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IAF AN-32 Aircraft Missing

As i said it's rumours but say if an aircraft enters into Chinese air space and is ordered to land, what happens if it doesn't comply and refuses to land.
If China has found the aircraft, it shouldn't be missing now.
been caught up with work but i have been following the thread since morning....really surprised....what happened to the Blackbox beacon :what:

I am a layman, in these matters; but your question is very valid. What is your's or @BHarwana theory on this?
been caught up with work but i have been following the thread since morning....really surprised....what happened to the Blackbox beacon :what:
Yes that is the main question thank you for asking.
Before black box the first question is what happened to transponder signal? Was is switched off purposely? Remember the location you posted yesterday with map image is the location of transponder going off not the crash site. :)

Has the jet really crashed is the main question. :)

I am a layman, in these matters; but your question is very valid. What is your's or @BHarwana theory on this?
Was busy yesterday with some work but I was keeping an eye on An-32 events closely. Will update soon.
Yes that is the main question thank you for asking.
Before black box the first question is what happened to transponder signal? Was is switched off purposely? Remember the location you posted yesterday with map image is the location of transponder going off not the crash site. :)

Has the jet really crashed is the main question. :)

Was busy yesterday with some work but I was keeping an eye on An-32 events closely. Will update soon.
i took shiv aroor and his defence magzine livefist to be authentic, since he tweeted that wreckage is seen so i believed his words...it is possible that transponder was switched off deliberately ....i have started to question if there was even an aircraft in the air yesterday? look at the manifesto....w/c, F/L
i took shiv aroor and his defence magzine livefist to be authentic, since he tweeted that wreckage is seen so i believed his words...it is possible that transponder was switched off deliberately ....i have started to question if there was even an aircraft in the air yesterday? look at the manifesto....w/c, F/L

I am not saying that you are wrong when you posted that image every one was saying that I also my self believed that it was the crash sight. But if it is not the crah site it means it is the site where transponder went off.

i took shiv aroor and his defence magzine livefist to be authentic, since he tweeted that wreckage is seen so i believed his words...it is possible that transponder was switched off deliberately ....i have started to question if there was even an aircraft in the air yesterday? look at the manifesto....w/c, F/L

Yes the manifesto is fishy plus we don't know if it is authentic or not. Let's wait because India has radio SATs and their P8i can pick up signals it will be very easy to locate it in some time till next day. If it goes beyond that then there is something missing.

India has started to give excuses already :)

So it means there is no IFF identification in the IAF AN-32 plane as well?

Why are they saying SOS is 14 years old. Means AN-32 gave no SOS call. Lol :)

So India is going to use RIsat. Means we can track these sat location and see if they are looking over China or India lol.

Indian satellite path can be tracked here just put in sat name or launch date to lock in sat position. Launch dates available on wiki


Lol read this tweet IAF launched SU-30 combat jets? What is IAF trying to do search for the missing plane or shoot it down?


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