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IAF Mirage-2000 Another One That Got Away !


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom

We all know how on 27th February 2019, during Pakistan Air Force's counter offensive to earlier failed Balakot strikes by the Indian Air Force, in addition to shooting down two IAF fighter jets, PAF had at least 7 other Indian aircraft squarely painted and all could have been shot down with just press of some buttons.
It has now emerged that among others, the OC of PAF No 26 Squadron flying in his JF-17 had a Mirage-2000 firmly locked with no chance of escape. He was repeatedly heard, shouting and begging for clearance to ''Fire''. Unfortunately, in the light as not to escalate hostilities, that clearance never came. However, under the circumstances. Just imagine the shockwave the news of a Thunder taking out Mirage-2000, would have sent across the world. None the less PAF can rejoice in the fact that when the test came, the JF-17 held more than it's own against Indian front line fighters.
This tale is almost 2 years old...
Are Pakistanis that petty that they have to remind themselves of this small victory by gloating about it constantly?

Well, certainly this tale is no older than the one parroted around by the Indians about their jets locking on to the PAF aircraft over the LOC/LOAC in 1999 during the Kargil crisis.
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He should have got permission...sad we missed a chance to show IAF footage of mirage going down.

Someone wise once said "It is better to ask forgiveness later than permission first" :D
Though PAF being a professional force works only within set permissions but our 4 trees and 1 crow had some rights too itna tou banta hai
The Indians merely resorted to 'jinxing' in 99. We on the other hand took the shots and brought down the prey.
View attachment 711965

We all know how on 27th February 2019, during Pakistan Air Force's counter offensive to earlier failed Balakot strikes by the Indian Air Force, in addition to shooting down two IAF fighter jets, PAF had at least 7 other Indian aircraft squarely painted and all could have been shot down with just press of some buttons.
It has now emerged that among others, the OC of PAF No 26 Squadron flying in his JF-17 had a Mirage-2000 firmly locked with no chance of escape. He was repeatedly heard, shouting and begging for clearance to ''Fire''. Unfortunately, in the light as not to escalate hostilities, that clearance never came. However, under the circumstances. Just imagine the shockwave the news of a Thunder taking out Mirage-2000, would have sent across the world. None the less PAF can rejoice in the fact that when the test came, the JF-17 held more than it's own against Indian front line fighters.

Remember IAF Mirages calling Radar Failure and showing no will to engage, then an article by Chinese outlet and CAS PAF on record that "JF-17 has performed so well against IAF including Mirage-2000"?

The reason why has been said so and not to shoot down is that, we shown our capability which was the main idea beside shooting down 2 priority air targets. Sometimes, you don't need to beat but put a forever fear into the heart of enemy. IAF will be preparing already but PAF up the game by manifolds for them to catch up and unless then, this side shall be advancing further. IAF could have denied or proved these claims wrong about the locks by PAF or no clearance given to shoot down 7 of them but NO.
“To be, or not to be, that is the question.”
Indecisive and over-thoughtful Ariel Avatars, A lifelong opportunity for JF17 went to astray,
Shooting down M2K could be an unprecedented advertisement and marketing for our Bird.
“To be, or not to be, that is the question.”
Indecisive and over-thoughtful Ariel Avatars, A lifelong opportunity for JF17 went to astray,
Shooting down M2K could be an unprecedented advertisement and marketing for our Bird.


It's good that permission wasn't granted saving millions of dollar worth Chinese Bvr missiles from going to waste and very wise humanitarian choice when u think of it as Four American AMRAAM fired at Su30s failed to hit anything except poor Gujjar Muslim man in Jammu's Resai district causing loss of his legs.
View attachment 711965

We all know how on 27th February 2019, during Pakistan Air Force's counter offensive to earlier failed Balakot strikes by the Indian Air Force, in addition to shooting down two IAF fighter jets, PAF had at least 7 other Indian aircraft squarely painted and all could have been shot down with just press of some buttons.
It has now emerged that among others, the OC of PAF No 26 Squadron flying in his JF-17 had a Mirage-2000 firmly locked with no chance of escape. He was repeatedly heard, shouting and begging for clearance to ''Fire''. Unfortunately, in the light as not to escalate hostilities, that clearance never came. However, under the circumstances. Just imagine the shockwave the news of a Thunder taking out Mirage-2000, would have sent across the world. None the less PAF can rejoice in the fact that when the test came, the JF-17 held more than it's own against Indian front line fighters.

I wish they brought one of those Mirages down. Some Indian posters used to rant on about them being unstoppable with the MICA.
The only thing they did that day was keep the runaway warm at Gwalior, after they came in piping hot from running away with their afterburners on full flow.

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