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IAF Drama l Radar images proves that Abhinandan downed Pakistan F-16

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I had not seen this bit before. I guess he has stated now that one of your pilot has died ...I agree no evidence is shown - yet - but how does that make that alleged dead pilot a Pakistani now? If we found out he is a Pakistani why state him as Indian now? This is flawed logic.
For example: Recently PA claimed killing 7 IA soldiers, now since no evidence was shown by PA then applying your logic would mean those 7 soldiers must be Pakistani? Do you see the flaw in your thinking now?

Here are the facts which indisputable.

1. 2 aircrafts were shot down that day. one was mig 21 and other unclear .

2. 2 pilots were in Pakistani custody in the beginning - one was W/C Abhinandan and other unknown. The story was changed one Indian pilot was with Pakistan.

3. W.C Abhinandan was returned to India and second pilot died in Pakistani hospital.

4. If the second pilot who died was an Indian - Pakistan could have easily shown id card or uniform or any other identity to conclusively proven, that they shot down 2 Indian aircrafts(instead of asking IAF to come clear) and also that they did not loose any aircraft that day.

4. Since Pakistan is not willing to that(despite being challenged by Indian again and again), it is more than logical assumption, that second pilot was not Indian to begin with.
And that is why the story was changed in few hours from 2 pilots to 1 pilot.
Here are the facts which indisputable.

1. 2 aircrafts were shot down that day. one was mig 21 and other unclear .

2. 2 pilots were in Pakistani custody in the beginning - one was W/C Abhinandan and other unknown. The story was changed one Indian pilot was with Pakistan.

3. W.C Abhinandan was returned to India and second pilot died in Pakistani hospital.

4. If the second pilot who died was an Indian - Pakistan could have easily shown id card or uniform or any other identity to conclusively proven, that they shot down 2 Indian aircrafts(instead of asking IAF to come clear) and also that they did not loose any aircraft that day.

4. Since Pakistan is not willing to that(despite being challenged by Indian again and again), it is more than logical assumption, that second pilot was not Indian to begin with.
And that is why the story was changed in few hours from 2 pilots to 1 pilot.

How are those facts indisputable????

The only indisputable fact is that we shot down the Mig and got Abhinorindian

How is the rest anything?
The "alleged" pictures shared with press. Pls note these aren't verified. View attachment 552022 View attachment 552021

@Oscar @messiach @Signalian @Bilal Khan 777 Pls comment
Somebody took their radar screenshot and photoshopped labels onto it.

As I said- every PAF personnel I know and did a quick chat with; we are all here. And when you get consistency with both voice and body language for a facetime session.. I know we are all here. Add to that every public input we have, its clear the IAF is lying through their teeth(with Modi’s sandal on them) and coming up with these half baked embarassment.
All their countrymen have online is strawmen semantics arguing on who has longer history of honesty.
. Since Pakistan is not willing to that(despite being challenged by Indian again and again), it is more than logical assumption, that second pilot was not Indian to begin with.
And that is why the story was changed in few hours from 2 pilots to 1 pilot.


More logically in the midst of battle conflicting news and information was abundent which was later clarified

Why are indians so obsessed with he-said she-said

Here are the facts which indisputable.

1. 2 aircrafts were shot down that day. one was mig 21 and other unclear .

2. 2 pilots were in Pakistani custody in the beginning - one was W/C Abhinandan and other unknown. The story was changed one Indian pilot was with Pakistan.

3. W.C Abhinandan was returned to India and second pilot died in Pakistani hospital.

4. If the second pilot who died was an Indian - Pakistan could have easily shown id card or uniform or any other identity to conclusively proven, that they shot down 2 Indian aircrafts(instead of asking IAF to come clear) and also that they did not loose any aircraft that day.

4. Since Pakistan is not willing to that(despite being challenged by Indian again and again), it is more than logical assumption, that second pilot was not Indian to begin with.
And that is why the story was changed in few hours from 2 pilots to 1 pilot.

Its not DGISPR's fault that indian jokers dont understand the difference between fact and fantasy.
Muslims don't hide the martyrs. We give them the due respect and bury them with with honour unlike India where "accidents" are invented to hide the real cause of death.

More logically in the midst of battle conflicting news and information was abundent which was later clarified

Why are indians so obsessed with he-said she-said

This is not midst of battle...it is 1 week after the battle - DGISPR is accepting second pilot has died in Pakistan.

Its not DGISPR's fault that indian jokers dont understand the difference between fact and fantasy.
Muslims don't hide the martyrs. We give them the due respect and bury them with with honour unlike India where "accidents" are invented to hide the real cause of death.

Cut the crap and present proof that second pilot who died in Pakistan was Indian.
no he was Nepali.

I am even ready to accept that - as long as you present proof of it.

The pilot died in Pakistan, the onus of proof that he was not a Pakistani pilot, lies on Pakistan.
Cut the crap and present proof that second pilot who died in Pakistan was Indian.
We don't have to present anything to you dumb idiots. You want proof? Go pray to your cow mata and have some shudh mutra... Maybe cow mata will send the proof to you in your dreams.

Have your side presented any proof?
I am serious.. IAF didn't show the right screen capture.. I mean the screen capture was genuine, but approx. a few seconds later another screen capture shows the second line vanishing as well.. Maybe Su30 hitting JF 17 using a BVR.. that tells why two pilots ejected..
Lol, you sure took him for a ride, lol.:enjoy:
IAF never accepted they shot down by mistake their own Mi-17 heli....

The report about IAF shooting down its own heli came from a third source...so much about their professionalism.
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I am even ready to accept that - as long as you present proof of it.

The pilot died in Pakistan, the onus of proof that he was not a Pakistani pilot, lies on Pakistan.

You have some credible bongie to show that he was Pakistani? mistaken for an indian and clubbed to death!
This is not midst of battle...it is 1 week after the battle - DGISPR is accepting second pilot has died in Pakistan.

Yes and ISPRs whole reason for existence is information and actual psycops

Statements in the midst of an ongoing situation can be a mixture of anything
Look at the bull coming out of india at the moment

The ONLY indisputable fact is Indian jet being shot down

The rest is is rubbish based on guess work, with no actual proof

I REPEAT we got your jet and pilot

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