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IAF to deomstrate gears up for Iorn First at Pokhran

Btw, Nasr & Babur can take care of whole Indian Army bases & Indian Army mobilizing troops...

Devastating missiles, and stealthy as well...

There isn't anyone in the world who can relate "service ceiling" and "Mig-25" together either, except you.

Nasr is armed with nuclear warhead and according to our policy any nuclear attack on our soil or our forces will result in massive retaliation with nuclear weapons from our side.

Pakistani missile tech is MUCH better than India's, your own Army Chief admitted

Babur and Nas'r can take down every Indian Army base

That failed missile test was rare, unlike India's which explodes in mid air... Atleast that missile landed, Indian missile falls right back down after 5 minutes!
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Pakistan navy will acquire 6 Chinese 041C class Subs with AIP system. INS Virat will be taken out by these subs without reaching Pakistan coastle line. India can't invest all it's air force to engage Pakistan cause China will tie India down at it's border in the north. China has right to mobilize its army if India invade Pakistan.

What you think of your mighty Chinese navy? Your navy haven't yet grown testicles to bring navy in and posture it at war with India during war between India and Pakistan. Chew what you can digest and stop day dreaming.
Nasr is armed with nuclear warhead and according to our policy any nuclear attack on our soil or our forces will result in massive retaliation with nuclear weapons from our side.

Not if there are multi tubed Baburs coming your way that will annihilate you before you try to retaliate..
The Indian game plan is to have a massive cavalry and armor push through the deserts and try to cut pakistan in two.Thus they gave the name Iron Fist.LoL @ Iron Fist ... the Indians are clever with the name picking.but I think Pakistan stole the show already by testing two missiles in this week which are targeted PRECISELY for Indian cavalry charge.BTW, the Sukhois and Rafales will have to do a bit more hard work. the short range but accurate plutonium tipped missiles are designed to take the forward operational bases out and to wipe out armor colums.

dude if u want to look in that way, u r always behind, u just tested two but India checks almost every month new missiles and plenty more tests in pipeline
Jags dont have BVR.
Mig-29 is not a threat to PAF either
Bisons are easy to take care of
AWACS & AWECS can take care of MKI

2. Hope Sea Harriers & Jags will be able to keep their parts from flying off...
Mig-29 cant serve as interceptor. It's not its role.
Can't believe Im talking to a guy who literally has no military knowledge.

3. Well seeing present scenario, USA wont touch China... Have they even warned China about supporting North Korea? Nope. So why would they care about China attacking India, especially in a retaliatory way? :disagree:
well sir let me clarify

1.well keep dreaming that jags dont have BVR's and U will take on MIG29 UPG's , Bisons & MKI's (All have a good mix of Israeli ,French & Russian BVR's and very Good radars MKI one can be used an a mini AWACS aswell)with your AWACS well sir we already have more and better and bigger AWACS than what you have + owr ground based radars are already keeping a good eye all across your air space as far as afghanistan

2.well sir world saw the sea herriers and its advantages way back in falkland war and sir kindli tell me whats the role of MIG29s both regular & K's and what about the russian AWAC hellies what are they for ????

3.he he he keep beleaving akistanies also beleved OBL was not in Pakistan well dont worry we fight a war on owr own strenth as we did in 1965,1971 1999 & 1948 where were you then and where are you know think of it this time US wont save you and same goes with china nobody tries to help a drowning ship but INDIA is much more than u thing we have capabelities to fight TWO front war and we are prepairing it for almost 3 decades now dont worry keep dreaming good for you ..he he he he
This thread has got nothing to do with either pakistan or china.
Still pakistanis and chinese cannot resist to troll in here . :tdown:

China will stand closely with Pakistan. If one carefully read the post of bully in this thread by indian member, thenyou could tell why we support Paksitan all the time.

Are you blind ???
Read post # 6 . A pakistani started trolling , bringing all the unnecessary $hit.

Pakistani missile tech is MUCH better than India's, your own Army Chief admitted

Babur and Nas'r can take down every Indian Army base

That failed missile test was rare, unlike India's which explodes in mid air... Atleast that missile landed, Indian missile falls right back down after 5 minutes!

What it has to do with IAF exercise. I think you psych has taken a batter just by IAF excessive that all you Pakistanis are now already exploring missiles options which will be suicidal for Pakistan we all know.
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Jags dont have BVR.
Mig-29 is not a threat to PAF either
Bisons are easy to take care of
AWACS & AWECS can take care of MKI

2. Hope Sea Harriers & Jags will be able to keep their parts from flying off...
Mig-29 cant serve as interceptor. It's not its role.
Can't believe Im talking to a guy who literally has no military knowledge.

