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IAF Ouragan Captured by PAF

But that was an airplane not a heli.

The incident Chindit referred to in 1965 was the Gujrat CM's airplane.

Murad sahib is referring to an unreported incident of a Indian official's Helicopter being shot down in 1971.

Murad Sahib:

Just to clarify, I was referring to Babugiri on the Indian officials part, that resulted in an alleged lack of recognition of the PAF's recommendation for Flt. Lt. Sekhon. :)
Murad sahib is referring to an unreported incident of a Indian official's Helicopter being shot down in 1971.

There is no record of any Indian politician or CM getting killed (or even injured in 71) . There do seem to be one IAF Helicopter that crashed but it was not carrying any politician, it was on a casevac mission.

http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/IAF/History/Roll/1971-2.html said:
Flt Lt K L Bajaj
9540 F(P)
114 HU
KIA 11 Dec 1971
Flt Lt K L Bajaj was involved in flying Casevac sorties in the Poonch sector. He was killed when his Chetak helicopter hit overhead HT wires near Srinagar.

Does the date and location match?
you have totally twisted the thread thank a million. Mods please do take my photos any put them in the gallery.
Does this kid remind you of some. IAF shot the heli infront of me. so I don't need to give justification to a 10 year who instead of reading and listening is twisting things.
IAF didn't probably tell anyone I wish I could have got that dhoti he was waving to us that don't shoot.:lol: If he wasn't waving to us that means he pissed in his dhoti and was drying it. hummmm :confused:So many things have happend during 65, 71, 99 that both countries try to hide put a blanket over some issues. Its not your fault just because you know a few Uncles who were in 71 war will not make a difference they have secrets and so do we

OH and I totally forgot to say Happy New year to you. God bless this year and give you more wisdom and strength.
i hope if they go war with us this time than they have to suffer even more than this i hope first of all war should not happpen

Wow. I'm late on this thread/post so forgive me...but I can't wrap my mind around that statement. It encapsulated what I hear from my "desi" brethren all the time here far away from the consequence of war.

They hope to goto another war(all have been a net negative for Pakistan/India so far) so that they can "suffer" more as result of what? War Prizes? And then you cop out and say you don't "want" war forgetting how badly that logic train has been derailed.

Same goes for all the India, Bangla and Pakistani FOB asshats I know and work with here. Forever thumping their chests while never realizing the end game is net loss for both.

That is all.
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The incident Chindit referred to in 1965 was the Gujrat CM's airplane.

Murad sahib is referring to an unreported incident of a Indian official's Helicopter being shot down in 1971.

Murad Sahib:

Just to clarify, I was referring to Babugiri on the Indian officials part, that resulted in an alleged lack of recognition of the PAF's recommendation for Flt. Lt. Sekhon. :)

The letter reached the right people, It didn't matter to us that kid had more balls than we have seen and tho he got shot down he was a hero and I tell you we make jocks of Sardars but they are selfless people and very brave. And for one I do admire sekhon and sometimes, I tell people living in USA about his bravery and they don't even know who he is which in my case is the fault of IAF who never pushed the gov to put such stuff in text books.
Take Pakistan every kid knows our Army PAF, Navy hero's who gave their lives for there country:pakistan:
IAF shot the heli infront of me. so I don't need to give justification to a 10 year who instead of reading and listening is twisting things.
IAF didn't probably tell anyone I wish I could have got that dhoti
OH and I totally forgot to say Happy New year to you. God bless this year and give you more wisdom and strength.

Well, in the fog of war people may see things that didnt actually happen and I dont blame them. M M Alam thought he shot down five Hunters in 30 seconds when it was only three.

There is another PAF pilot who told my grandfather (who was in the IAF) during an visit in the US thast he was sorry to the families of crew members of a helicopter he bombed in rajasthan and my grandfather had to tell him that that helicopter was fine and the crew were alright so dont worry :D . Its another story so I will save it for another thread.

similarly - no heicopter was shot down by IAF. I will leave it at that.

Ofcourse as a senior person you have all the right to call me names like '10 year old' :) I will take it in a stride.:enjoy:
The letter reached the right people, It didn't matter to us that kid had more balls than we have seen and tho he got shot down he was a hero and I tell you we make jocks of Sardars but they are selfless people and very brave. And for one I do admire sekhon and sometimes, I tell people living in USA about his bravery and they don't even know who he is which in my case is the fault of IAF who never pushed the gov to put such stuff in text books.
Take Pakistan every kid knows our Army PAF, Navy hero's who gave their lives for there country:pakistan:

Murad-sir, this is very true...in fact, I think of all PVC winners, Flg Off Sekhon is the least mentioned. Even though he did not have a kill to his name, the very fact that he fought single-handedly against PAF vets and paid the ultimate sacrifice means he should be celebrated as one of India's finest martyrs. Yet I've hardly seen a mention ever in the mass-media. Its as if we are ashamed to honor him as he was not able to down enemy aircraft. Or is it to cover up the entire episode? Why was he the only pilot in the skies that day without support? What happened to the spineless B**t**d Dhuman who bugged out leaving Sekhon alone? I have not found anything on him either, I doubt he was booted out.

