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I salute Musharraf

Any man who feels he can hire, and create an army inside a country , armed men around him is no pro Pakistan. Mr Bugti or anyone out there who feels they can have mini army inside Pakistan are Terrorist

What Mr Musharaf did was analysed the damage being caused by private military and "Warlords" and corrected what needed to be corrected

If he was in power I am sure there would be no such incident , he should be Honorably released from Prison and Supreme court should focus on real issues and corruption cases

1. After Nawaz derailed Pakistan economy and it was going down , Musharraf stepped up
2. After Nawaz neglected Military needs, it was Musharraf who purchased vital assets for Airforce and Military
3. After the American incident , it was Musharraf who safe guarded Pakistani national interest.
4. He help keep Pakistan out of direct War for 10 years
5. He actively introduced laws to have better identification systems and other measures in place
6. Baloch Terrorist were actively attacking pipelines so he took out the warlord (correctly)
7. Terrorist has taken over a mosque , he cleared it out (correctly) and then cleaned the mosque right after
8. NRO was signed for betterment of country to help heal wounds but the culprits victimized Musharraf
9. Musharaf warned Benazir to please do not come , she did and then poked her head out ill advised
10.0 Judiciary issue was a mess but it was a mess because politicians made it a mess

He did not kill someone for pleasure , a decision was made for security

During Musharraf's time

There was improvement in economy
There was improvement in agricultural sector specially dairy farm
There was new available , and free discussions
There was security 1000 times better then what it is now
There were defense purchases being made
Railways was profitable under his term and he activated the engine making facility

We did not had to take IMF loan during his term in government even when had to deal with earth quake , we saw how people and army mobalized together to work out solution

Accusers , against him say , well you sided with USA so you got this WOT , ok well choose your options

Option 1 You go to war with USA and get civil war
Option 2 You work with USA and then secure your borders against terrorist

Clearly Option 2 was the option that saved Pakistan

musharraf made Pakistan USA touts economy got improved because he was pleasing USA he killed Muslims. he destroyed Baluchistan peace he became puppet off USA and USA is still defeated and running away and Pakistan is in danger because off him

He may not have been the perfect leader for some but you can't deny giving credit to PM for making effort to establish writ of the government, with the likes of Lal Masjid and Buggti, we had people determined to have a state within a state. With some you can negotiate while others you have to grab from their horns else every Nawab, Choudhary, Clerk or Raja will gather a lashkar of few thousand men and start dictating terms. !!
the way he established writ has destroyed Pakistan and put in danger
musharraf made Pakistan USA touts economy got improved because he was pleasing USA he killed Muslims. he destroyed Baluchistan peace he became puppet off USA and USA is still defeated and running away and Pakistan is in danger because off him
Sir, you are very irritating.
I wish all people like Zarvan are rounded up and sent to Afghanistan. Then they'll see how their Islamic brothers treat them.
musharraf made Pakistan USA touts economy got improved because he was pleasing USA he killed Muslims. he destroyed Baluchistan peace he became puppet off USA and USA is still defeated and running away and Pakistan is in danger because off him

the way he established writ has destroyed Pakistan and put in danger

Well , you are saying Honorable Musharaf , was wrong , what about the other Leaders lets examine their character

a) Nawaz sharif - when was faced with ramond davis issue , what did he do he fled to UAE for a urgent heart operation when he came back he had more hair on his head.

b) Zardari , when there were floods he ran of to UK with with his whole family while Army was helping people

c) Altaf bahi, don't get me started the man lives in UK enough said ...

The bottom line is our courage Democratic leaders (ETHNICALLY elected leaders lets say as it is) do not have the capacity to help whole country

Do you think they would have had the BALLS to stand up to USA and say no you cannot misadventure into Pakistan

No it was Honorable Musharraf who set rules of engagement and this was able to make Pakistan a ally on war on terror

Pakistan was going to get steam rolled like what happened to Iraq or Libya. He made a sane decision , and Pakistan's policy has always been to side with "Civilized nations" we have never supported any rouge elements

Musharaf is/was a great leader !!! One of best leaders Pakistan had

If Nawaz Sharif & Zardari had not conspired to start riots in nation to over throw government
due to cheif justice issue I am sure our Economy and Nation would be 10 times better state than what it is now ...

