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without going into detail, 370 no for pakistan is more than enough for it....in that way pakistan has definite advantage of it..
How it's Is even enough to safe guard itself from IAF. Good or bad is determined according to the threat a country faces and it's fleet level .... IAF has almost 270 Sukoi , upgraded mirage and Upgraded Mig 29 leave other mig and jags . Not to forget IAF will get Tejas which is atleast equalent to f16 and Jf 17 .... MMRCA Tejas 2 , FGFA AMCA .. but retire only the fleet of mig 21 and 27 Rest all will be operational for many years to come atleast till 2030 . I must say IAF is doing well and must act fast to increase our fleet to 45-50 squadron. Super Sukoi is very likely very soon ...

Indian Aerospace/Defense News: IAF - PAF - PLAAF

@DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox @RescueRanger @farhan_9909 @nomi007 @MastanKhan @TankMan @Horus @Oscar @Bratva @fatman17 @Luftwaffe @DANGER-ZONE @ChineseTiger1986 @Chinese-Dragon @cirr @Shotgunner51 @HRK

Many people ask what is comparison between Indian Air Force, Pakistani Air Force and People Liberation Army Air Force (China). So here is a full comparison between all three forces. All the data is true and taken from various websites. Which comprises of all the aircraft's.
Read until the Conclusion

Q: Since When Teja is 4+ Generation?
Q: Since When F-16 Block 52 is inferior to SU30MKI?And do we really have mostly used F-16s apart from those Jordanian?

Indian Air Force :
IAF's main combat aircraft is Su-30 MKI, but it also has MiG 29 UPG, one of the most advanced version of MiG 29, with an enlarged fuel tank and Miraage 2000-5 MK2, also the most advanced version with new radar and EWS. IAF also has HAL Tejas the homegrown LCA, but LCA was to just add the indigenous touch to the airforce. Indian airforce is also in Negotiations to buy 126 Rafale Aircrafts from France under a 20 Billion $ deal which is soon going to be signed.

Peoples Liberation Army Air Force :
PLAAF has many fighter aircrafts in comparison to Indian Airforce but one thing to notice is that about half are 3.5 or 3 Generation aircrafts. But they also do have J-10 Su 30 MKK and Su-27 which add a punch to its fighter fleet. But still Chinese Fighter fleet is stronger than India's. Even the upcoming stealth aircrafts have to be taken care of.

Pakistani Air Force :
Pakistan's main combat aircraft is F-16 out which the most advanced version
Block 52 D are bought second or being upgraded by Jordan and USA. Pakistan added an indigenous touch to its depleting fleet by adding JF 17 with the help of China (Which doesn't even use it). Pakistan made its JF 17 as a main Aircraft in the fleet. It also has Mirage most of which are also bought Second hand.
Ranking :

All numbers are correctly noted and are given accordingly
Note : Some Aircraft's above mentioned are also multirole like Indian Air Force's Su 30 MKI, Miraage 2000-5, Chinese J 10 Su 30MKK, Pakistani JF 17 etc, but we are considering its main role here.
Many people try comparing LCA with JF 17 but one thing to know is both the aircrafts cannot be compared as JF 17 was to equip the Paksitani Fleet which cannot afford a fighter and was made as a main combat plane. But Tejas was made just to add the Ingenious touch to the Indian Airforce arsenal. As India already has the best in class front line fighters.

Newer reports say that Q 5 are being replaced by JH 7 and around 250 have been produced.
Ranking :

All numbers correctly given
Note : Chinese XIAN - H6 have been obsolete and they are finding replacement, they asked Russia for Tu-22 Bombers but Russia rejected the request. Also we are considering only the main roles here.


Click to Enlarge
ONLY 18 C 130 with Pakistan not 36 Sorry for the typo.

Indian Air Force :
The Indian Air Force in recent years has added to its transport fleet by adding C-17 Globemaster and C-130 J Super Hercules. The super Hercules is a multi operational aircraft. But it also had aircraft like IL 76 AN 32 and HS 748 which have been upgraded to be latest versions. Also with a smal utility aircraft like dornier adds to its fleet. India may order more C-130 in future.

Chinese Air Force :
The Chinese Air Force has the most number of Y 5 which are obsoleute completely and the Y 7 and Y 8 are good medium transport aircrafts, China only has IL 76 as a Heavy lift Transport Aircraft, but its large army needs more transport aircraft which is right now not present. Therefore Chinese are developing there own version of C 130.

