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I want revenge

you can call me sister. And yes no country is safe from terrorism and we can't just talk about how to destroy it, every single person can help to improve his/her own security by just being loyal to his/her country.
The peshawer attack can't be completed without internal support.
So there are some idiots in your country who are supporting them, we too have those idiots in india.
We have to eradicate them too to fight against terrorism.
true sister,i had a feeling you were a sister(female).

When it starts then I will believe it.
same here
kill all the terrorists you want that will not help in long run,they will keep comming back.
Kill the factories making these terrorists ,go after the madrassas and people who are propagating hate.
kill all the terrorists you want that will not help in long run,they will keep comming back.
Kill the factories making these terrorists ,go after the madrassas and people who are propagating hate.
its not as easy as it seems in CHOOTA BHEEM

Please watch this clip & I agree with Gen. Musharraf.
to some extent me too but then again he was in power for so long,if only he had gotten rid of corrupt politicians,we would be internally strong,he could have enforced laws and done a lot of things,till now we could be internally strong.to some extent Musharraf is to be blamed too.
to some extent me too but then again he was in power for so long,if only he had gotten rid of corrupt politicians,we would be internally strong,he could have enforced laws and done a lot of things,till now we could be internally strong.to some extent Musharraf is to be blamed too.

There was law & order in his time & rented terrorists were getting beating from head to toe, he showed ZERO mercy to rented terrorists.
There was law & order in his time & rented terrorists were getting beating from head to toe, he showed ZERO mercy to rented terrorists.
what about corrupt politician?
Thankyou TTP ..

Our nation was divided politically b/w PTI and PMLN
No one was giving any time to Operation by our army
All political leadership was fighting each other
People were abusing each other on national TV for being associated with other political parties

You came and did the biggest blunder of your life .. you united the nation by attacking its heart ...
I will use all in my hand to take revenge ... be it in any form ..

Financially i will support anyone in Afghanistan to take these people out .. or identify their location which will take them out ... making my country strong be it in any form, financially or by research..

making our army stronger and have the best of the best weapons any one can get by putting my resources in place or research to develop it inside Pakistan..

You again gave us the reason to unite and take you out .... that was the reason Imran Khan and NS was in the same room today..

We will never forget these children and we will take the revenge .. wait for the time to come and you will desperately wish to take the time back and undo this crime of yours..BUT the your pain will last as long as you live and you will wish the death to come onto you but even the death wont come near you..

We will make the example out of you now, even if the political parties divide again. we will as a nation come for you to take our revenge ... things are already started taking its shape by few young people from lahore and karachi. getting together to go into where needed ..
Whoever these terrorists were, their handlers must enjoy amazing levels of support and die hard loyalty. Goat molesters are excellent social engineers even though they've barely read a book.
If anyone from our military or someone connected is reading this, please convey my message.

Seeing those pictures and videos of parents crying broke my heart as everyone else's. No matter how brainwashed someone is, no matter how much of a zalim someone is, HOW DO YOU POINT YOUR GUN AT A CHILD? I can't bring myself to accept it. This is not the first time it has happened in this world, and I am afraid it might not be the last time.

There was this picture someone shared on Facebook. It was a picture of a badly injured kid in school uniform. He was maybe 5~6 years old. The caption on that picture was "I will tell Allah everything". I started crying. I am a 29 year old male who has never cried in his adult life before.

Dear Generals, I know you are already working hard with Zarb-e-Azb. And you don't need anyone to tell you that people of Pakistan have mourned enough.

You have killed hundreds of these pigs. But General sab, this time just killing them is not enough. Putting a bullet in these pigs or blowing them up with Cobra helis or JF-17s is not going to be enough. We want a very public and a very very brutal revenge. I am sure you have very brilliant minds at your disposal; order them to come up with something so painful that everyone of this animals starts respecting humanity, if not law.

I know that you serve in a professional military. But Sir, please give some hope. Make it brutal, make it painful and please make it public.

punishment should fit the crime, my vote is to skin them publicly while they are alive or even dead ones...sent a message to their bastard colleagues whats waiting for them.
TTP heads Fazlullah and Khurasani lives in Afghanistan, getting active support from external forces....we need to hit the root hard.
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