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IAF chopper crash: Sole survivor Group Captain Varun Singh succumbs to injuries

To hell with them, let them burn!!!!!...........sorry, they already have........ :lol:
People who refuse to drop to Indian level have not forgotten what Indians say on social media. Everyone remembers all the nasty comments but Allhumdulliah we are guided by our Religon.

everyone has a right to say what they want, open forum.
90% burn injuries I believe is life threatening...
I think that he is the man, whose video, while being carried in a cloth sheet, from crash site, was shared on social media. In that video, he seemed to be conscious. I thought, he will survive. RIP.
Exactly, albeit in agony but he was conscious and most of his clothes were intact and his face, albeit Bruised was very much distinguishable and even Indian media for last few days were reporting his condition as stable. This day and age after lasting a week, ithought they would be able to save him. Anyways R.I.P
Lets see what the Black Box reveals if it's ever made public.
As expected. No one survive this incident. No traces left, no witness to speak. Job well done.

The way Indian media gone quite and no one is questioning as to how this incident happened is a tell tale sign.
To hell with them, let them burn!!!!!...........sorry, they already have........ :lol:

Let's face it, he was a idolater who hated Muslims including and especially Indian Muslims

The place he is going the burns from a helicopter crash are going to seem insignificant
We saw the video..he didn't look like 90% burns injuries

The Indians couldn't let any witnesses survive
That's a surprise and shames Indian military medical system.
He looked in survivable state when rescued.
Ironically, General Randi Khana, Major Gobar Aya and nation is not asking Arnab Gobarswami have all lost their tongues to the cat. Hell if such a major incident had happened anywhere else specially in Pakistan, these trio would have become experts in everything from aviation, training, Chinese mall and all other conspiracy theories.....maybe like Pulwama, they know some inside stories.
I was away but read horrible comments some posters made about Indian casualties in this accident. I find it dispicable and disgusting to make fun of someone’s death.

These men had families and they served their country to what they saw as the best way. Their affairs are now with the almighty and we must respect the fact that they are no more among us.

Anyone mocking their death must be sick and twisted in their head .

Everything is fair in love and war.
Ironically, General Randi Khana, Major Gobar Aya and nation is not asking Arnab Gobarswami have all lost their tongues to the cat. Hell if such a major incident had happened anywhere else specially in Pakistan, these trio would have become experts in everything from aviation, training, Chinese mall and all other conspiracy theories.....maybe like Pulwama, they know some inside stories.
I am not saying this wasn’t an accident but I am also not saying nothing is amiss.
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