Pakistani Air Force :
The Pakistani Air Force has a good amount of C-130 J for its fleet but they are not multi operational as most are 1978 versions,
but for its small army C 130 seems enough and they do not have any other transport aircrafts except some small utility planes. Sorry for a type its only 18 C 130's with pakistan not 36

Ranking :

All numbers given correctly
Note : China has been given least numbers as it has a large force double the size of India and for it, it needs considerably more number of transport aircrafts which is right now less as 150 of them are Y 5 and which is obsolete in its class.

It will be really difficult for China in case of war to deploy its large army with these numbers and aircrafts.

Click to Enlarge
The Chinese AEWACS are named KJ 200 and KJ2000. Plus some reports say that Y 8 numbers could be exceeding 50-70

Ranking :

All number correctly Given
Note : We have not included Chinese J 8 as we have alraedy included it in the Bomber aircrafts, but China also uses it for reconnaissance. Pakistan uses small reconnaissance aircraft apart it has no other aircraft for reconnaissance. China is working on its own projects on the moment. India is in search for more Air Refuelers and EMB 145 is India's own AEWAC. IAF only needs more number of Refueling Aircrafts at the moment.
The thing to know is that out of the three only the Indian Air Force uses the A 50 version which is considered one of the best in the world and is the biggest of all three and also has its own developed EMB 45 which is also best in its class.

Transport/Utility Helicopters

Click to Enlarge
Note : Its includes both the Air arms and Army Aviation too.

India :
India has quite a good number of Transport Helicopters in its fleet with inductance of Home Made DHRUV the force has been multiplied and also the MI 17 V5 which also has a good attack role. Even the light helicopters HAL chetak and HAL Cheetah play a good role in high altitude transportation. Future induction of Chinook is going to add to its fleet a major boost.

China :
China too has good number of transport helicopters. Its Z 9 has proved to be one of the best in class and even has M17 in its fleet with quite a range of helicopters China stands good here.

Pakistan :
Pakistan too stands good here with quite a range of helicopters like Mi 17, but it needs to add heavy lift helicopters to its fleet which is missing where as its rival India have heavy Lift helicopters.

Attack Helicopters
India :
India currently Operates about 20+ Mi 35 Hind (Akbar) which is a heavy attack helicopter modified to fullest and can also carry troops. Also India has developed its own LCH Light Combat Helicopter which is very good for High altitude Terrains Himalayas. Also around 180 are on order and will be mass produced after its IOC by September this year. Also India is going to order about 70 AH - 64D from USA soon.
Plus what many don't know is India also as HAL Rudra which is also an Attack helicopter around 24 are in service and 74 on order. Also the MI 17 V5 can be used for attack purpose and air support.

China :
China currently operates a good attack helicopter WZ -10 and has around 60 of them. Also it has a light helicopter Z 19 which is told to be not that good in its class China operates about 40 of them.

Pakistan :
Pakistan currently operates around 50 AH 1 Cobra gifted from USA, but most do not know is that it operates only 12 new Helicopters which are new from 2010 version. Rest all are mainly 1995 Versions. Also it is a light attack helicopter good in its class. Also it is in talks with Russia to supply about 20 Mi 24 hind E.

Helmets for Attack Helicopters :
One thing to know is just the helicopters do not matter but also the Pilot and what he is flying with. So lets see the Difference in Indian and Pakistani Counter Parts.

HMD System Indian Air Force Pilot
The Indian Air Force Pilots use the HMD (Heads up mounted Display) system through which flying a helicopter is like a game. With it, where ever the pilots sees the under mount gun turret also moves in that Direction. So its the most advanced system and is used in Both LCH and Mi 35 Hind (Akbar) also.

Pakistani Air Force Pilot
Where as the Paksitani Air Force uses the normal helmets as the AH 1 doesn't even comply with HMD. Therefore it makes it very tough for the Pilot of fly and has to do a lot of work. This could prove bad in case of war.

Ranking :

All numbers are noted
Note : Transport Helis ranking not included as all have a good amount and technology but India and China have heavy lift to so 1+ for both.

