says will be in service Mid-07.
* Use to cue Krypton.
* Locates, identifies and targets hostile emitter at 150-200 kms.
* Target coordinates down to 1 deg accuracy even at max range.
* Interferometer design makes it immune to outside disturbances.
* Incorporates 6 passive antennas adopted from Tarang RWR.
* Range is 1 -- 18 Ghz. For range & accuracy HADF has narrow look angle.
* Initial cueing by DARE's R-118 Integrated MultiSensor Warning System.
* Flight-line programmable & radar threat library of needed to identify targets.


Weight 100kg, Length 2.244m and Diameter 40.6 cm

Adux has already posted the video which shows MKI with Elta 8222.

The IAF currently operates two squadrons (40 aircraft) of Su-30s that were
inducted in 2004. Delays in its licensed manufacture here have prompted the
IAF to place an order for another 40 aircraft.

total crap/40 more MKI's were ordered to Equip for falling squadrons, HAL id doing there work fine.

From Mod report, Production by HAL, check the Su30 numbers.

2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Jaguar 8 4 - - -
SU-30MKI 13 15 15 16 16
HAWK 1 14 24 3 -
LCA 3 4 8 8 4
IJT 1 3 8 12 16
DO-228 4 4 6 6 6
ALH 24 28 28 28 28

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