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IAF grappling with free fall in fighters, will have to fly upgraded MiG-21s

I think it would be a good idea ! Afterall we have to maintain balance between needs of defense preparedness as well as needs of defense industry .

What difference will it make if instead of 140 ...only 100 Rafael's are manufactured in India by HAL ?

Its one of the thing I am fearing a lot, a fine morning one of the MOD babus getting an idea of manufacturing all the aircrafts here in India itself just like the Scorpions.. Then we can expect more delays :partay:
@janon, all is not lost mate, we do have upgraded Jaguars and Mirages for the time being to support Sukhois in case of Chinese threat.. But we cannot go for a two front war with this current fleet.. I am not talking about air superiority but enough to defend our selves..
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Its one of the thing I am fearing a lot, a fine morning one of the MOD babus getting an idea of manufacturing all the aircrafts here in India itself just like the Scorpions.. Then we can expect more delays :partay:
@janon, all is not lost mate, we do have upgraded Jaguars and Mirages for the time being to support Sukhois in case of Chinese threat.. But we cannot go for a two front war with this current fleet.. I am not talking about air superiority but enough to defend our selves..

I think we have to be always prepared for the worst ....

In that case we have to be ready for " Two Front War " all the time ....

And hence it is inexcusable that we are finding ourselves in such miserable condition ....

This is happening when China is arming Pakistan with its home grown jets with soft loans ...

Thankfully geo-political and economical situation in Pakistan is not very good but Pakistan Army can't be trusted against conducting offensive ....
Off course prospects of any war with Pakistan is very low ....and more so of " Two Front War " .....nevertheless we should be prepared .

Murphy's Law : Things which can go wrong , will go wrong however unlikely .....
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Please link the post that claims that here.

Technically, India has contributed more to Su 30 MKI than what Pakistan has contributed to JF 17. Many components of MKI like avionics (some) etc are 100% designed and developed in India and today every single component of SU 30 MKI, including the engine is manufactured from scratch in India it self. There is no kit received from Russia. Pakistan is decades away from achieving this on the JF 17 front

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