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Featured IAF airlifts dozens of tanks to Ladakh to beef up firepower

This is not an indian forum so refrain from any perverted comments, ik it's hard for pajeets to think beyond rape, panties and other sexual stuff so do try...to...you know de-gangufy yourself
You may advise the guy who first fantasized Panties of my Prime Minister, insult begets insult... Now you don't take moral high ground pls..
Very briefly, in mountain warfare, whoever has the heights has the victory. What happened at Kargil was a sausage factory; our generals killed thousands of soldiers in order to cover their mistakes, and our muscular politicians of the BJP made those soldiers fight with one hand tied behind their backs because of their cowardly, rank, odoriferous fear of war.

Maybe because Vajpayee chose this step knowing the global standing that India had. The sad part, IMHO, is that this decision to take the high moral ground made us lose a lot of soldiers - something that the any developed self-respecting country would not have done. It just shows the scant regard we pay to the lives of our soldiers and even the paramilitary forces. Given the regular articles coming out from various sources (including military officers, do some of them have OLQ?) praising the grit of our soldiers, one wonders what to make of it at times. Are we really so sure that had we crossed the LoC then things would've gotten bad? Or maybe given the military balance at that time, the more prudent thing was actually done.

We have a creature that is not even a hundredth of the stature and the mentality of that fearful custard who did this to the Indian Army (and the Indian Air Force) in 1999. This is a rat to that sheep. You may expect much worse cowardice, much worse interference with the military commanders, and much worse prevarication with the nation; far, far worse than we had seen in 1962, which was the low-water mark until 1999.

I still don't know what to make of the Balakot attack and the aerial skirmish that followed. Did we gain anything militarily in terms of only what happened on 27th Feb? I think that @Hellfire says we gained while in at least one of your posts you took a more neutral stand (or maybe worse...?). Again what would a self-respecting country have done?

Having got that off my chest, the Chinese have occupied the heights at spots where they had created issues during the last 90 days; the issues were older, but represented no friction whatsoever until this latest period.

At one spot, the Galwan Valley, the valley runs at right angles from the Shyok River and goes to the east for quite some distance (not pure east, but in a twisting, turning general direction that way). The Indian Army used to patrol up to some extent within that valley, and up to the heights (nobody then was interested in the steep treacherous heights); recently, the Chinese have gone into areas, on the slopes on both sides of the valley, where nobody had really ventured earlier, and begun their usual antics. They build tracks, pitch tents, patrol forward from those tents, firm up the road, use it to bring up earth-moving machinery, start building concrete structures - barracks, guard-rooms, armouries and the like - and declare that this is the new base-line and everything will be measured forward from that point onwards. This is what they did; they put up tents at a point where the Indian Army had enjoyed free access, and, while agreeing to take them away, mounted a murderous assault when an Indian party tried to remove the two tents.

So they are on the heights, it is likely that they will retreat, but the bad blood will remain.

They should not have done that. But i sometimes wonder - the US invades and destroys countries. And yet the Chinese are blamed so much. Xi must be thinking about how to change the narrative, or maybe he's just to self-absorbed. And of course we have our own history and continued destruction of the living spaces of our own people.

In the Pangong Tso area, the lake is abutted by hills, and those hills descend to the lake shore in a series of ridges, more or less parallel to each other. This is on the western side, the eastern side being completely dominated by the Chinese. These ridges have been called 'Fingers'; there are eight fingers, and the two sides have patrolled along the tops and along the bottoms of these fingers. Generally, without any documentation or formal agreement to that effect, the Indian Army has occupied the tops (the knuckles,if you like) of the fingers 1 through 4, and patrolled up to 8. The PLA had occupied the top of finger 8, and patrolled up to 1. This has now been disturbed; the PLA has built closely up to finger 5, and up part of the slopes of finger 4, and seemingly do not seem to be willing to retreat. These, too, are heights that have been occupied, and you may wish to have that considered in any reply.

I do not know whether this occupation by the PLA is of any value other than successfully changing our perception of the LAC. This https://theprint.in/defence/china-i...against-building-road-in-pangong-area/450723/ says that it is not of strategic importance though you may disagree with the author.

  • Is the situation the same as what the Pakistanis face due to our occupying the commanding heights in the Siachen area? Yes, it is; if either side had an interest in patrolling the entire region,then the side occupying the heights has the advantage - it is more or less the military version of the maxim that 'possession is nine points of the law'.
  • Will we face difficulties in anticipating the next friction point? No. The Chinese have a number of points of friction, these are well-identified, it is just that their beginning to expand their grip, through that process of using paths, pitching tents, firming up the road, bringing up earth-moving equipment, building permanent structures, is usually sudden and their actions very swift. We simply have not organised ourselves to combat these sudden bursts of activity. So what do we do? We build infrastructure - roads and dwellings - as we have begun to do; only when we can match the Chinese presence on the line of actual control can we spot their renewed activities and counter them. But you asked if that is at all the right answer.
  • Do we do similar things in an attempt to even the score? No. Matching the Chinese trains them to think that they may continue, and sometime or the other, they may get lucky. They have to be exceeded. Speaking as a common citizen, without the privileges of authority and insight that military and civilian leadership bestow on an individual, we have to identify spots where our building infrastructure and going forward to the point where the two sides meet and we have to take these up independently, WITHOUT relinquishing the practice of responding to everything that is done by the other side.
I hope that makes sense.

