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IAF Drama l Radar images proves that Abhinandan downed Pakistan F-16

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I think both our forces are capable of fighting each other than depending on us civilians.. am anyways useless sitting out of country.

I really think there is more to it than just avoiding.. it is simply inexplicable.. i know it is inconvenient for you to agree with me.. But i do believe that 2nd pilot story is crucial for having the final say on what happened
I agree, but just think it neutrally ... Pakistan wants to avoid war as we are in bad economic situation right now ... india wants war as they have the most ideal movement ... i.e. pro hindu government, a weak Pakistani economy and low reserves ... There would not be an ideal time than this to engage Pakistan in a limited conflict this will further damage our economy ...

Pakistan wants to avoid war as we want to rebuild our economy ...

We understand sentiments of Indian, if we prove that Indian government lied than there will be lot of pressure on Indian government wither to take revenge or step doen and obviously they will attack ...

Just assume if Abhinandan was the one (as officially claimed by IAF) that took out F16s, would PAF pilots or other would have allowed him to release? There would have been similar revenge gesture on our part? BUt we were cool and calm like victorious whereas on the other side there are conflicting statements from Indian side ... Your PM is saying result would have been different in case Rafael would have engaged ... Why he is saying that ? If F16s is down than IAF won the battle ...

On the other hand what is the analysis of independent experts? International media ?
Yes we will, as soon as you present proof, that the second pilot in your custody was Indian.
your iaf street cleaners made these radar images on microsoft 1998 Paint and no one in this entire world buys it.

the world saw what happened to the elephant worshipers that day and how their boy was served tea after knocking down a very expensive jet.
now you are just chest beating to feel good after a long long time... i hope it makes you feel good :-)

Not sure how that constitutes as debate.. but you carry on :-)

Chest beating after a long time????????........wtf????.........listen, on Feb. The 27th 2019, Pakistan become the 1st EVER nation in the ENTIRE history of mankind to thrash and humiliate the airforce of an enemy country that is more than 7× bigger than itself to the point where that enemy is FAR too weak, powerless and incapable of doing anything about it..... :azn:......that too when they also have the full backing of the West and Russia.......:azn:
IAF does not get slapped by world media... Indian Administration does.. and at times, a healthy beating is needed to know where you stand .. I do think Pakistan PR machinery worked like magic. I don;t take offense at what you guys say otherwise, simply because this is one of those rare times where you got the chest thumping right. and deservedly so.

But, you can call it wet or whatever.. reality is - no one has asked Gen Gafoor, if he has done internal propaganda on you guys or why is he silent on the second pilot. that is the only open story here
boss we provided proof of atleats 1 pilot now its your turn before we provide any more proof.
y................................................................................................................... y ?

Thats a million dollar question, why not embarrass modi ? Its a golden chance so why are you ppl not doing it.
Because it will pressurize him to attack Pakistan to take revenge otherwise his government will be down ... We want this to get calm down corroborated with our immediate return of ABhinandan ... We are also releasing 260 Indian prisoners despite receiving 2 dead bodies of Pakistani prisoner since this incident ... We simply want things to get cool down
Kindly listen to horse shut dumped on indian peoples head by your air force of 2 shoots 8 km apart 10 times ...
And than drink some cow urine and wqtch this video again

Guess you do not the difference between parachute descending and the smoke plume from missile hitting an aircraft(which is stationary)

P.S - there is only one parachute in that video.
Chest beating after a long time????????........wtf????.........listen, on Feb. The 27th 2019, Pakistan become the 1st EVER nation in the ENTIRE history of mankind to thrash and humiliate the airforce of an enemy country that is more than 7× bigger than itself to the point where that enemy is FAR too weak, powerless and incapable of doing anything about it..... :azn:......that too when they also have the full backing of the West and Russia.......:azn:
See, you can't look at the mirror and even recognize what you are doing...

I thought i agreed with you :-)

Am just only going on about the second pilot that you guys simply are too coy to address .. That is the only Cog in this wheel that completely annihilates Indian narrative or if true, destroys yours :P
Will you Indians just provide credible proof of F16 being shot down by Abhinandan ?

Clearly you guys are avoiding this question and dragging su30. In short, India didn't shot down any PAF plane, let alone F16. Indian Feb 26 bombs didn't hit any man made structure in Balakot yet your airforce and govt is bend on repeating same bullshit over and over again. Good thing is, for the first time international media has exposed Indian lies and from Balakot to F16, none of them are buying Indian narrative infact ridiculing Indian capabilities.

dude by showing the second pilot you can virtually make all the Indian claims invalid so what is that pakistan waiting for? You ppl have the evidence so whats stopping you from disclosing it.
boss we provided proof of atleats 1 pilot now its your turn before we provide any more proof.
Yes, you did.. and you also released him pronto, which was the fastest release of POW in any history.. I did thank that day because i think it was a professional conduct, even though Trump had revealed it many hours ago :-)

I think you guys are just running shy of absolute win... I know it is beyond some here, why is an Indian asking you to establish your absolute win.. I really think it will help my country

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OK here is the area shown by indians in their so called irrefutable evidence It shows Pakistani and Indian jets fighting above Mirpur AJK .

Poor Abhinandan never made it beyond Bhimber which is good 25 کم South East of Mirpur in a straight line .His jet was shot down east of Bhimber and that's fro. Where he was arrested.
Then how Indian radars saw his jet so deep inside Pakistani territory near Mirpur?

All hidden Indian members have come out....thanks God...At least some positive out come of today's briefing.:pop:
He will never come out and talk about it like any professional soldier
Because, that is not his job. He is an active pilot, and not in propaganda wing.
As a pilot, he must have given statements to the IAF. Why hasn't that statement been made public? Why doesn't IAF claim that Abhinandan did this or that. All they're saying is all evidence has been lost with the Mig21. Seems like a pathetic excuse really.

I think both our forces are capable of fighting each other than depending on us civilians.. am anyways useless sitting out of country.

I really think there is more to it than just avoiding.. it is simply inexplicable.. i know it is inconvenient for you to agree with me.. But i do believe that 2nd pilot story is crucial for having the final say on what happened

Please no more conspiracy theories, if you people have evidence of second pilot's nationality, then present it..please.

We obviously do but it is upto the government to release that. I don't think it will be released because frankly, neither angle is beneficial for Pakistan.

Imagine if it was
1. Israeli - the Mullahs and Muftis would declare war and there would be increased tension in Pakistan leading to severe unrest.
2. Indian - if the pilot died and this is very likely, India would be under pressure to retaliate and that isn't in Pak interest since Pak doesn't need a war.
3. Pakistani - the army would immediately find out he is Pakistani and Ghafoor wouldn't mention two pilots which is why I am not including this as an option. How dumb must the army be to mistake their own pilot for an Indian? I mean seriously, we wear our flag and badges on the uniform and any idiot or illiterate person can distinguish between the two countries. Therefore, I don't believe the 3rd option is even worth discussing.
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