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IAF to deomstrate gears up for Iorn First at Pokhran

Nukes are nukes ,India have a clear cut policy anything against Indian Forces and Pakistan will wiped out of Map. Your generals are not that Stupid or are they.

Your entire history will be decimated by our Strategic Command Force if you decided to launch a nuclear strike on our soil...

We can do WHAT-EVER we want on OUR soil...Your forces must stay on THEIR soil...simple as that.

PS. indians would be the most retarded people if they decide to commit a nuclear-suicide over 1 brigade loss on enemy's territory or something...
Exercise Iron Fist To Feature Tejas, LCH

IAF Statement: February 22, 2013 would witness the Indian Air Force demonstrate its operational capabilities by day, dusk and night at the sprawling facility of the Pokharan Range, the largest air –to-ground weapons firing range for training in delivery of heavy armament, near Jaisalmer, in the arid Rajasthan Sector in an Exercise named – Iron Fist.

Showcasing more than 30 types of platforms and Weapons Systems amounting to a participation of over 200 aircraft, this Fire Power Display will demonstrate the day and night employability of air power by frontline fighter aircraft of the IAF including - Su-30 MKI, Mirage-2000, Jaguar, MiG-21,MiG-27, MiG-29 and Hawks. The transport aircraft would include – C130J, AN-32, Embraer and IL-76, while Mi-8, Mi-17 V5, Mi-17 1V and Mi-35 Attack Helicopters will constitute the Rotary Wing ingredients.

Being a display of armament delivery skills by pilots at the end of their training year, the exercise also aids commanders and planners to gain better insight into the potential and deployment capabilities of aerial weapons.

The IAF would also be showcasing, for the first time, its Surface to Air Missile Systems and its latest aircraft Pilatus PC-7 Mk II. The events at - Iron Fist intend to display various aspects of Fire Power like- Air Defence Operations, Counter Surface Force Operations, Urban Warfare and Combat Search Rescue Operations.

Light Combat Aircraft and Light Combat Helicopter, two of the most prestigious indigenous projects would also form a part of the display. In addition, IAF’s Parajumping Team, Akash Ganga, IAF’s Air Warrior Drill Team and Air Warrior Symphony Orchestra would also perform.

Aimed at providing the nation the reassurance that the IAF will deliver whenever called upon, a demonstration of this magnitude is being carried out for the first time by day, dusk and night. Very few air forces in the world can achieve this feat.

Livefist: Exercise Iron Fist To Feature Tejas, LCH
Jokes apart .
There is no difference ... nuke is a nuke ... and it is an ugly nightmare. no joking about that.

The point is that India has a huge numerical advantage which just can not be matched.
Person to Person, the population imbalance is too much.
Thus our game is to turn the war into a nuclear war as soon as we can.

Indian plan was to keep the war limited to a small theater of operation start slow, and then work up quick and fast without
breaching Pakistan's nuclear usage threshold.

What small nuclear weapons do is to make the threshold even lower. So low that the enemy ( India) would either spend too much time guessing or won't bother trying to breach it.

These weapons are strong enough to effectively wipe out an airfield with adjacent areas, or an advancing armored column;
but not too big, to cause too many adverse effects.

During the last 7 or so years there has been a massive effort from Pakistan to make the nukes as small as possible; and lower the yield to a level that we can hope to manage.

well i agree with most of your post sir but onli two things

1. do you think that indians will tell you or the world for that matter the true ptential yield of there neukes and guessing by the israeli & french help in this deptt. do you think India is not minutrising its neukes and most of the pakistani and chinese members think here that indian neukes are dud well if you think so i guess your too nieve or its just denial

2. do you think india dosent have anything to stop your so called super dupar baburs , raads and devine NASR well sir one more thing do you realli think that indians dont have cruise missiles that can hit anywhere in Pakistan ..please do reply Thanks in Advance sir
well i agree with most of your post sir but onli two things

1. do you think that indians will tell you or the world for that matter the true ptential yield of there neukes and guessing by the israeli & french help in this deptt. do you think India is not minutrising its neukes and most of the pakistani and chinese members think here that indian neukes are dud well if you think so i guess your too nieve or its just denial

You missed the whole thing about MAD. Getting to the threshold of using nukes is one part. Once that threshold is reached neither India nor Pakistan will use the low yield weapons.

We will exchange the heaviest we got. Thus assuring mutual destruction of each other's population.

This scenario, hellish as it is is what STOPS war. thus the concept of "deterence".

2. do you think india dosent have anything to stop your so called super dupar baburs , raads and devine NASR well sir one more thing do you realli think that indians dont have cruise missiles that can hit anywhere in Pakistan ..please do reply Thanks in Advance sir

NOTHING and absolutely NOTHING can stop a determined missile attack.

what the sales pitch for those companies say is one thing, reality is another.
you are free to spend a couple of billion dollars and assure the population of safety.

in reality they are just as vulnerable + the billions of dollars.
well i agree with most of your post sir but onli two things

1. do you think that indians will tell you or the world for that matter the true ptential yield of there neukes and guessing by the israeli & french help in this deptt. do you think India is not minutrising its neukes and most of the pakistani and chinese members think here that indian neukes are dud well if you think so i guess your too nieve or its just denial

2. do you think india dosent have anything to stop your so called super dupar baburs , raads and devine NASR well sir one more thing do you realli think that indians dont have cruise missiles that can hit anywhere in Pakistan ..please do reply Thanks in Advance sir

brahmos world's fastest ans stealthiest cruise missile. When these hit naval bases of PN they will check out for themselves. :sick:

You missed the whole thing about MAD. Getting to the threshold of using nukes is one part. Once that threshold is reached neither India nor Pakistan will use the low yield weapons.

