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IAF AN-32 Aircraft Missing

I am not saying that you are wrong when you posted that image every one was saying that I also my self believed that it was the crash sight. But if it is not the crah site it means it is the site where transponder went off.

Yes the manifesto is fishy plus we don't know if it is authentic or not. Let's wait because India has radio SATs and their P8i can pick up signals it will be very easy to locate it in some time till next day. If it goes beyond that then there is something missing.

India has started to give excuses already :)

So it means there is no IFF identification in the IAF AN-32 plane as well?

Why are they saying SOS is 14 years old. Means AN-32 gave no SOS call. Lol :)

So India is going to use RIsat. Means we can track these sat location and see if they are looking over China or India lol.

Indian satellite path can be tracked here just put in sat name or launch date to lock in sat position. Launch dates available on wiki


Lol read this tweet IAF launched SU-30 combat jets? What is IAF trying to do search for the missing plane or shoot it down?


Indians had videos of tiny pilot coming out of supposedly f-16 and they have no video of an 32
It is impossible in times of peace.
Once India took down one of our aircraft that was close to Indian border in peace time and Indians took it down. Also icj ruled against us
I am not saying that you are wrong when you posted that image every one was saying that I also my self believed that it was the crash sight. But if it is not the crah site it means it is the site where transponder went off.

Yes the manifesto is fishy plus we don't know if it is authentic or not. Let's wait because India has radio SATs and their P8i can pick up signals it will be very easy to locate it in some time till next day. If it goes beyond that then there is something missing.

India has started to give excuses already :)

So it means there is no IFF identification in the IAF AN-32 plane as well?

Why are they saying SOS is 14 years old. Means AN-32 gave no SOS call. Lol :)

So India is going to use RIsat. Means we can track these sat location and see if they are looking over China or India lol.

Indian satellite path can be tracked here just put in sat name or launch date to lock in sat position. Launch dates available on wiki


Lol read this tweet IAF launched SU-30 combat jets? What is IAF trying to do search for the missing plane or shoot it down?


I tracked two Risat series Sats just now, their orbit shows they will be above ME and Africa, not over India..so how will isro get it to focus..:what:
indians are saying that it must be electronic warfare or jamming or something like that from chinese.i think they will discuss laser attack on their jets very soon lol.
I tracked two Risat series Sats just now, their orbit shows they will be above ME and Africa, not over India..so how will isro get it to focus..:what:

Lol it is not Risat. India lied it is their image SATs because they want to look on to Chinese air bases for plane landing. Check the other SATs one of the image sat will pass over area and Chinese air bases.

Read this tweet it says missing from the sky which means transponder went off without SOS call now what is the meaning of that?

Lol it is not Risat. India lied it is their image SATs because they want to look on to Chinese air bases for plane landing. Check the other SATs one of the image sat will pass over area and Chinese air bases.

Read this tweet it says missing from the sky which means transponder went off without SOS call now what is the meaning of that?

Can you elaborate a little more your conspiracy theory?
Can you elaborate a little more your conspiracy theory?
I don't have any conspiracy. The reported Indian sat Risat is not searching the area.
The An-32 has not crashed where the transponder went off. So what happened?
I am as blank as you. I can only speculate I don't have info beyond that.
India said they are going to search with Risat which is over middle East and not the considered crash area which means SAT will pass somewhere over Afghanistan not India.

Question is why has India lied when SAT is not going to pass over the area?

Can you elaborate a little more your conspiracy theory?
Please tell me where is the jet? If you know please tell me. Has it crashed? Because India is still searching?
IAF knew what happened to Pakistani F-16 across the border but they don't know what happened to AN-32?
I don't have any conspiracy. The reported Indian sat Risat is not searching the area.
The An-32 has not crashed where the transponder went off. So what happened?
I am as blank as you. I can only speculate I don't have info beyond that.
India said they are going to search with Risat which is over middle East and not the considered crash area which means SAT will pass somewhere over Afghanistan not India.

Question is why has India lied when SAT is not going to pass over the area?

Please tell me where is the jet? If you know please tell me. Has it crashed? Because India is still searching?
IAF knew what happened to Pakistani F-16 across the border but they don't know what happened to AN-32?

By "conspiracy", I implied that things are different than as are being depicted or projected. I was asking your opinion; since I have no idea at all. I have no knowledge either of, how such missing planes are traced, in general. I think, we will have to await for sometime, for a clearer picture.

Eid Mubarak.
By "conspiracy", I implied that things are different than as are being depicted or projected. I was asking your opinion; since I have no idea at all. I have no knowledge either of, how such missing planes are traced, in general. I think, we will have to await for sometime, for a clearer picture.

Eid Mubarak.
Khair Mubarik.

Wait for what? The Risat are not over the presumed search area and this is the image of search team. To me looks like more of an wild life team than search team.

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