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I want revenge

If anyone from our military or someone connected is reading this, please convey my message.

Seeing those pictures and videos of parents crying broke my heart as everyone else's. No matter how brainwashed someone is, no matter how much of a zalim someone is, HOW DO YOU POINT YOUR GUN AT A CHILD? I can't bring myself to accept it. This is not the first time it has happened in this world, and I am afraid it might not be the last time.

There was this picture someone shared on Facebook. It was a picture of a badly injured kid in school uniform. He was maybe 5~6 years old. The caption on that picture was "I will tell Allah everything". I started crying. I am a 29 year old male who has never cried in his adult life before.

Dear Generals, I know you are already working hard with Zarb-e-Azb. And you don't need anyone to tell you that people of Pakistan have mourned enough.

You have killed hundreds of these pigs. But General sab, this time just killing them is not enough. Putting a bullet in these pigs or blowing them up with Cobra helis or JF-17s is not going to be enough. We want a very public and a very very brutal revenge. I am sure you have very brilliant minds at your disposal; order them to come up with something so painful that everyone of this animals starts respecting humanity, if not law.

I know that you serve in a professional military. But Sir, please give some hope. Make it brutal, make it painful and please make it public.

You ain't alone
I wish our pakistani friends & the pakistani army all the best in combating & exterminating this pest
We all want revenge buddy but some time feel helpless when i see my politicians.
Make it brutal, make it painful and please make it public.

I suggest the "Blood Eagle" be carried out on all convicted terrorists in public, & on the bodies of terrorists that die during combat.


Let their deaths be so brutal & their shrieks so fierce that the Angel of Death gags their worthless souls!

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