We will exchange the heaviest we got. Thus assuring mutual destruction of each other's population.

This scenario, hellish as it is is what STOPS war. thus the concept of "deterence".

NOTHING and absolutely NOTHING can stop a determined missile attack.

what the sales pitch for those companies say is one thing, reality is another.
you are free to spend a couple of billion dollars and assure the population of safety.

in reality they are just as vulnerable + the billions of dollars.
well your right about MAD well the generals of Pak Fauj are not that MAD but i guess you can never know and at one time scuds of iraq were also considered invincibal but technology keeps progressing as for spending billions on Defence well whats the use of all defnece iqupment in the first place be rest assured sir we are having a keen eye on all the developments i9n pakistan in these matters and rest assured we are already taking each step very very care fully but you can never know when the tallibunnies can have there hands on your neukes and that where US and its covert support to ndia comes in as of now you can see US is more concerened about its safty and interests and a healthy INDIA is in the biggest interestss of US but same cant be said about Land of the pure you know why ...Thanks
Not if there are multi tubed Baburs coming your way that will annihilate you before you try to retaliate..

Even in preemptive strike you can not wipe out entire nation, when you have small arsenal.

Pak has around 110 warheads with total yield of around 1.5 megaton. You do not have enormous arsenal like US, Russia or China.

It is not adequate

After your nuclear premptive attack is over,there will be retaliation by India, causing massive destruction in your major cities
well your right about MAD well the generals of Pak Fauj are not that MAD but i guess you can never know and at one time scuds of iraq were also considered invincibal but technology keeps progressing as for spending billions on Defence well whats the use of all defnece iqupment in the first place be rest assured sir we are having a keen eye on all the developments i9n pakistan in these matters and rest assured we are already taking each step very very care fully but you can never know when the tallibunnies can have there hands on your neukes and that where US and its covert support to ndia comes in as of now you can see US is more concerened about its safty and interests and a healthy INDIA is in the biggest interestss of US but same cant be said about Land of the pure you know why ...Thanks

Wrong again, and are going off topic.

Please search the forum, and you will see WHY nothing can stop a determined missile attack.

as for the underlined part, you crazy man ??

a India that buys from US is in USA's interest. that has nothing to do with India being healthy.
On the contrary it might be useful to keep India dozed on the east India company virus a little bit.

you do your part we are doing ours.
over and out.

Even in preemptive strike you can not wipe out entire nation, when you have small arsenal.

Pak has around 110 warheads with total yield of around 1.5 megaton. You do not have enormous arsenal like US, Russia or China.

It is not adequate

After your nuclear premptive attack is over,there will be retaliation by India, causing massive destruction in your major cities

and Veena malik told u that ?

110 weapons with a combined punch of only 1.5 Mega tons !! ???
Wrong again, and are going off topic.

Please search the forum, and you will see WHY nothing can stop a determined missile attack.

as for the underlined part, you crazy man ??

a India that buys from US is in USA's interest. that has nothing to do with India being healthy.
On the contrary it might be useful to keep India dozed on the east India company virus a little bit.

you do your part we are doing ours.
over and out.

and Veena malik told u that ?

110 weapons with a combined punch of only 1.5 Mega tons !! ???

Pakistan does not have megaton nukes neither thermonuclear weapons
@Oscar, @Safriz @sancho> what is the maximum yield of Pakistani nukes?
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110 weapons with a combined punch of only 1.5 Mega tons !! ???

Most of the Pakistani Nukes are sub-kiloton... with 12kt HEU/PE and 35kt HEU being main warheads in smaller numbers [only used on Gauri and Shaheen missiles]... so He is right about 1.5 Megaton figure.
Most of the Pakistani Nukes are sub-kiloton... with 12kt HEU/PE and 35kt HEU being main warheads in smaller numbers [only used on Gauri and Shaheen missiles]... so He is right about 1.5 Megaton figure.

and this info is from?? Who divulged you this information??
Or are you just making $hitty claims as usual
Most of the Pakistani Nukes are sub-kiloton... with 12kt HEU/PE and 35kt HEU being main warheads in smaller numbers [only used on Gauri and Shaheen missiles]... so He is right about 1.5 Megaton figure.

so NASR is designed based on available sub-kiloton nuke bombs. :undecided:
and this info is from?? Who divulged you this information??
Or are you just making $hitty claims as usual

If you have something which proves my info. I shall be much obliged.
The nuclear arsenal of Pakistan would fall between 1-3MT for 110 warheads... most of which are HEU based.

so NASR is designed based on available sub-kiloton nuke bombs. :undecided:

yes... but the main question is how far have the gone in reducing the weight of those sub-kiloton warhead assembly.
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