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I salute Musharraf

Well a state has a Law which in our case is the 1973 constitution and the state has a court which in our case is Supreme Court and State has a representative body which in our case is the National and Provincial Assembly. Where were all these elements of state when all this was happening ??? Did the court trialled Bugti ??? NO Did the NA declare him a rebel ??? NO.

how can mush act like that ??? how can he say he has committed treason and take his life ?? oh well its the same mush who has himself committed treason TWICE telling Nation it was for the Greater Good

such things happen in Jungle mr. not in a STATE !!!!!!!!

Which state? State that cannot protect its founder's residence? State that cannot protect its minorities? State that Cannot protect its female students? Or a piece of paper made by fake degree holder thugs in 1973 that cannot insure anything but can insure that same thugs keep coming in power?
Which state? State that cannot protect its founder's residence? State that cannot protect its minorities? State that Cannot protect its female students? Or a piece of paper made by fake degree holder thugs in 1973 that cannot insure anything but can insure that same thugs keep coming in power?

oh so if its a failed state then why Bugti is a rebel ?? He did the right thing ??
oh so if its a failed state then why Bugti is a rebel ?? He did the right thing ??

No, no, Bugti was not a rebel. He was a hero, he daily showered hundreds of flowers on sui plant, he daily showed his affection to the soldiers of FC, police, Army there and went to the mountains to do the fasting like of Mahatma Budh to pray for wellbeing and welfare of Pakistan.

Indeed Pakistani govt commited henois crime of attempt to arrest Hazarat Bugti sahib who then blew up the cave in protest.

We need pictures of Hazarat Akbar Bugti instead of Jinnah in all Govt buildings and the soldiers who were killed in an attempt to arrest him, be declared as traiters, and Musharraf should be punished for allowing the military action against those peace loving patriot followers of Bugti (a saint who never in his life commited any crime especially killing or illegally imprisoning anyone).

Also, Zardari should send a chartered plane to get his grandson from Switzerland who is leading peaceful campaign in Balochistan to get the basic necessities like Electricity and gas restored to the people of Balochistan and Pakistan,, to give him a red carpet state welcome on his arrival for what so far he has done for Pakistan.

way to go.
Mushraff, though pompous and sort of a lose cannon, is in my opinion the best option for Pakistan. Much better than Imran Khan. But I don't think he has the formula to win elections.
It is gratifying to read that there are many here who support Sir Musharraf in their own ways. I admit I have always been his supporter. I would have preferred him to be the President of Pakistan and Imran Khan as the PM. Only these two individuals can take Pakistan forward. The rest are all looters, whom the fooli.sh public have again voted back to power. And God save us all now until the next election.
Pervez Musharraf's lawyers 'threatened with beheading'
World | Agence France-Presse | Updated: March 05, 2014 13:59 IST


File photo: Former Military ruler Minister Pervez Musharraf

Islamabad: Lawyers representing Pakistan's former military ruler Pervez Musharraf in a landmark treason case said on Wednesday they had been threatened with beheading and urged a new venue for the trial.

They also urged the court to let Musharraf, who last month became the first former army chief to appear in court for treason, to go abroad for medical treatment.

The case relates to his 2007 imposition of emergency rule and is seen as a key test of civilian authority over the country's powerful army.

Lawyer Ahmad Raza Kasuri said the defence team wanted the trial shifted to another location and feared for its safety, after a gun and suicide attack on a lower court complex in Islamabad on Monday left 11 dead.

"We cannot go ahead with this case in these conditions," he said, before reading aloud from a threatening letter he said the team had received.

The handwritten letter, seen by AFP, said: "Dear Sirs, we request that the three of you stop representing Musharraf otherwise we will destroy your children and behead all of you."

It was signed by the "people of South and North Waziristan".

Musharraf, who ruled Pakistan from 1999 to 2008, is reviled by Islamist militants for joining the US-led "war on terror" and survived two assassination attempts by them.

His lawyers also submitted a written application in which Musharraf stated: "It is requested that I may be allowed to travel abroad for my own treatment as also to attend to my seriously ailing mother".

Musharraf was diagnosed with triple-vessel coronary artery disease by military doctors in January. His mother, who resides in Dubai is 94 and is said to be suffering from a number of serious ailments.

Similar requests by Musharraf's lawyers in the past have been denied.

The special court, which has three judges and is presided over by Justice Faisal Arab, did not rule on either matter and will resume hearing the case on Friday.

Musharraf has endured a torrid time since returning to Pakistan in March last year on an ill-fated mission to run in the general election.

Almost as soon as he landed he was barred from contesting the vote and hit with a barrage of legal cases dating back to his rule.

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