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IAF chief to visit Sweden.

Probably To Stop SAAB from selling Us more Complex Equipment In the Aeronautical Field

Why would they specifically invite him so he can stop Sweden from selling to Pakistan. I mean it makes absolutly no sense.
Dunno what they were doing, not terrorism for sure because India does not support terrorism against civilians.
oh just shut up he did accept his crime that he were the mastermind of lots of bomb blast in Karachi/Baluchistan @Flyin turtle
If the world supported Pakistan narrative they would have at least muttered a word against India, not a whimper, tells you something doesnt it?
why they muttered if you achieve nothing on 2/26/2019, there were lots neutral satellite image experts from all around the world that you missed the target by few hundred meters within hours the claims of india for killing so called 300 alleged terrorists @Flyin turtle

Sweden already does not sell offensive weapons to pakistan as pointed out the in this discussion, due to terrorism support and undemocratic coups.
Sweden has double standard, you're genocides Kashmirs and you're supporting/sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan via Iran/Afganistan to destabilized Pakistan and to hurt CPEC projects and economy of Pakistan @Flyin turtle

All the world except Pakistan does not want to believe?

THAT is what is hard to believe for a sane person.

The world does bot have dual standards, its very obvious reading here that Pakistan does, and apparently reaping what it has sown.
your country/Religion are believe in lies and deceptions, and definitely world does have a double standard especially for Muslim countries and to contain Islam @Flyin turtle
Well you probably underestimate the Indians obsession with Pakistan.
Why don't you compare the largest papers in the 2 countries. You will find India on Pakistan front pages at least twice as much as the other way around.
Who is obsessed with whom
Rriiighhtttt, Sweden is biased, makes total sense.

And everyone is out to get muslims and your religion and everyone else’s religion is full of lies and deception.

I get it man, you Pakistani muslims are the honest oppressed little guys of the world that everyone just plans against and takes a dump truck on.

Oh before i forget, i and the rest of the world is the psychotic one here. Respect to you man.
you have little ego that Indian wont anything bad against Pakistan in past 70 years and our religion preaches that do not lie and do not deceptive to anyone/country @Flyin turtle
Its not ego buddy, india never sponsored terrorism in Pakistan, if you can open your mind, you will realize indians have only been nice to you, always.

Learning on how to deal with Swedish stealths after a whooping in feb
Its not ego buddy, india never sponsored terrorism in Pakistan, if you can open your mind, you will realize indians have only been nice to you, always.
Shut up what was mukhti Bahani in 71 then, it was our internal matter, why you impose on war forcefully on Pakistan on 65/71, nice what is fcuk about you talking about your politicians always blabbers against Pakistan from Nehru to Modi @Flyin turtle
Its not ego buddy, india never sponsored terrorism in Pakistan, if you can open your mind, you will realize indians have only been nice to you, always.
Really that is the lie of the century and you say that with confidence. This tells the World who is the liar.

By blocking Pakistan access to conventional weapons the World is pushing the country in a corner.
Really that is the lie of the century and you say that with confidence. This tells the World who is the liar.

By blocking Pakistan access to conventional weapons the World is pushing the country in a corner.
Because of Indian propaganda bro @Humble Analyst

Its not ego buddy, india never sponsored terrorism in Pakistan, if you can open your mind, you will realize indians have only been nice to you, always.
then give me reasons why yadev/sarbajeet singh illegally doing in Pakistan, Preaching @Flyin turtle
Tey telling that to paf chief why noone showed up when indian mirages showed up in balakot with zero response from paf. :)

World is just responding to Pakistans choice of following the terror path.

Sweden or anyone who voted against saeed and JeM

Mukti bahini was a response to pakistan army terror junta, been documented as such, read the blood telegram for explanation.
Indian propaganda sells better as you can come up with the soft image of miss universe, reality is different but people will believe what they want to. That applies to Sweden. Sweden means well but do not know the real situation in India. On the the other hand World used the Mujihdeen against USSR and now they are a problem.
It was a double edged Sword.
When India will start fighting with neighbours then the pat on the back will not go too far.
Mukti bahini was a response to pakistan army terror junta, been documented as such, read the blood telegram for explanation.
why you interfere in our internal matters that's the main question and so you do excepts in indirectly manner that you could support/sponsored terrorism in Pakistan in Past @Flyin turtle
They were innocent citizens conducting their business, as such nobody believed pakistanis.
And they were illegally in Pakistan what a ridiculous/retard logic you have @Flyin turtle

Indian propaganda sells better as you can come up with the soft image of miss universe, reality is different but people will believe what they want to. That applies to Sweden. Sweden means well but do not know the real situation in India. On the the other hand World used the Mujihdeen against USSR and now they are a problem.
It was a double edged Sword.
When India will start fighting with neighbours then the pat on the back will not go too far.
Bro, @Flyin turtle will going be next Indian troll here on PDF and we shouldn't try to engage @Flyin turtle in his baseless troll feast instead of this troll named @Flyin turtle we should report him as much as we can @Humble Analyst
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Haha got this idea.

Heres the link for two top papers in the countries-

Now notice the name obsession hahaha..



Poor you...

Haha got this idea.

Heres the link for two top papers in the countries-

Now notice the name obsession hahaha..



Poor you...

Just one, just one. and you were able to find that in dawn thats not even mainstream.

This is what i found
On the main page their is a story about hafiz saeed another Pakistani your lot is obsessed with.
On the first page some story about Pakistani pm.
So tell me who's obsessed.

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