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IAF Drama l Radar images proves that Abhinandan downed Pakistan F-16

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Modi is the Prime Minister of the Republic of India .
And he is elected by Indiansc.IAF is there to serve the nation.If Modi want to play drama he could have tell them to release all of their evidences without any thinking of national security and secrecy.
Even though he took action against terrorist strike and caused spike in approval he could have win this election without all of these .Because he is the best option.
And he will remain until opposition presents a competent politician.

FP was questioning the integrity of our force .Possibly a work of LM.
They want to play drama we know how to deal that one .
This was a closed chapter and they again reopened it.

It is the screen shot of that event .
Professional people knows what is that .
I dont know about you
LM has not played anything. All that there is are layers of half baked claims given in a memo to the IAF to somehow make up for PM Modi’s re-elections.
If a compulsive ego maniac who will go to any lengths for his image is what the Indian people want and hold as god, then it’s their problem. It doesn’t mean the Indian Military is immune to this cabal’s fraudulent PR and political manipulation.
Erieye aesa awacs were also in background jamming Indian systems also news of ground based jammers and other airborne EA assets support for paf strike package

that's why yr forces shot down own helicopter due to disrupted communication or u believe yr indian forces so incompetent that would shoot down And kill own 6 official without any major technical issue my child :)

Erieye might can jam Mig 21 since that is an old one .
But other assets ,dont even think about that .
And shooting heli by India is still a conspiracy so let it be there .

During Gulf war without jamming USAF faced same issue
No govt will survive by hiding a pilot's death. Every day you ppl come with twisted self serving logic instead of accounting for the second pilot your spokesperson mentioned about.

Because the indian government never lies?.........:lol:.........like when they claimed to have killed 300 terrorists in Balakot...........:lol:
Erieye might can jam Mig 21 since that is an old one .
But other assets ,dont even think about that .
And shooting heli by India is still a conspiracy so let it be there .

During Gulf war without jamming USAF faced same issue

Any proof of your claims?
LM has not played anything. All that there is are layers of half baked claims given in a memo to the IAF to somehow make up for PM Modi’s re-elections.
If a compulsive ego maniac who will go to any lengths for his image is what the Indian people want and hold as god, then it’s their problem. It doesn’t mean the Indian Military is immune to this cabal’s fraudulent PR and political manipulation.
How do you know that ?
Since all activities were in enemy territory .This is how you gathered evidencev.

I already told about that ,if this was for PR works he could have release even before or just a day before election.

This is IAF decision ,when Pentagon chose to not to reject the claim of FP

How is it a conspiracy?

Either Pakistan shot it down or India did?

Did your "radar screen" make a mistake and not pick up your own helicopter?

Heli destroyed because of technical glitches .
We already knows it
Erieye might can jam Mig 21 since that is an old one .
But other assets ,dont even think about that .
And shooting heli by India is still a conspiraeyelcy so let it be there .

During Gulf war without jamming USAF faced same issue
Son even saudis and uae have bought erieye and Sweden makes it's weapons to deter Russian and competes with USA France and UK for defense contract
U just showed yr bhakts ignorance my child

Well India is the most ignorant country in the world Google :)
And iaf already accepted shooting own helicopter in friendly fire google that and if u still calling it conspiracy then u r accepting iaf is liar ;)
Technical glitches where?

In your missile or radar?

Technical glitches of heli

Son even saudis and uae has bought erieye and Sweden makes it's weapons to deter Russian and competes with USA France and UK for defense contract
U just showed yryr bhak ignorance my child

Well India is the most ignorant country in the world Google :)

And AWACS of India is from Israel and our own .
This one was probably from Israel so thats rest your case.
Technical glitches of heli
Alot of technical glitches in iaf ain't it Sonny must be birth defect ;)

Technical glitches of heli

And AWACS of India is from Israel and our own .
This one was probably from Israel so thats rest your case.
And just because it's Israeli it can't be jammed or seriously disrupted by swedish one ??
who have been both competing in contract and working in tech with biggest western powers since ww2 :)
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Dont need to drag Modi in here.
Modi is an elected Prime Minister .IAF is the professional force here .
It is not the allegation of Pakistan that forced them to release the picture.
It is the Pentagon inability to officially reject the FP article that forced them to release the radar screenshot .

AFAWK Awacs radar systems are heavily encrypted and tampering on that one is quite impossible.
This is just one evidence and I think if this game continues again they will release other evidences also .
Radars r encrypted something new vedic technology ?

Modi is the Prime Minister of the Republic of India .
And he is elected by Indiansc.IAF is there to serve the nation.If Modi want to play drama he could have tell them to release all of their evidences without any thinking of national security and secrecy.
Even though he took action against terrorist strike and caused spike in approval he could have win this election without all of these .Because he is the best option.
And he will remain until opposition presents a competent politician.

FP was questioning the integrity of our force .Possibly a work of LM.
They want to play drama we know how to deal that one .
This was a closed chapter and they again reopened it.

It is the screen shot of that event .
Professional people knows what is that .
I dont know about you

They cant release everything because they have nothing
I am not claiming anything - I do not know wether he was clubbed to death or not.

All I know is- Pakistan has accepted there was a second pilot in Pakistan and yet they are unable to prove his identity to be Indian.

logic dictates - that he must not be Indian.

nothing to do with logic but rather an indian story floated that you are trying to pursue at any length to build your phony narrative on. That is not not logic. So many people have already told you that the story of the second pilot was later ratified that only one pilot is in custody!

Is there a pilot missing from your service? if there is why not name him?
nothing to do with logic but rather an indian story floated that you are trying to pursue at any length to build your phony narrative on. That is not not logic. So many people have already told you that the story of the second pilot was later ratified that only one pilot is in custody!

Is there a pilot missing from your service? if there is why not name him?

So are you saying, there was no second pilot in Pakistan to begin with - it was all a case miscommunication which was rectified in a few hours ?
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