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I will take reserves to $100 Billion - Zardari

He may well be the guy who could do it...$100B in cash reserves and 10% in his own pocket!

Some time unconventional does it....I am not saying he should get the job because someone like Atif Mian would be better at it but compared to that useless Dar, we may have a shot with Zadari....do aap k, aik mera...do aap k, aik mera....;)
If there was some magic in hands of zardari, he already had pulled that off by now. This topi drama is all to just make his son PM, few months back he was saying there is no harm in going bankrupt.
He may well be the guy who could do it...$100B in cash reserves and 10% in his own pocket!

Some time unconventional does it....I am not saying he should get the job because someone like Atif Mian would be better at it but compared to that useless Dar, we may have a shot with Zadari....do aap k, aik mera...do aap k, aik mera....;)
Good luck sir ..

Since Punjab is the backbone of Pakistan's economy, Xerderi must be aiming CMship of the province of Punjab.

After Buzdar gave it a try, another Baloch Sardar should be given the honor.
he can ... if he wants to, would be peanuts if our elites combine and decide to share 1% of their accumulated wealth

would be a great political move on his part and great for common citizen, the whole question is IF he wants to
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Good luck sir ..

ایان علی کو اوپر اٹھا سکتا ہوں تو معشیت کو بھی اوپر اٹھا لوں گا - سابق صدر آصف علی زرداری​

چوبیس کروڑ آبادی میں سے بارہ کروڑ مرد ہیں سب کا ایک ایک ٹٹہ بیچ دوں گا جس سے اربوں ڈالر آئیں گے معشیت ٹھیک ہو جائے گی- سابق صدر آصف علی زرداری​
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Sorry to say but there have been a few of my family friends at the receiving end of his haramkhori.

He would invite business tycoons one by one and straight up ask for commission.

Even today his front men walk into business related associations and collect ransom. His sister is an even bigger crook than he is.
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