Range :
India :
1. India has a range of about 3000 Km's without refueling
2. 650 Km Combat Radius. ( +1 Point)
China :
1. China has a range of about 3700 Km's without refueling
2. 570 Km Combat Radius. (+1 Point)
Pakistan :

1. Pakistan has a range of about 2000 Km's without refueling
2. 550 Km of Combat Radius.
Speed :
India :
1. India has a maximum speed of MACH 2.25
China :
1. China has a maximum speed of about MACH 2.35

(+1 Point)
Pakistan :
1. Pakistan has a maximum speed of about MACH 2

Max Take of Weight :
India :
1. Max Take off weight : 38,800 Kg's
(+1 Point)
China :
1. Max Take off weight : 34,500 Kg's
Pakistan :
1. Max Take off weight : 19,200 Kg's
Nuclear Capable :
1. All three countries can carry a nuclear warhead.


India :
India has one of the best training aircrafts the BAE Hawk, which can also be armed. Moreover Indian pilots go through regrous Training period of 3 years of Basic Training and after that Specialized Training after which they are assigned there squadrons.
Also India has the advanced Cockpit Training Facilities where we have mock cockpits to create actual flight scenes.
Also we have around 3 different training facilities each for different Purpose. G Test faculties too and even Mock Combat scenario games etc.
G Suits :

Indian Air Force G Suit

The Indain Air Force uses the GPS series G Suits, which are best in its class. The Indian G Suits match the CSU 13 B/P which is also best in its class and matches the US set standard.
Also every pilot carries a maps, glucose liquids and a 9mm Pistols in Indian Case.

Chinese Air Force

The Chinese Airforce uses grade 3 G suits which are below the US set level. The G suits only match the CSU-10B/L Standard which is not that good.
Even it is reported that Chinese Pilots feel uncomfortable and experience more G force during its use.

Pakistani Air Force
Pakistan also uses the GPS series G Suits made by USA and also set at US Standard same as CSU-13/BP.

The Indian Air Forcecurrently operates sevenAir Commands. Each Command is headed by anAir Officer Commanding-in-Chiefof the rank ofAir Marshal.

The Air Force currently has over 60 air bases all over India. These are grouped into 7 commands viz. Western Air Command at Delhi, Eastern Air Command at Shillong, Central Air Command at Allahabad, Southern Air Command at Thiruvananthapuram(Trivandrum), South Western Air Command at Gandhinagar, formerly at Jodhpur, Training Command at Bangalore and Maintenance Command at Nagpur.
But one to know is that only Indian Air Force out of all three has a base outside India which is really worthy and it is close to Pakistan and is known that a Squadron of MiG 29 is stationed there.
In Total India has around : 85 Air Bases

Farkhor Air base

China :
In Total China has around : 150 Air Bases

Pakistan :
In Total Pakistan has only around : 13 Air Bases
One thing to notice is that if we want to destroy the Air Bases we have to only destroy 13 of Pakistan's and if they even destroy 13 of ours we still have 72 more to fly at.
Note : We were also going to add the Air Base protection but due to security reasons and leak of Information we did not.

Conclusion is that Pakistan is no where near to India and doing comparison of both is not worthy. But we need to catch up with China and its home grown planes in future.
Moreover people say a 2 front war but we believe a 2 front war will never take place and a war between China and India is also never to be possible. As China knows that India isn't the only enemy Surrounding it.

Also read this article about it right here : China can it afford a war ?
Plus already many instances have taken place when China did not help Pakistan in any war.
Also other thing is China lacks very much in special aircraft and deploying of its troops as its 2.2 Million strong army cannot walk everywhere it needs to be transported through planes.
Where as in case of India our Air Force believes in alround development and not just fighter planes. We also see what is important in each of its field.

Hope now you know that its only Pakistan vs India or India vs China (Which is hardly possible)
Note : War History to be added after this month.

All graphs and tables are made by Indian Aerospace/Defense News. Use without permission is restricted.
Written By :


Published By :
IADN..Indian Aerospace/Defense News: IAF - PAF - PLAAF

Thanks for tagging me bro.
Interesting to read especially on the conclusion.
1)Tejas has all the hallmarks required for a 4+ gen aircraft. BVR,mid flight refueling,digital FBW and is to equiped with Uttam AESA.

