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IAF has enhanced India’s deterrent and coercive posture in Ladakh

but in reality, they made barely 6 tejas airframe this year.
ahh thats because they are secretly making the vemana. tejas is just the smoke screen for us to laugh at them! BUT shudder the day they unleash the vemana upon us :cry:
but in reality, they made barely 6 tejas airframe this year.
Why that few? That's even far fewer than the number of AEW aircrafts that delivered to PLAAF and PLAN in a year.
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All the cheerleaders should understand ,if china had the capacity to do even 50% of what you guys think China is capable of ,they would have done something by now.CCP cannot fight a war

Everyone assume too much about what China can do.
1000 sq km admitted by India lost to China. You should die in shame.
Academic kashmir taken from India by force. Die in shame.
Pakistan and Bangladesh carved out of India die in shame.

How much more land do u want to lose b4 you stop talking shut and take your head out of your *** and see reality
bending over is a posture indeed so there is at least some fact in this statement
Tell me why Chinese Airforce Fighter planes are deployed in Pakistan Military Controlled Territory ??
It is a routine military exercise every year.

and in modern war, deploying the air force on the border is a genius invention. congratulate.

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