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IAF has enhanced India’s deterrent and coercive posture in Ladakh

same goes for Indian Barking claims....
But....but... But.....it's different for india. They are india, such things don't apply to them. Brave indians, coward chinese.
You could've responded to this without being a petty bigot, it wouldn't have cost you a dime. We have a significant Hindu population who feel less Pakistani because of shallow inconsiderate comments like yours even though they are just as much Pakistani as any of us. Your post hurts their sentiments as it does mine.
Poor baby, your feelings got hurt. Ohh I'm so sorry. NOT.... First, take your bleeding heart and go enlighten yourself by visiting indians forums, and see how they feel about muslims in general, indian muslims, and pakistan. They don't give a damn about hurting our feelings. My response is just a quid pro quo to that. Feel free to join them and love them there.
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You could've responded to this without being a petty bigot, it wouldn't have cost you a dime. We have a significant Hindu population who feel less Pakistani because of shallow inconsiderate comments like yours even though they are just as much Pakistani as any of us. Your post hurts their sentiments as it does mine.
I'm pretty sure it was meant for the bendians
All the cheerleaders should understand ,if china had the capacity to do even 50% of what you guys think China is capable of ,they would have done something by now. CCP cannot fight a war

So, everyday, your newspapers are crying that Chinese are taking India's land and killing Indian soldiers. Now you are teasing Chinese that they are not doing more?

Everyone assume too much about what China can do.

It seems this "everyone" includes your generals and PM.
I'm pretty sure it was meant for the bendians

I don't doubt your assertion but I have to call out a naïve mind who is uttering the inherent bigotry in the name of love for Pakistan. Loving Pakistan and hating India does not justify bigotry! I choose to call out any attempt to alienate our respectable compatriots, the Pakistani Hindus!
I don't doubt your assertion but I have to call out a naïve mind who is uttering the inherent bigotry in the name of love for Pakistan. Loving Pakistan and hating India does not justify bigotry! I choose to call out any attempt to alienate our respectable compatriots, the Pakistani Hindus!
Well if we look below the surface we can find that even the Hindus that want to leave Pakistan ( shameful though it is ) do not find any peace or security in bendia.
They return back to Pakistan.
That should represent the views and mindset of the bendians Vis a Vis Pakistan.
India.s ladakh air operation was enormous and well planned and orchestrated..

up to 350 fighters transport planes.and helicopters where involved.
some very impressive equipment was on operational.war time duties

c17 globemasters
mi 17
even indian light attack choppers
and the dhruvs.

air power combat potential saw the ladakh sky's roar to su30.mki mig29 and mirage2000 fighters
more sam regiments were acquired in a rush from Israel.

the build up was massive over 50000 troops in artic gear rushed into mountains
2 months rations
15 days of full.scale war fighting supplies

it was well documentated minute by minute by indian and world television

India stood and starred down a super power eye ball to eye ball.and did not flinch .

good show India
There are many countries that have deployed this way, such as Poland in 1939, Germany in 1945... I'm very happy with India's military deployment.
All the cheerleaders should understand ,if china had the capacity to do even 50% of what you guys think China is capable of ,they would have done something by now.CCP cannot fight a war

Everyone assume too much about what China can do.
Baby, China's pursuit of peaceful development does not mean that China refuses war.
We are not Hindu thugs. We have many ways. But if superpower 2020 wants war. We also hope to complete the "New New Delhi" as soon as possible.
But....but... But.....it's different for india. They are india, such things don't apply to them. Brave indians, coward chinese.

Poor baby, your feelings got hurt. Ohh I'm so sorry. NOT.... First, take your bleeding heart and go enlighten yourself by visiting indians forums, and see how they feel about muslims in general, indian muslims, and pakistan. They don't give a damn about hurting our feelings. My response is just a quid pro quo to that. Feel free to join them and love them there.
Brave indians, coward chinese??????????

MacArthur knows this??

No, I only know.


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