Due to 5 years under Zardari rule and now under Nawaz
the way he established writ has destroyed Pakistan and put in danger

Seeing Lal Masjid Ninja Turtles running the Capital streets is not exactly everyone's cup of tea, after 9/11 when America was behaving like a Bull in a China shop while local Sardars were knocking on the opportunity, I would love to hear the script for plan B .
So tiring is often ignorancy. There was lal masjid commission formed by Judicial wing of PML-N , aka Judiciary of PK,, who said nothing different as of Musharraf's account, i.e. 93 (0r 94, IIRC) Terrorists with no children or girls were killed.

Those who have problems with killing the suicide bombers better move to Somalia's area under control of Al-Shabab or in Africas areas under control of Boko Haram. or if thats too far, then parts of Afghanistan under fully control of Taliban.
Well , you are saying Honorable Musharaf , was wrong , what about the other Leaders lets examine their character

a) Nawaz sharif - when was faced with ramond davis issue , what did he do he fled to UAE for a urgent heart operation when he came back he had more hair on his head.

b) Zardari , when there were floods he ran of to UK with with his whole family while Army was helping people

c) Altaf bahi, don't get me started the man lives in UK enough said ...

The bottom line is our courage Democratic leaders (ETHNICALLY elected leaders lets say as it is) do not have the capacity to help whole country

Do you think they would have had the BALLS to stand up to USA and say no you cannot misadventure into Pakistan

No it was Honorable Musharraf who set rules of engagement and this was able to make Pakistan a ally on war on terror

Pakistan was going to get steam rolled like what happened to Iraq or Libya. He made a sane decision , and Pakistan's policy has always been to side with "Civilized nations" we have never supported any rouge elements

Musharaf is/was a great leader !!! One of best leaders Pakistan had

If Nawaz Sharif & Zardari had not conspired to start riots in nation to over throw government
due to cheif justice issue I am sure our Economy and Nation would be 10 times better state than what it is now ...

Due to 5 years under Zardari rule and now under Nawaz

their were no rules off engagement he simply became slave off USA and in return they gave him few bones to eat and @Windjammer if you can't take stand and are always ready to get bullied than you don't deserve independence and don't cry when your own people kick your *****
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Seeing Lal Masjid Ninja Turtles running the Capital streets is not exactly everyone's cup of tea, after 9/11 when America was behaving like a Bull in a China shop while local Sardars were knocking on the opportunity, I would love to hear the script for plan B .

Are you trying to explain things to an ' idealist ' who also happen to be of extremist ideology ? Good luck with that .

Some people cant understand the ' little or no choice ' in certain things for political and military leaders .
WOT like he had a choice!

Precisely .

As for Red Mosque Operation , everyone was given enough time for surrender before the forces moved in , those who chose to stay behind , got the ' treatment ' they deserved and asked for . You do not fire at the forces and after getting killed , choose to play the victim card as if , it fools anybody and gets you sympathy from the rationals !
Thanks to General Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan has now been bombed at least 370 times by the Americans since Thursday June 17, 2004.

The Bush Years: Pakistan strikes 2004 – 2009: The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

The only nuclear power in the history of mankind to be bombed by another nuclear power! The worst part is, Pakistani military is taking it laying down.

Thanks President Pervez Musharraf. Hope you have a long and happy life.
Ḥashshāshīn;4416467 said:
The Americans would've bombed Pakistan anyway even if Musharraf declined.

Enlighten them a little about the B52's and what does it do and what did we have / have now .
Musharraf could have done pakistan a great favor by completely destroying PPP and PMLN, the cancer of pakistan. this for me is his only failure otherwise he was alright.

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