In the end, it is a sad reflection of the state of affairs both in the government and in the public which has a short-term memory anyway. More recently, I remember the father of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan(commando who died in Mumbai siege) who slammed the door of his house on a politician as the latter paid a token visit after media lambasted him for his indifference.
Politicians are scum everywhere, but I seriously doubt even the private TV channels and public will remember young Sandeep a year from now.

And the b**t**d politicians even refuse to grant basic pay increases to the fighting ranks. If this is the state of affairs, which parent will volunteer his/her son to enlist? I'm not surprised IA and IAF face problems filling their officer ranks. The political scum are to blame for this situation...and by association, the people who elected them. This is the price India pays for allowing 100M+ illiterate people to vote.:tsk:
Well, in the fog of war people may see things that didnt actually happen and I dont blame them. M M Alam thought he shot down five Hunters in 30 seconds when it was only three.

There is another PAF pilot who told my grandfather (who was in the IAF) during an visit in the US thast he was sorry to the families of crew members of a helicopter he bombed in rajasthan and my grandfather had to tell him that that helicopter was fine and the crew were alright so dont worry :D . Its another story so I will save it for another thread.

similarly - no heicopter was shot down by IAF. I will leave it at that.

Ofcourse as a senior person you have all the right to call me names like '10 year old' :) I will take it in a stride.:enjoy:

You just entered the No fly Zone
Now you are telling me that I was dreaming. I don't give a **** what you think or what you say to me but if you ever insult MM than we have a problem.
Now let me show you my flip side. If you ever insult me again more over if you ever say one more thing about MM.
The result will be I go from the forum or you will. I was right you are the same kid who started fighting with me on the helicopter issue who left the forum..

That is why I have asked the Mods to check these kids before we give than a membership. Let them Introduce them self first TT members can ask them a couple of questions and by that time we can verify was he banned from the forum or not. If not he is well come.
It still shows that IAF has never gotten out of that shock That MM shot 5 planes. What do you know, We do sometimes learn things from kids.
Now you are telling me that I was dreaming. I don't give a **** what you think or what you say to me but if you ever insult MM than we have a problem.
Now let me show you my flip side. If you ever insult me again more over if you ever say one more thing about MM.

Where did I insult MM Alam? I merely said - mistakes happen. What is observed in heat of battle may not be the actual case - and you want to construe that as an insult? MM did shoot five planes in the war. but on one single battle he shot down three. He did initially say he shot down five in that initial battle - is it not?

The result will be I go from the forum or you will. I was right you are the same kid who started fighting with me on the helicopter issue who left the forum..

who was that? certainly not me. I am sorry you feel that way. I thought I was adding intereting information to the forum. You tell me what was wrong in my post?
and this is what i meant

Alam’s Speed-shooting Classic

Obviously pleased with himself, Alam announced to the radar controller that he had shot down five Hunters. An ace-in-a-mission must have sounded like a splendid achievement and, the news spread like wildfire right upto the highest echelons

anyone who read the above article will agree that what i posted above is correct and in no way insulting to alam.
Chindit I suggest you talk to Muradk via Pm apologise for any insult (intended or not) discuss your sources rather than dispute a respected officer on a open forum.

At the end of the day you have to ask yourself.....Are we going to lose a long standing member of high value or you?
Dear Muradk,

I apologise if you felt I was insulting towards you - I never intended to be insulting. merely informative.

I do look forward to posting true and genuine facts.

Where did I insult MM Alam? I merely said - mistakes happen. What is observed in heat of battle may not be the actual case - and you want to construe that as an insult? MM did shoot five planes in the war. but on one single battle he shot down three. He did initially say he shot down five in that initial battle - is it not?

who was that? certainly not me. I am sorry you feel that way. I thought I was adding intereting information to the forum. You tell me what was wrong in my post?

I hope mods have banned this kid by now. Sir Murad khan is a senior member plus he is a veteran PAF fighter pilot with confirmed kills against your loser IAF. I would not doubt for a single milli sec a single word mentioned by a great ex PAF fighter pilot of 1965 and 1971 wars. Our PAF kicked your IAF *** in both wars overall. Though in 1971 we could'nt achieve objective of saving east pakistan not because our Air Force or Army was'nt effective but sadly the whole population of east pakistan of 60 million bengali muslims were rebels against west pakistan. This happened due to continous poor economic and political policies of west pakistan plus propaganga from india alongwith traitors like mujibur rehman and zulfiqar bhutto. Had there not been civil unrest there is no way the only one squadron of east pakistan would have had to disband. Untill the squadron were there they fought bravely against 10 squadrons of IAF and kicked ***. In total we shot down 102 russian made fighter aircraft of IAF whilst losing 34 of ours ( 11/12 were destroyed by east pakistan squadron themselves whilst leaving on command from GHQ).

Sir murad there is no point debating with biased indians, i know i have debated with several but these hindus just can't come out of inferiority complex. They hand their *** handed to them in battles like panipat and several others. With grace of ALLAH we ruled india for 1000 years and then with birth of pakistan we achieved another historic victory whilst the hearts of hindus turned to coal. WE kicked their *** hard in 1965 war leaving them with plenty of bruises to remember for generations. Our PAF did yet another glorious effort in 1971 war despite the major difficulties in east pakistan.

Indians will never accept no matter how much proof, evidence or truth you or i present them they will always spit or vomit cause it's in their bloody nature !

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