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IAC-3 might be nuclear powered Aircraft carrier


Jul 6, 2009
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IAC-3 might be nuclear powered Aircraft carrier

Chinese venture in to building fleet of aircraft carrier for their naval surface fleet might throw in different plans for Indian navy , Chinese who are already working on a 50000 ton STOBAR carrier known has “Shi Lam”, which was earlier known has Varyag, a unfinished Soviet air craft carrier based on Kuznetzov carrier class which Russia currently operates .

China have plans to build four more aircraft carriers of similar class two been conventional and other two been nuclear powered which will enable the Chinese navy to operate its carriers far away from it home naval base ,and armed with three dozen Sukhoi-33 or Naval J-10 variant will have enough punch to showcase its capabilities in international waters .

While at home work on IAC-1 which has been named INS Vikrant has been under construction for a while in Kochi which will be launched by 2012 and will be operational few years later, IAC-2 has already been told will be a CATOBAR aircraft carrier with 65000 ton and plans are there to operate Fixed wings aircrafts like AEW (HAWK EYE 2D) and also ASW aircrafts.

While IAC-3 which will be launched by 2018 and to be deployed by 2025 will be replacement carrier for INS Vikramaditya which will only have service life of 20 to 25 years when inducted by 2012 . Recent discussion with a serving naval officer has disclosed that nuclear propulsion might be used to power the third aircraft carrier.
Its Indeed Good To Know India Is working on Cutting Edge Technologies Such as these.... When Is IAC 1 and IAC 2 Scheduled to Launch???
Interesting image

If we can have nuclear power plant for a sub why not for an aircraft carrier, and that too to be launched by 2018.
IAC-2 will be of 65000 ton. What will the figures for IAC-3..? 90000 tons...?

Atleast for IAC-III we should have 5th gen aircraft operating out of it.
Don't think so, probably same as IAC-2 but with nuclear propulsion. As for 5th gen aircraft it could well be naval PAK-FA.
its good news .although a little worried about chinese building 4 of em two of which are nuclear powered:undecided:
While at home work on IAC-1 which has been named INS Vikrant has been under construction for a while in Kochi which will be launched by 2012 and will be operational few years later, IAC-2 has already been told will be a CATOBAR aircraft carrier with 65000 ton and plans are there to operate Fixed wings aircrafts like AEW (HAWK EYE 2D) and also ASW aircrafts.

If its a if IAC2 is a CATOBAR carrier then it is either with EMALS or Nuclear propulsion. Dont know what the article is talking abt, and how will China field so mant carriers so soon???
its good news .although a little worried about chinese building 4 of em two of which are nuclear powered:undecided:

I am not surprised that China going for four carriers. But they are late. It will take for them to build a fully operational carrier force anytine before 2018. If they start building one now. I am not counting the Varyag.

India already half way into IAC-1 which scheduled to be launched any time next year and induction into the navy in 2014. Thanks to modular construction procedure it will take much less time than other ships. After launching IAC-1 in 2010/11 they will start building IAC-2.
I am not surprised that China going for four carriers. But they are late. It will take for them to build a fully operational carrier force anytine before 2018. If they start building one now. I am not counting the Varyag.

India already half way into IAC-1 which scheduled to be launched any time next year and induction into the navy in 2014. Thanks to modular construction procedure it will take much less time than other ships. After launching IAC-1 in 2010/11 they will start building IAC-2.

But I think IAC 1 is almost completed and may be launched at the last month of this year ??
But I think IAC 1 is almost completed and may be launched at the last month of this year ??

Only the hull Is Completed, System Integration is a A Longer process.... Hope Its Getting Done by L&T or Bharat Electronics
building the aircraft carrier is not the only answer for china.
she has to intregate and train a full flotilla of ships to work as a group . which may take up to 10 yrs ,
remember IN has been operating them for 50 yrs now and have plenty of experience in carriers groups . so just building 4 carriers will not give them any significant advantage , they need to develop tactics and learn lot of stragety before they can be fully operational.
any body has any pics of ia3?

wake up dude , we dont even have proper pics of IAC1 let alone IAC3 , frankly IAC3 has not yet even been sanctioned by the Indian CCS so it has not even in designing stage .
Indian govt has only sanctioned 3 carriers comprising Vikramaditya , Vikrant and IAC2 as against a request for 5 carriers by Navy . Indian Ministry of defence is more concerned with increasing the number of Destroyers and frigates to 30 from present 21 and number of subs to 20 from 15 at present
IAC3 will be built , no doubt about that , but its construction will start in 2025-27 ,not 2018 as the article suggest . IAC3 will replace Vikramaditya when it retires in 2037-40:partay::D:rofl::bounce:
guys why all u have forgot Brahmos II hypersonic....
which will be mounted on Su-30..
don't worry,let em build 10 of them...:azn::azn:
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