Except of AESA (which LCA won't get anytime soon), those are 4th gen capabilities, while the used materials, coatings and especially the EW are more advanced. To get to the 4.5th gen level, advanced radar, electro optics and more capable avionics and weapons needs to be added, so basically from MK2 onwards.
A Sukoi-30 Mki squadron backed up by the mighty Phalcon AWACS will destroy dozens of fighters entering its detection range, and its detection range is 400kms for a fighter sized target. But agreed we need a lot more squardons of Mki's, and need to speed up induction of LCAs dramatically.
Data that needs to be included for a better picture
1 UAV no.s and use
2 radar no.s and use.
3 ballistic missiles no.s and use/role
4 cruise missiles no.s and use/role
5 airbases and support infrastructure
6 weapons and pods etc.
Comparison of just one air force or one aircraft to another is a very simplistic exercise, leaves out several factors such as geographical advantages and synergy between forces etc. One such example would be inability to refuel f16 from the refueller il 78 of paf. Lack of info on IN and PLAN also is not good.
That said the comparison does reveal certain strength and weakness of forces.
Last edited:
Ultimate combo = Super Sukoi 30 MKi + 3 Bhrahmos Mini supersonic cruise missiles. Wow the firepower is amazing!
Indian Aerospace/Defense News: IAF - PAF - PLAAF

@DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox @RescueRanger @farhan_9909 @nomi007 @MastanKhan @TankMan @Horus @Oscar @Bratva @fatman17 @Luftwaffe @DANGER-ZONE @ChineseTiger1986 @Chinese-Dragon @cirr @Shotgunner51 @HRK

Many people ask what is comparison between Indian Air Force, Pakistani Air Force and People Liberation Army Air Force (China). So here is a full comparison between all three forces. All the data is true and taken from various websites. Which comprises of all the aircraft's.
Read until the Conclusion

Q: Since When Teja is 4+ Generation?
Q: Since When F-16 Block 52 is inferior to SU30MKI?And do we really have mostly used F-16s apart from those Jordanian?

Indian Air Force :
IAF's main combat aircraft is Su-30 MKI, but it also has MiG 29 UPG, one of the most advanced version of MiG 29, with an enlarged fuel tank and Miraage 2000-5 MK2, also the most advanced version with new radar and EWS. IAF also has HAL Tejas the homegrown LCA, but LCA was to just add the indigenous touch to the airforce. Indian airforce is also in Negotiations to buy 126 Rafale Aircrafts from France under a 20 Billion $ deal which is soon going to be signed.

Peoples Liberation Army Air Force :
PLAAF has many fighter aircrafts in comparison to Indian Airforce but one thing to notice is that about half are 3.5 or 3 Generation aircrafts. But they also do have J-10 Su 30 MKK and Su-27 which add a punch to its fighter fleet. But still Chinese Fighter fleet is stronger than India's. Even the upcoming stealth aircrafts have to be taken care of.

Pakistani Air Force :
Pakistan's main combat aircraft is F-16 out which the most advanced version
Block 52 D are bought second or being upgraded by Jordan and USA. Pakistan added an indigenous touch to its depleting fleet by adding JF 17 with the help of China (Which doesn't even use it). Pakistan made its JF 17 as a main Aircraft in the fleet. It also has Mirage most of which are also bought Second hand.
Ranking :

All numbers are correctly noted and are given accordingly
Note : Some Aircraft's above mentioned are also multirole like Indian Air Force's Su 30 MKI, Miraage 2000-5, Chinese J 10 Su 30MKK, Pakistani JF 17 etc, but we are considering its main role here.
Many people try comparing LCA with JF 17 but one thing to know is both the aircrafts cannot be compared as JF 17 was to equip the Paksitani Fleet which cannot afford a fighter and was made as a main combat plane. But Tejas was made just to add the Ingenious touch to the Indian Airforce arsenal. As India already has the best in class front line fighters.

Newer reports say that Q 5 are being replaced by JH 7 and around 250 have been produced.
Ranking :

All numbers correctly given
Note : Chinese XIAN - H6 have been obsolete and they are finding replacement, they asked Russia for Tu-22 Bombers but Russia rejected the request. Also we are considering only the main roles here.


Click to Enlarge
ONLY 18 C 130 with Pakistan not 36 Sorry for the typo.

Indian Air Force :
The Indian Air Force in recent years has added to its transport fleet by adding C-17 Globemaster and C-130 J Super Hercules. The super Hercules is a multi operational aircraft. But it also had aircraft like IL 76 AN 32 and HS 748 which have been upgraded to be latest versions. Also with a smal utility aircraft like dornier adds to its fleet. India may order more C-130 in future.

Chinese Air Force :
The Chinese Air Force has the most number of Y 5 which are obsoleute completely and the Y 7 and Y 8 are good medium transport aircrafts, China only has IL 76 as a Heavy lift Transport Aircraft, but its large army needs more transport aircraft which is right now not present. Therefore Chinese are developing there own version of C 130.