3. Well seeing present scenario, USA wont touch China... Have they even warned China about supporting North Korea? Nope. So why would they care about China attacking India, especially in a retaliatory way? :disagree:

In Simple Words : PAF can take care of everything, still they hide there planes and make them hanger queens when time comes to show there mettle. :lol:

Lets take an example of Kargil:
By 16 June, IAF was able to open up the laser-guided bombing campaign with the help of Jaguars and Mirage-2000. Daily photo-recce along the LOC by Jaguars escorted by Mirage-2000s, which had continued from the beginning of operations, proved crucial to both the aerial bombing campaign as well as the Indian artillery, helping the latter in accurately shelling Pakistani positions in the Dras-Kargil and Gultari Sectors. While the photo-recce missions typically did not involve deliberate border violations, there were a total of 37 ‘technical violations’ (which emanate as a consequence of kinks and bends in the geographical boundaries). Typically, these averaged to a depth of five nautical miles, except on one occasion when the IAF fighters apparently cocked-a-snoot at the PAF and came in 13 miles deep.

The Mirage-2000s scored at least five successful laser-guided bomb hits on forward dumping sites and posts. During the last days of operations which ended on 12 July, it was clear that delivery accuracy had improved considerably. Even though night bombing accuracy was suspect, round-the-clock attacks had made retention of posts untenable for Pakistani infiltrators. Photo-recce of Pakistani artillery gun positions also made them vulnerable to Indian artillery.

The IAF flew a total of 550 strike missions against infiltrator positions including bunkers and supply depots. The coordinates of these locations were mostly picked up from about 150 reconnaissance and communications intelligence missions. In addition, 500 missions were flown for air defence and for escorting strike and recce missions.

PAF in a Bind

To prevent the mission from being seen as an escalatory step in the already charged atmosphere, PAF had to lure Indian fighters into its own territory, ie Azad Kashmir or the Northern Areas. That done, a number of issues had to be tackled. What if the enemy aircraft were hit in our territory but fell across, providing a pretext to India as a doubly aggrieved party? What if one of our own aircraft fell, no matter if the exchange was one-to-one (or better)? Finally, even if we were able to pull off a surprise, would it not be a one-off incident, with the IAF becoming wiser in quick time? The over-arching consideration was the BVR missile capability of IAF fighters which impinged unfavourably on the mission success probability.

While the PAF looked at some offensive options, it had a more pressing defensive issue at hand. The IAF’s minor border violations during recce missions were not of grave consequence in so far as no bombing had taken place in our territory; however, the fact that these missions helped the enemy refine its air and artillery targeting, was, to say the least, disconcerting. There were constant reports of our troops on the LOC disturbed to see, or hear, IAF fighters operating with apparent impunity. :lol:

A flight of F-7s was, nonetheless, deployed primarily for point defence of the important garrison town of Skardu as well as the air base.

F-16 CAPs could not have been flown all day long as spares support was limited under the prevailing US sanctions. Random CAPs were resorted to, with a noticeable drop in border violations only as long as the F-16s were on station. There were a few cases of F-16s and Mirage-2000s locking their adversaries with the on-board radars but caution usually prevailed and no close encounters took place. After one week of CAPs, the F-16 maintenance personnel indicated that war reserve spares were being eaten into and that the activity had to be ‘rationalised’, a euphemism for discontinuing it altogether. That an impending war occupied the Air Staff’s minds was evident in the decision by the DCAS (Ops) for F-16 CAPs to be discontinued, unless IAF activity became unbearably provocative or threatening. :P
Those not aware of the gravity of the F-16 operability problem under sanctions have complained of the PAF’s lack of cooperation.

It also must be noted too that other than F-16s, the PAF did not have a capable enough fighter for patrolling, as the minimum requirement in this scenario was an on-board airborne intercept radar, exceptional agility and sufficient staying power. F-7s had reasonably good manoeuvrability but lacked an intercept radar as well as endurance, while the ground attack Mirage-III/5s and A-5s were sitting ducks for the air combat mission.
:rofl: (You Guys were sitting Ducks)

Aeronaut: Kargil Conflict and Pakistan Air Force
Albeit, exercises are good to polish up the armed forces skills but remember in this kind of show of power, there is no opposition , so all the delivery of weapons etc is carried out without any one firing back. Even then during another exercise the Indian pilots were way off the mark. Check out the following video at 0.54 and see how far the rockets strike from the actual designated target.

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well sir let me clarify

1.well keep dreaming that jags dont have BVR's and U will take on MIG29 UPG's , Bisons & MKI's (All have a good mix of Israeli ,French & Russian BVR's and very Good radars MKI one can be used an a mini AWACS aswell)with your AWACS well sir we already have more and better and bigger AWACS than what you have + owr ground based radars are already keeping a good eye all across your air space as far as afghanistan

2.well sir world saw the sea herriers and its advantages way back in falkland war and sir kindli tell me whats the role of MIG29s both regular & K's and what about the russian AWAC hellies what are they for ????

