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Featured IAF Mig 21 crashed during a training sortie

Insulted Other Member/Nationality - Mocking dead
I don't know but an effort will be made to provide oxygen to him and will not be locked in house to die like China did in wuhan.

The pilot attempt to reach China to get oxygen but it didnt make it! Pity poor Indian pilot. :disagree:
People, do not make fun of deceased pilot and if you have nothing good to say, dont say anything at all. Muslims are instructed not to make fun of the deceased, even of their enemies.
I hope his family finds solace in his memory. RIP
To increase the numbers of fighter jets, they are loosing pilots...

The reason for skewed pilots to fighter jets ratio.
Our F-16s would be feeling good at the loss of a an IAF F-16 slayer aka Mig-21 :lol:
A soldier commands respect when he lays down his life in the line of duty. That is the reason that even enemy soldiers are given last rites with dignity. Irrespective of nationality, religion etc.

Salute to the brave soldier for supreme sacrifice. Salute. 🙏🏽🙏🏽

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