Pakistani Air Force :
The Pakistani Air Force has a good amount of C-130 J for its fleet but they are not multi operational as most are 1978 versions,
but for its small army C 130 seems enough and they do not have any other transport aircrafts except some small utility planes. Sorry for a type its only 18 C 130's with pakistan not 36

Ranking :

All numbers given correctly
Note : China has been given least numbers as it has a large force double the size of India and for it, it needs considerably more number of transport aircrafts which is right now less as 150 of them are Y 5 and which is obsolete in its class.

It will be really difficult for China in case of war to deploy its large army with these numbers and aircrafts.

Click to Enlarge
The Chinese AEWACS are named KJ 200 and KJ2000. Plus some reports say that Y 8 numbers could be exceeding 50-70

Ranking :

All number correctly Given
Note : We have not included Chinese J 8 as we have alraedy included it in the Bomber aircrafts, but China also uses it for reconnaissance. Pakistan uses small reconnaissance aircraft apart it has no other aircraft for reconnaissance. China is working on its own projects on the moment. India is in search for more Air Refuelers and EMB 145 is India's own AEWAC. IAF only needs more number of Refueling Aircrafts at the moment.
The thing to know is that out of the three only the Indian Air Force uses the A 50 version which is considered one of the best in the world and is the biggest of all three and also has its own developed EMB 45 which is also best in its class.

Transport/Utility Helicopters

Click to Enlarge
Note : Its includes both the Air arms and Army Aviation too.

India :
India has quite a good number of Transport Helicopters in its fleet with inductance of Home Made DHRUV the force has been multiplied and also the MI 17 V5 which also has a good attack role. Even the light helicopters HAL chetak and HAL Cheetah play a good role in high altitude transportation. Future induction of Chinook is going to add to its fleet a major boost.

China :
China too has good number of transport helicopters. Its Z 9 has proved to be one of the best in class and even has M17 in its fleet with quite a range of helicopters China stands good here.

Pakistan :
Pakistan too stands good here with quite a range of helicopters like Mi 17, but it needs to add heavy lift helicopters to its fleet which is missing where as its rival India have heavy Lift helicopters.

Attack Helicopters
India :
India currently Operates about 20+ Mi 35 Hind (Akbar) which is a heavy attack helicopter modified to fullest and can also carry troops. Also India has developed its own LCH Light Combat Helicopter which is very good for High altitude Terrains Himalayas. Also around 180 are on order and will be mass produced after its IOC by September this year. Also India is going to order about 70 AH - 64D from USA soon.
Plus what many don't know is India also as HAL Rudra which is also an Attack helicopter around 24 are in service and 74 on order. Also the MI 17 V5 can be used for attack purpose and air support.

China :
China currently operates a good attack helicopter WZ -10 and has around 60 of them. Also it has a light helicopter Z 19 which is told to be not that good in its class China operates about 40 of them.

Pakistan :
Pakistan currently operates around 50 AH 1 Cobra gifted from USA, but most do not know is that it operates only 12 new Helicopters which are new from 2010 version. Rest all are mainly 1995 Versions. Also it is a light attack helicopter good in its class. Also it is in talks with Russia to supply about 20 Mi 24 hind E.

Helmets for Attack Helicopters :
One thing to know is just the helicopters do not matter but also the Pilot and what he is flying with. So lets see the Difference in Indian and Pakistani Counter Parts.

HMD System Indian Air Force Pilot
The Indian Air Force Pilots use the HMD (Heads up mounted Display) system through which flying a helicopter is like a game. With it, where ever the pilots sees the under mount gun turret also moves in that Direction. So its the most advanced system and is used in Both LCH and Mi 35 Hind (Akbar) also.

Pakistani Air Force Pilot
Where as the Paksitani Air Force uses the normal helmets as the AH 1 doesn't even comply with HMD. Therefore it makes it very tough for the Pilot of fly and has to do a lot of work. This could prove bad in case of war.

Ranking :

All numbers are noted
Note : Transport Helis ranking not included as all have a good amount and technology but India and China have heavy lift to so 1+ for both.

