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Gandhi was actually very considerate towards the concerns of Muslims. Its irrefutable.

Yet the very weird hatred of Gandhi, often on all kinds of irrelevant counts, that Pakistanis show is proof of the kind of hatred they have been trained to have since childhood irrespective of the hindu's actions.

As to the Chinese, well most of them are just retarded trolls.

Not surprising though. Like everything else in their history, after a generation all they'll know is muslims vs non-muslims. Everything else will be forgotten or changed to suit that narrative.
And didnt Gandhi fast for Pakistan because India wouldn't give some sort of money it owned to Pakistan at one point? I dont get why Pakistanis hate the guy.

And the whole gay thing - I can care less if he's gay, bi, straight whatever. Doubt he's gay though.

He was GAY!!!!Hence, that was a GAY Fast!!!!

And didnt Gandhi fast for Pakistan because India wouldn't give some sort of money it owned to Pakistan at one point? I dont get why Pakistanis hate the guy.

And the whole gay thing - I can care less if he's gay, bi, straight whatever. Doubt he's gay though.

He was GAY!!!!Hence, that was a GAY Fast!!!!:raise::rofl:
Jinnah married a girl almost half his age named Mariam aka Ruti aka Ratan.

So what?What does that prove? It,s no where abnormal to marry a women younger than you and still thousand times better than having an sexual affair with a german bodybuilder :omghaha:

White meat in, brown meat out was how Gandhi, the vegetarian got his protein.

:omghaha: :omghaha:
Oh what a typical loser you are, you made an uncalled for personal attack and you have no integrity or manner to apologize? Yet you go around crying for moderators all the time, reporting people for the slightest of issues. How about you take a long hard look at yourself and cut your "holier-than-thou" crap, will you? You are just a piece of **** yourself.

Oh dude just ignore such people who are product of hate towards other nations
So called opposition leaders of British Empire were notorious for such similar activities. Attaturk is known for being homosexual with jewish background, Ghandi of course we all know by know what he did in his spare time, and Jinnah pretty much lived English men lifestyle so we should not expect anything better from him since he was suppose to represent Muslims.
I dont understand what is wrong with being a gay?? He fought for the freedom and he lead in front.. Some of the Pakistanis are acting like there are no gays in Pakistan...Why bother about his personal life? I mean every one of us having different sexual orientations and fetishes..
I'm glad I could amuse you!
Now deal with the fact he was a 'Fruit Cake'! Not that there is anything wrong with that, after all you from 'The Incredible India'!

Good, he can be a 'fruit cake'. No one gives a F if he was. Why do you guys even care about some guys sexual orientation to begin with?
I am Amazed on Indians for calling '' what if he wz gay'' or ''gay is ok to us'' well being gay is against nature u RETARDS... its disgusting and no honorable person do such thing...
Had Nehru not fallen back on the Cabinet Mission Plan agreement (which was trying to keep everyone happy), partition may not have happened.

It would have happened even we take Nehru's statement out of the consideration.Mr.Jinnah was disturbed and angry about the outcome of the cabinet mission meeting when he was facing harsh criticism from his political adversaries. The devilish statement from Nehru on 10th of July just came to him as an angel with an opportunity to retreat to his own policy again.Even though AICC reaffirmed that they accept the proposals of the Cabinet mission unconditionally repudiating their own president,it was not enough to impress Mr.Jinnah,unfortunately.
So called opposition leaders of British Empire were notorious for such similar activities. Attaturk is known for being homosexual with jewish background, Ghandi of course we all know by know what he did in his spare time, and Jinnah pretty much lived English men lifestyle so we should not expect anything better from him since he was suppose to represent Muslims.

So anybody you like? :lol:
I am Amazed on Indians for calling '' what if he wz gay'' or ''gay is ok to us'' well being gay is against nature u RETARDS... its disgusting and no honorable person do such thing...

Its some one personal choice.. How you define honorable.. Do you admire a straight man who rape girls or a gay person who do lot of charity?? A person's personal choice is fine with me if it is not hurting anyone..
It would have happened even we take Nehru's statement out of the consideration.Mr.Jinnah was disturbed and angry about the outcome of the cabinet mission meeting when he was facing harsh criticism from his political adversaries. The devilish statement from Nehru on 10th of July just came to him as an angel with an opportunity to retreat to his own policy again.Even though AICC reaffirmed that they accept the proposals of the Cabinet mission unconditionally repudiating their own president,it was not enough to impress Mr.Jinnah,unfortunately.

Yeah, but the fact that Jinnah even accepted the Cabinet Mission in the first place should've came as an angel with an opportunity to Nehru and AICC. This happened when Jinnah was fighting for Pakistan, for partition, yet because he still want to keep India united, he decided to go along with it. Nehru on the other hand, continued to play his political games and was absorbed in his own personal motives, and he pulled the last straw, to which Jinnah decided that he had enough.
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