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IAF Drama l Radar images proves that Abhinandan downed Pakistan F-16

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1.Second pilot was in your custody, before he disappeared. So the onus of proof, that he is an Indian is on you. If you can not prove that he is an Indian, then obviously he is a Pakistani.

2. All Air to air missiles explode, when they hit chaff.

3. Abhinandans radio com was jammed, because old Mig do not have secure radio link. PAF does not have the ability to jam IAF radars.

4. IAf never claimed 24 F-16.

Will you Indians just provide credible proof of F16 being shot down by Abhinandan ?

Clearly you guys are avoiding this question and dragging su30. In short, India didn't shot down any PAF plane, let alone F16. Indian Feb 26 bombs didn't hit any man made structure in Balakot yet your airforce and govt is bend on repeating same bullshit over and over again. Good thing is, for the first time international media has exposed Indian lies and from Balakot to F16, none of them are buying Indian narrative infact ridiculing Indian capabilities.
2nd pilot?????. You creatures are in no position to talk or make demands. The BIGGEST question is why is india so WEAK, POWERLESS and incapable of fighting back against the Pakistani military after we shot down your fighter jets?.......that too when india is MORE than 7× bigger than Pakistan and has the full backing of the West and Russia.........:azn:......there is NOTHING indian kind can do about it........:rofl:.......indians are ALL talk and no action.........:lol:
now you are just chest beating to feel good after a long long time... i hope it makes you feel good :-)

Not sure how that constitutes as debate.. but you carry on :-)
I remember a scene from tv series person of interest where the CIA agent killed the US personnel who was being investigated for bribery and collaboration with Taliban. Even before the evidence showed up, the agent judged that the person being questioned was over-trying to prove his innocence and shot him dead. He was later found guilty.

In this case, India is really trying hard to prove its claims. I guess they themselves don't believe it. I wonder how low must be the morale of IAF who knows the truth but has to say otherwise to save face.
If you wish it should happen ...thn we will not do it. LOL
dil tod ditta :P

Still strange you don;t ask your propaganda boss, if he is doing propaganda on you guys as well ;-)
Please no more conspiracy theories, if you people have evidence of second pilot's nationality, then present it..please.
just like the whole world is asking for proof of india shooting down f-16.

ps those radar images realeased by IAF look like they were made on microsoft paint. no one buys IAF's bull crap.

O look 2 su 30 pilots....

The horse crap your airforce is selling .. That both pilots were 8 km apart...

They are not... And both from same plane

O.. I saw.. 2 F -16 D pilots.

Since they are in your custody, prove that they are Indian, if you can not, it is obviously because they are Pakistanis.
Entire world is lying only bhart is beacon of truth. US count of Pakistan F16 inventory has already buried their claims and they ate feeling the heat.

Can we hope India will allow Russians to count Su30 inventory?
I bet they would had rejected Abhinandan getting down had we not arrested them.
dil tod ditta :P

Still strange you don;t ask your propaganda boss, if he is doing propaganda on you guys as well ;-)
bhi still waiting for 2016 Surgi Kal strikes proof

so waiting for indias f-16 wet fantasy dream proof is going to take decades to come out.

in the meanwhile we will let the worlds media slap IAF and its claims in the face like that have been for the past month.
O.. I saw.. 2 F -16 D pilots.

Since they are in your custody, prove that they are Indian, if you can not, it is obviously because they are Pakistanis.

Kindly listen to horse shut dumped on indian peoples head by your air force of 2 shoots 8 km apart 10 times ...
And than drink some cow urine and wqtch this video again
Will you Indians just provide credible proof of F16 being shot down by Abhinandan ?

Clearly you guys are avoiding this question and dragging su30. In short, India didn't shot down any PAF plane, let alone F16. Indian Feb 26 bombs didn't hit any man made structure in Balakot yet your airforce and govt is bend on repeating same bullshit over and over again. Good thing is, for the first time international media has exposed Indian lies and from Balakot to F16, none of them are buying Indian narrative infact ridiculing Indian capabilities.

Yes we will, as soon as you present proof, that the second pilot in your custody was Indian.
bhi still waiting for 2016 Surgi Kal strikes proof

so waiting for indias f-16 wet fantasy dream proof is going to take decades to come out.

in the meanwhile we will let the worlds media slap IAF and its claims in the face like that have been for the past month.
IAF does not get slapped by world media... Indian Administration does.. and at times, a healthy beating is needed to know where you stand .. I do think Pakistan PR machinery worked like magic. I don;t take offense at what you guys say otherwise, simply because this is one of those rare times where you got the chest thumping right. and deservedly so.

But, you can call it wet or whatever.. reality is - no one has asked Gen Gafoor, if he has done internal propaganda on you guys or why is he silent on the second pilot. that is the only open story here
The more and more India HIGHLIGHTS this drama over F-16, the more it shows its desperation and unprofessionalism.

As the fog of war is slowly being removed - the short sharp Indian aggression against Pakistan has backfired - with a huge psychological smack to its mindset.

The BJP government has single handedly made a mockery of its armed forces?
We dont want to prove it till elections are over
y................................................................................................................... y ?

Thats a million dollar question, why not embarrass modi ? Its a golden chance so why are you ppl not doing it.
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