3.he he he keep beleaving akistanies also beleved OBL was not in Pakistan well dont worry we fight a war on owr own strenth as we did in 1965,1971 1999 & 1948 where were you then and where are you know think of it this time US wont save you and same goes with china nobody tries to help a drowning ship but INDIA is much more than u thing we have capabelities to fight TWO front war and we are prepairing it for almost 3 decades now dont worry keep dreaming good for you ..he he he he

1. Pakistan is ahead of India in AWACS technology. Pakistan also has more AWACS than India does. Pakistan also keeps check on Indian airspace with its AWACS.

2. Falkland war is way old. Check how long the Sea Harrier was deployed.. Its a very old plane. I dont even know what a AWAC Heli is.

3. OBL not being in Pakistan is disputed.
We took care of India in all those wars, and we showed India how to get schooled by a nation 10x smaller than itself. The schooling & beating is still affecting the hearts and minds of Indian boys today.

If we are a drowning ship in a India-Pak war scenario, don't forget that you are in the radius of that drowning ship's explosion. If we fall & Pakistan crumbles, PA officers & generals have expressed their dire acceptance of taking India along, ie. Nukes.

Pakistani missile tech is MUCH better than India's, your own Army Chief admitted

Babur and Nas'r can take down every Indian Army base

That failed missile test was rare, unlike India's which explodes in mid air... Atleast that missile landed, Indian missile falls right back down after 5 minutes!

Food for thought- Pakistan Got missile tech ,well no offense, cover has been blown apart already. You know what my friend Prithvi has been tested for more than 65 times for Training ,user trail after incorporating new technology and for exercise purpose . The Number is more than the total number of test done for all missiles by Pakistan in her 65 years of history.
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Albeit, exercises are good to polish up the armed forces skills but remember in this kind of show of power, there is no opposition , so all the delivery of weapons etc is carried out without any one firing back. Even then during another exercise the Indian pilots were way off the mark. Check out the following video at 0.54 and see how far the rockets strike from the actual designated target.

Poor Nitpick.

The target was already hit/killed before at 0.44, it might be something else they were doing.
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1. Pakistan is ahead of India in AWACS technology. Pakistan also has more AWACS than India does. Pakistan also keeps check on Indian airspace with its AWACS.

2. Falkland war is way old. Check how long the Sea Harrier was deployed.. Its a very old plane. I dont even know what a AWAC Heli is.

3. OBL not being in Pakistan is disputed.
We took care of India in all those wars, and we showed India how to get schooled by a nation 10x smaller than itself. The schooling & beating is still affecting the hearts and minds of Indian boys today.

If we are a drowning ship in a India-Pak war scenario, don't forget that you are in the radius of that drowning ship's explosion. If we fall & Pakistan crumbles, PA officers & generals have expressed their dire acceptance of taking India along, ie. Nukes.
well sir here are some links ..enjoy


well sir keep beleaving that we are doing whats good for us as for curerent and future sceanario PAF cant do anything we know and you also know what we have if you think onli its you who has the BVR's , AWACS & cruise missiles well think again sir as for drowning ships radius well do you think Indians will be sitting quite as soon as the first of your missile reach india well there are some thjings which are not told like Indias reaction but judging by the response you got in Kargil thing what it would be like now :cheers:
Food for thought- Pakistan Got missile tech ,well no offense, cover has been blown apart already. You know what my friend Prithvi has been tested for more than 65 times for Training ,user trail after incorporating new technology and for exercise purpose . The Number is more than the total number of test done for all missiles by Pakistan in her 65 years of history.


No country EVER declares how many missile tests it has done in public, idiot.

Pakistan is VERY secretive on missile tests. The only times it declares them is when India tries to show off.

Some experts say that Pakistan might've already done a nuclear test in early 1998, but the-then Indian president speech compelled Pakistani govt to do another & shut up India.

well sir keep beleaving that we are doing whats good for us as for curerent and future sceanario PAF cant do anything we know and you also know what we have if you think onli its you who has the BVR's , AWACS & cruise missiles well think again sir as for drowning ships radius well do you think Indians will be sitting quite as soon as the first of your missile reach india well there are some thjings which are not told like Indias reaction but judging by the response you got in Kargil thing what it would be like now :cheers:

Yes-- thats the point I was trying to make out. Anything that India has, Pakistan also has.

And does India have any guts to launch attack on Pakistan?
Why empty farts after Parliament attacks & 26/11?
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