Range :
India :
1. India has a range of about 3000 Km's without refueling
2. 650 Km Combat Radius. ( +1 Point)
China :
1. China has a range of about 3700 Km's without refueling
2. 570 Km Combat Radius. (+1 Point)
Pakistan :

1. Pakistan has a range of about 2000 Km's without refueling
2. 550 Km of Combat Radius.
Speed :
India :
1. India has a maximum speed of MACH 2.25
China :
1. China has a maximum speed of about MACH 2.35

(+1 Point)
Pakistan :
1. Pakistan has a maximum speed of about MACH 2

Max Take of Weight :
India :
1. Max Take off weight : 38,800 Kg's
(+1 Point)
China :
1. Max Take off weight : 34,500 Kg's
Pakistan :
1. Max Take off weight : 19,200 Kg's
Nuclear Capable :
1. All three countries can carry a nuclear warhead.


India :
India has one of the best training aircrafts the BAE Hawk, which can also be armed. Moreover Indian pilots go through regrous Training period of 3 years of Basic Training and after that Specialized Training after which they are assigned there squadrons.
Also India has the advanced Cockpit Training Facilities where we have mock cockpits to create actual flight scenes.
Also we have around 3 different training facilities each for different Purpose. G Test faculties too and even Mock Combat scenario games etc.
G Suits :

Indian Air Force G Suit

The Indain Air Force uses the GPS series G Suits, which are best in its class. The Indian G Suits match the CSU 13 B/P which is also best in its class and matches the US set standard.
Also every pilot carries a maps, glucose liquids and a 9mm Pistols in Indian Case.

Chinese Air Force

The Chinese Airforce uses grade 3 G suits which are below the US set level. The G suits only match the CSU-10B/L Standard which is not that good.
Even it is reported that Chinese Pilots feel uncomfortable and experience more G force during its use.

Pakistani Air Force
Pakistan also uses the GPS series G Suits made by USA and also set at US Standard same as CSU-13/BP.

The Indian Air Forcecurrently operates sevenAir Commands. Each Command is headed by anAir Officer Commanding-in-Chiefof the rank ofAir Marshal.

The Air Force currently has over 60 air bases all over India. These are grouped into 7 commands viz. Western Air Command at Delhi, Eastern Air Command at Shillong, Central Air Command at Allahabad, Southern Air Command at Thiruvananthapuram(Trivandrum), South Western Air Command at Gandhinagar, formerly at Jodhpur, Training Command at Bangalore and Maintenance Command at Nagpur.
But one to know is that only Indian Air Force out of all three has a base outside India which is really worthy and it is close to Pakistan and is known that a Squadron of MiG 29 is stationed there.
In Total India has around : 85 Air Bases

Farkhor Air base

China :
In Total China has around : 150 Air Bases

Pakistan :
In Total Pakistan has only around : 13 Air Bases
One thing to notice is that if we want to destroy the Air Bases we have to only destroy 13 of Pakistan's and if they even destroy 13 of ours we still have 72 more to fly at.
Note : We were also going to add the Air Base protection but due to security reasons and leak of Information we did not.

Conclusion is that Pakistan is no where near to India and doing comparison of both is not worthy. But we need to catch up with China and its home grown planes in future.
Moreover people say a 2 front war but we believe a 2 front war will never take place and a war between China and India is also never to be possible. As China knows that India isn't the only enemy Surrounding it.

Also read this article about it right here : China can it afford a war ?
Plus already many instances have taken place when China did not help Pakistan in any war.
Also other thing is China lacks very much in special aircraft and deploying of its troops as its 2.2 Million strong army cannot walk everywhere it needs to be transported through planes.
Where as in case of India our Air Force believes in alround development and not just fighter planes. We also see what is important in each of its field.

Hope now you know that its only Pakistan vs India or India vs China (Which is hardly possible)
Note : War History to be added after this month.

All graphs and tables are made by Indian Aerospace/Defense News. Use without permission is restricted.
Written By :


Published By :
IADN..Indian Aerospace/Defense News: IAF - PAF - PLAAF

the only think i read was:
India (everything upgraded and latest)
China (everything copied)
Pakistan (everything second hand)

A Sukoi-30 Mki squadron backed up by the mighty Phalcon AWACS will destroy dozens of fighters entering its detection range, and its detection range is 400kms for a fighter sized target. But agreed we need a lot more squardons of Mki's, and need to speed up induction of LCAs dramatically.

which BVR India have in its arsenal which can hit n destroy the target at the distance of 400 Km??
Except of AESA (which LCA won't get anytime soon), those are 4th gen capabilities, while the used materials, coatings and especially the EW are more advanced. To get to the 4.5th gen level, advanced radar, electro optics and more capable avionics and weapons needs to be added, so basically from MK2 onwards.
Isn't 4+ gen and 4.5 gen the same??
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