What you have said will take time in terms of capability and mindset.

Did the Chinese preempt something in case Modi wanted a war over Kashmir in 3-4 years?
IDF to loan Barak-8 Air Defence System to India for deployment in Ladakh against China Published June 29, 2020 | By admin SOURCE: RAUNAK KUNDE / NEWS BEAT / IDRW.ORG IDF (Israel Defense Forces) owned Barak-8 medium-range surface-to-air missile system will be loaned to India on emergency requests for immediate deployment in the Ladakh region after India recently moved in short-range Israel’s SPYDER air defense system and Indian-made Akash SAM systems due to hectic PLAAF Helicopter and fighter jet movement in the region closer to LAC and after reports that PLA also has moved in some of the Air Defense systems in the region. Barak 8 is an advanced LRSAM naval air-defense system jointly developed by India’s Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) in close collaboration with Israel’s IAI’s subsidiary ELTA, as well as Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. While the Indian Navy already has inducted ship-based version of the missiles which are active on three Kolkata-class stealth guided-missile destroyers but the land version of the same missile system for Air Force and Army are yet to be fully inducted. MRSAM/Barak-8 surface-to-air missile system for the Indian Air force has been tested multiple times and few launchers have been developed but the Army version is still under development. Land-based Barak 8 system can be used to defend a large footprint with low manpower requirements by deploying several launchers that can be networked either by wired or wireless connections. Barak-8 is fitted with a 20 kg warhead to ensure damage or destruction in near-miss engagements and comes in two versions with a range of 70 km and 150 km. Exact numbers of Barak-8 launchers loaned to India and the version provided is not clear yet but Barak-8 is the longest and most advanced state-of-the-art technology medium range surface to air missile system inducted by India which is effective against a myriad of short- to long-range (70-150 km.) airborne threats like incoming missiles, planes, and drones at both low or high altitudes till S-400 system is inducted by early 2021 by India. NOTE : Article cannot be reproduced without written permission of idrw.org in any form even for YouTube Videos to avoid Copyright strikes

idrw.org .Read more at India No 1 Defence News Website https://idrw.org/idf-to-loan-barak-...india-for-deployment-in-ladakh-against-china/ .
India is Sh!tting in its pants.



This should be interesting. I wonder how the Chinese will view this move by Israel. Selling a weapon is a bit different to loaning a weapon system.

All these weapons will bound to fail against the Chinese. More loss of face to US, Russia, France & Israel.
IDF to loan Barak-8 Air Defence System to India for deployment in Ladakh against China Published June 29, 2020 | By admin SOURCE: RAUNAK KUNDE / NEWS BEAT / IDRW.ORG IDF (Israel Defense Forces) owned Barak-8 medium-range surface-to-air missile system will be loaned to India on emergency requests for immediate deployment in the Ladakh region after India recently moved in short-range Israel’s SPYDER air defense system and Indian-made Akash SAM systems due to hectic PLAAF Helicopter and fighter jet movement in the region closer to LAC and after reports that PLA also has moved in some of the Air Defense systems in the region. Barak 8 is an advanced LRSAM naval air-defense system jointly developed by India’s Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) in close collaboration with Israel’s IAI’s subsidiary ELTA, as well as Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. While the Indian Navy already has inducted ship-based version of the missiles which are active on three Kolkata-class stealth guided-missile destroyers but the land version of the same missile system for Air Force and Army are yet to be fully inducted. MRSAM/Barak-8 surface-to-air missile system for the Indian Air force has been tested multiple times and few launchers have been developed but the Army version is still under development. Land-based Barak 8 system can be used to defend a large footprint with low manpower requirements by deploying several launchers that can be networked either by wired or wireless connections. Barak-8 is fitted with a 20 kg warhead to ensure damage or destruction in near-miss engagements and comes in two versions with a range of 70 km and 150 km. Exact numbers of Barak-8 launchers loaned to India and the version provided is not clear yet but Barak-8 is the longest and most advanced state-of-the-art technology medium range surface to air missile system inducted by India which is effective against a myriad of short- to long-range (70-150 km.) airborne threats like incoming missiles, planes, and drones at both low or high altitudes till S-400 system is inducted by early 2021 by India. NOTE : Article cannot be reproduced without written permission of idrw.org in any form even for YouTube Videos to avoid Copyright strikes

idrw.org .Read more at India No 1 Defence News Website https://idrw.org/idf-to-loan-barak-...india-for-deployment-in-ladakh-against-china/ .

I hope its true.

You do realise who you are messing with indirectly? All the proxies that fight against you will get massive upgrades within no time.
They shot doewn their own helicopter with the Israeli Spyder system in Feb 2019.
I am hoping for more own goals from the Indians.
I hope Israel loans and gives Indian military lots of cool toys. PLA needs some practice and also should be interesting to see how it performs against good western modern technology. India's military stuff now is just too low to have any real test of performance. It will be much more like fighting USA level of technology if India has lots more Israeli equipment. Good for both China and Israel. Not so good for India. Even if they are much better than whatever India currently using, it will just take a bit longer and a bit more thinking to crack. But it will be done.

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